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What Do You Trust?


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I was reading the post about body languages someone mentioned about in here.

The fact is what is say it is a reserch some psychologist did long ago and it's proved that it is true. I said so becas i graduated in psychology. Anyway this topic lead me to another thinking about human behaviors in what they do is what they thought or believe.

it's all about "Conscious and Unconscious"

I was learning and do little observation for years and years since i am studying in psychology with social circle around me; people who i know or work with, even my own family not for playing a game with people but for understanding and to figure out the true behind.

When people say something they didn't mean it, they may say am making a joke( a word by mouth) but actually it is their mind thought !!

Actually what they say is their unconscious that been keeping deep inside sometime it might be forgot, it can pop up when such a certain situation happen in the same manners. it shows how the person believe/think. it leads to their behavior or reaction. This way we can understand people's reaction, to know them and know how to interact with them or to calm down the situation or burnt out becas the true is very hurts.

For me i do trust my observation than a word by mouth. People may say i am too pessimistic, but i don't think i am. I am just being realistic and not lost !!

What about your guys? Do you ever do an observation??

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i mean for personal manners.

Let's say, when your life partner say, he/she never trust you. and they say am joking. Do you think it is true? i believe it is true becas i'm doing my observation before they say said so  :o



I was 16 when i started my apprenticeship. There was this guy i woked with. He said to me. TNC big man. I'm like. You what? He said again, TNC. Trust No ######! True to a certain extent.

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