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There are 3 city states in the developed world:

Washington DC which has a large Egyptian obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, called the Washington memorial at its centre - Military

City of London which has a large Egyptian obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, called Cleopatra's Needle near its centre - Finance

The Papal State St Peter's Square Rome which has a large obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, at its centre - People Control

The US Federal Reserve is privately owned by the Warburg and Rothschild's families

Evelyn Rothschilds is an unofficial personal secretary of QEII

Please research to confirm

- the above post and the thread it was posted in on the Chiang Mai Forum was deleted within seconds of being posted. Hopefully, it may stay a little longer here.

What do you think?

If anyone wants to delete this, could they tell me why

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There are 3 city states in the developed world:

Washington DC which has a large Egyptian obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, called the Washington memorial at its centre - Military

City of London which has a large Egyptian obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, called Cleopatra's Needle near its centre - Finance

The Papal State St Peter's Square Rome which has a large obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, at its centre - People Control

The US Federal Reserve is privately owned by the Warburg and Rothschild's families

Evelyn Rothschilds is an unofficial personal secretary of QEII

Please research to confirm

- the above post and the thread it was posted in on the Chiang Mai Forum was deleted within seconds of being posted. Hopefully, it may stay a little longer here.

What do you think?

If anyone wants to delete this, could they tell me why


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Rather than wonder why it was deleted I would be more interested in why you posted it since it bears no relationship to the point of this forum. Try Conspiraciesareus.com

B**ger!! What a waste of my 1000th post! Perhaps the state security pixies who watch me from my computer have sublimally mind melded me! Oh well roll on post number 10,000!

Edited by sgunn65
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If anyone wants to delete this, could they tell me why

This is a "Thailand" related forum.

I'm not sure the freemasons are linked with Thailand....

BTW - If a topic of yours has been deleted, why bother posting it again? If you want to know why it was deleted - contact an on-line moderator.

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If anyone wants to delete this, could they tell me why

This is a "Thailand" related forum.

I'm not sure the freemasons are linked with Thailand....

BTW - If a topic of yours has been deleted, why bother posting it again? If you want to know why it was deleted - contact an on-line moderator.

From Forum Home:

"General topics

Topics regarding everything else not related to other forums. Post your thoughts here if you are not sure where to post it!"

You've spent time adding to your post count. Would you like to address the OP if you post again?

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Let me humour you, Loaded. My answer is more Thai than your question: mai kojai. I recall that after Cleopatra's needle was stolen, it was put in a park in London, right? What does the last descendant of one of Alexander's generals have to do with freemasonry?

If a Rothschild descendant works for Queen Elizabeth, does that imply she - not the queen - is the power behind the throne?

I could make up a conspiracy theory relating to Hoyt Axton and Mars Bonfire, but will not bother. Which one wrote the anti-drug songs, and which one coined the term "heavy metal"?

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Let me humour you, Loaded. My answer is more Thai than your question: mai kojai. I recall that after Cleopatra's needle was stolen, it was put in a park in London, right?

Not quite

"Amid accusations of bizarre 'Zionist' plots and strange 'Masonic' machinations, the Egyptian government cancelled the placing of a golden capstone on top of the Great Pyramid which was scheduled to take place at midnight on on the eve of the new millennium. Curiously, the story has its origins in France when, in May 1998, a golden capstone was ceremoniously placed on top of the Egyptian obelisk which stands at the Place de la Concorde in the heart of Paris with guests of honour Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni and the Antiquities' chairman Dr. Ali Gaballah. This Paris obelisk, which was taken from the temple of Luxor in Upper Egypt in 1831, had been commissioned by Charles X and was raised in the Place de la Concorde in 1836 amid massive celebrations attended by a crowd of 200,000 people. Charles X was a Freemason and historians have suspected that the secret Brotherhood was behind the idea of bringing the Egyptian obelisk to France. Other obelisks which were also taken out of Egypt by the Freemasons in the late 19th century included the two famous "Cleopatra's Needles", which today can be seen at the Victoria Embankment in London and in New York's Central Park. The London obelisk was commissioned and paid for by a prominent Freemason, Sir Erasmus Wilson, and the raising ceremony in London was attend by hundreds of British Freemasons in September 1878 under the auspices of the Prince of Wales who also was Grand Master of United Grand Lodge, Freemasonry's regulating body in Britain. That same year the 'New York' obelisk was noticed by US President Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman during a visit to Egypt, who felt that America should also have an ancient Egyptian obelisk of its own. Henry W. Gorringe, a prominent Freemason, was selected for the task of bringing the obelisk to New York. The obelisk was raised in October 1880 outside the newly built Metropolitan Museum, with over ten thousand Freemasons attending the ceremony in Masonic regalia. The important symbolic aspect of an obelisk is not its tall stem but mainly its top which is shaped like a small pyramid. Pyramids, especially with the 'eye of providence' in them, feature very prominently in Masonic rituals. The symbol can be seen on the face of the US one-dollar bill and also on the Great Seal of the United States. In Freemasonry the glowing pyramid and eye represents the so-called Great Architect of the Universe or the Supreme Being, both epithets for God. This Masonic symbolism was used prominently in France during the 1789 Revolution and was embossed on the front of The Declaration of Human Rights. The first celebrations of the French Revolution that took place in 1793 saw many makeshift 'pyramids' raised in the heart of Paris and in the courtyard of the Louvre Museum, causing many historians to suspect a Masonic involvement. Today a glass pyramid with the same geometrical proportions as the Great Pyramid of Giza adorns the courtyard of the Louvre."

