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Salary Dispute, Need Urgent Help!

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There is a long story to all of this but for now here is the outline:

My girlfriend is the manager of a farang owned resort, She gave verbal resignation on the 7th last month which was not taken seriously, She later reaffirmed her resignation in a written statement that referred to the verbal resignation.

The Managing Director grudingly acknowledged her resignation and they agreed verbally that she would be able to leave on the first of September. Today was to be her last day and she expected payment for last months work on this day. The MD told her that he would pay her the 7th, maybe. 

What legal recourse can be taken? Obviously we both feel mighty angry over the turn of events but so far we are ่jai yen. 

Our plan was to leave this place tomorrow and drive 12 hours up to her family to celebrate her birthday; the MD was well aware of it, presumably he felt this was a way to 'get back at her' for quitting. 

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

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She was not paid on date of departure, strongly suggest she gets in touch with Labour Department, they can make life very uncomfortable for defaulting employers/companies.

The employer has 3 working days in which to pay the employee his/her final salary and allowances.

I always in the case of resignation of an employee try and ensure that the employee is paid all that is owed to him/her on their last work day however by Thai Law the employer has 3 working days to do this.

Hope this helps


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