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I am trying to find a place to buy/install a carpet runner for my staircase that my vicious dog refuses to climb because it's too slippery (and steep). Does anyone have a recommendation? Even some sort of non-stick strips to place in center of each stair. Is there such a product available in the Pattaya area?

Does anyone have a recommendation?

Carpets are not popular here - not seen (not looked for) stair carpets/runners. But as the dog is fearful of slipping (bad experiance?) as a cheap fix/experiment consider getting a selection of the rag mats * that are used outside shower rooms (28 baht each?), may require cutting in half and then using an aerosol spray glue to tack them down. I would suggest this is not a long term installation as the glue will lift over time - but used as a training aid to get the dog to trust the stairs it might be of some use. * Or a straw beach mat - again cut to size.

Taking that idea a step (pun) futher - would it be possible to make up a water based glue (PVA) with some light sand? Painted on part of the step this would be rough enough when dry to provide some grip to the paws and I would expect not too difficult to remove when the dogs is happy that the nasty stairs aren't going to be a threat.

My dogs would stop half way when they were younger - but me running upstairs with food soon get them over their fear.


Does anyone have a recommendation?

Carpets are not popular here - not seen (not looked for) stair carpets/runners. But as the dog is fearful of slipping (bad experiance?) as a cheap fix/experiment consider getting a selection of the rag mats * that are used outside shower rooms (28 baht each?), may require cutting in half and then using an aerosol spray glue to tack them down. I would suggest this is not a long term installation as the glue will lift over time - but used as a training aid to get the dog to trust the stairs it might be of some use. * Or a straw beach mat - again cut to size.

Taking that idea a step (pun) futher - would it be possible to make up a water based glue (PVA) with some light sand? Painted on part of the step this would be rough enough when dry to provide some grip to the paws and I would expect not too difficult to remove when the dogs is happy that the nasty stairs aren't going to be a threat.

My dogs would stop half way when they were younger - but me running upstairs with food soon get them over their fear.


thank you very much for your insight. yes, bad experience. her younger sister who was afraid of nothing (bullheaded chocolate labrador) came barrelling down the stairs and swept the legs out from under her and she's been fearful of shiny surfaces ever since.

i will look ito some PVA and some sort of grip. i'm leasing and i worked into the contract the ability to put down a runner but i'm unsure what the attitude will be if i start to glue anything to the wood. maybe i could cut down strips of carpeting like you suggested and staple them to the wood. i believe the stairs are teak, they are extremely hard, but might be worth looking into.

thanks again for your response!

....staple them to the wood. i believe the stairs are teak,

OK, re-think mode.

I wood would avoid sticking, stapling or painting onto the wood, I am assuming it is finished/coated in varnish or similar?

Is each step accessible from all sides - if so wrapping each step with a cut up straw mat or thick non-slip material taped back onto itself would work, being careful to ensure you are not creating a more dangerous surface in the process.

If the steps are not accessable all the way round - I might consider (crazy mode) looking at something for the dogs paws - rubber soled half sox sold for kids - rubber band around each paw - but the dog might be so crazed bitting those off he/she forgets to be scared at the staircase?

The other idea that springs to mind is a type of table place setting mat that I have seen years ago - it is designed for use on boats, in particular yachts and is a simple rubber sheet preventing plates from moving. The simplest similar item readly availible here (Pattaya) would be a anti-slip bath/shower mat. I've seen them with small semi-suction cups on one side - ideal for highly polished wood - easy to cut up and install - leave no marks and cheap to experiment with.


....staple them to the wood. i believe the stairs are teak,

The other idea that springs to mind is a type of table place setting mat that I have seen years ago - it is designed for use on boats, in particular yachts and is a simple rubber sheet preventing plates from moving. The simplest similar item readly availible here (Pattaya) would be a anti-slip bath/shower mat. I've seen them with small semi-suction cups on one side - ideal for highly polished wood - easy to cut up and install - leave no marks and cheap to experiment with.


i was thinking the same thing. basically, those rubber mat/sheets that you would put under a throw rug to keep it from moving about while walking on them. could be on to something. i know they sold them everywhere from supermarkets to home improvement stores. same, same here?

....improvement stores. same, same here?
Home Works - next to Big C on the West side of Sukhumvit Road just South of Pattaya Tai traffic lights. Also Home Mart (?) or I think the chain is now called Chang on the East side of Sukhumvit a bit futher South from Pattaya Tai - I think.

Could also look at hardware sections of Tesco etc?

I also considered tape like Duct [Duck] Tape - however that might lift the varnish when removed and it would leave a sticky mess in time due to heat and wear.

  • 2 years later...

The sox are an idea, but most dogs don't much appreciate attachments to their paws. I've known a few who have objected to the ones used to help running on ice and in snow, and to prevent ice balls between their toes.

However, on that same theme, perhaps check the dog's claws? If they've long, they do hold the gripping section of the soft paw a little off the surface, and claws will slip on wood much easier than paw pads.

Maybe see about trimming the claws as short as possible. (If you're inexperienced in clipping, either get a vet to do it or someone who really knows what they're doing It can cause a great deal of distress and even medical problems if it's done incorrectly.)

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