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What Is The System For Monthly Accounts In Thailand?

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Can anyone help with this please? I have been told by the accountants who look after my book-keeping, that after I submit my accounts to them (typically a ledger listing supported by copies of invoices and receipts), that they then prepare the PND and Social fund returns and then submit everything (including receipts and invoices) to the government to check.

This seems unlikely to me, even allowing for the usual level of anal retention and paranoia in LOS, but the person who told me this assures me that all foreign companies must submit returns and supporting copies of invoices and receipts for reviews by a government officer.

In which case, the opportunity for industrial espionage in Thailand would have to be huge would it not? Given the level of corruption and dishonesty in the Thai bureaucracy (not a worry in my own case the business is very small). So I am pretty sure that what my advisor said cannot possibly be true.

Anyone know for sure?


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