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O-a Ret Ext Follow Up Report...and Success

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This is a follow up report on a previous post I submitted a few months ago. I got some good advice and good answers to draw from. There were several circumstances surrounding my decision at the time but basically I had a couple of choices of whether to renew now or later. Most were of the opinion to select option 2, which was to renew before leaving.

I did take the time to "ask" Immigration at the Korat Office what they considered the best path to take was. It was their opinion and the one that I followed, never let your "Extensions" lapse, if at all possible. Consistency in your Visa extensions are always preferred. So I followed their advice and "renewed" my extension today without a hitch.

In fact, after having had several "interesting" experiences with both the Phuket and Hua Hin Offices in the past, dealing with the people at the Korat Office was an absolute pleasure. Even the "Head Officer" was happy and smiling! (Wanted my phone number...maybe see was hot for my bod! LOL...no way) At the Korat Office they are more into helping people than trying to complicate things or make you feel like you are at their beckon whim. I think "Kudos" should go out to them. :o

In a nut shell: I had all the paperwork filled out and signed and arranged in order. TM-7, photo, copies of passport, "Embassy Income Letter", copies of bank book, proof of residence, TM-8 and of course "baht fees"! In and out in about 20 minutes. SUCCESS! :D

Also, if you leave the country for an extended period of time, they really don't care! Don't sweat it! Just make sure you put it in the reason for exiting on your TM-8. I put "extended family visits". He noticed RETURN DATE and asked. I said, "4 months maybe longer, didn't know for sure." He just said, "OK, come back soon."

I hope this post is of help to some.

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