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Why are some people so obsessed with Freemasons.

Tried to get in but refused :D

"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. " Groucho Marx

And, yes I'm a Freemason and proud of telling it.

"I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it. " Grouch again.

Go on then, give us the low down.... You can't just leave it at that.

And no i have not been abducted by aliens. :o

Must have gone willingly then :D :D :D

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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The world accepted that Iraq was invaded to hunt for WMD and the 9/11 hijackers. It wasn't.

The world accepted that the Iranian President's speech, translated by western media, announces a threat to destroy Israel. It didn't.

The world accepted that America should retaliate against the Vietnamese when they attacked US shipping in the Bay of Tonkin. It was a lie.

The world accepts organised religions that tell 'believers' to kill opponents, contribute money and don't question but accept. Apparently blind faith is positive if you're talking about the bible, but ignorance if you reference the Koran.

We accept. Our lives are filled with brainless electronic entertainment: soaps, reality TV, afternoon talk shows, computer games and Internet forums. We don't want to question.

I know most people reading this will dismiss any thought that the Chenneys and Bushes of this world are self-serving liars. Some will pause a few seconds and maybe start questioning.

Who knows the truth? I don't. Certainly many things stink and it's time to start questioning.

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There are 3 city states in the developed world:

Washington DC which has a large Egyptian obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, called the Washington memorial at its centre - Military

City of London which has a large Egyptian obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, called Cleopatra's Needle near its centre - Finance

The Papal State St Peter's Square Rome which has a large obelisk freemasonary symbol, honouring the egyptian Sun god Oris, at its centre - People Control

The US Federal Reserve is privately owned by the Warburg and Rothschild's families

Evelyn Rothschilds is an unofficial personal secretary of QEII

Please research to confirm

- the above post and the thread it was posted in on the Chiang Mai Forum was deleted within seconds of being posted. Hopefully, it may stay a little longer here.

What do you think?

You post above about the obelisk and the private areas in many powerful cities reminds of a youtube series (and TV series) about this.

Have you seen it?

I don't have an opinion on the matter. Seems to complicated for me to speculate.

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Let me humour you, Loaded. My answer is more Thai than your question: mai kojai. I recall that after Cleopatra's needle was stolen, it was put in a park in London, right? What does the last descendant of one of Alexander's generals have to do with freemasonry?

If a Rothschild descendant works for Queen Elizabeth, does that imply she - not the queen - is the power behind the throne?

I could make up a conspiracy theory relating to Hoyt Axton and Mars Bonfire, but will not bother. Which one wrote the anti-drug songs, and which one coined the term "heavy metal"?

The next King of England shall be Rothschild he is the one that is married today to Kaska beautiful princess from Dubai. At the present time he is buying all the land secretly in Issan so he can produce the great wine in the world.

Edited by philstone
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Can someone who knows about buildings, perhaps an engineer, explain why building 7 at the WTC collapsed?

It wasn't touched by either plane but it imploded. Why? I don't know why but we should know why.

On Youtube you can find the BBC announcing its collapse 20 minutes before it happened? Incredible.

All governments need control and authority of their populace and with the Homeland Security and Patriot Acts in the USA, the checks on government control and authority have been surrendered.

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This is something I have always written off as the rantings of wild-eyed crazies.

Lately though I have seen quite a lot of arguments that has made me pause. Personally I think that it is worth investigating. Certainly the implications of the allegations made are serious enough to warrant attention, especially if you have kids. History has shown that the power-hungry are *really* hungry.

Dunno how much is true at this stage, and I care little enough about the world not to go on a crusade and educate myself on this intensely. But I will gather more info as I go along. It certainly is starting to sound plausible to me.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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Why are some people so obsessed with Freemasons.

Tried to get in but refused :D

And, yes I'm a Freemason and proud of telling it.

And no i have not been abducted by aliens. :o

Who needs to get abducted when you can get the anal-probes closer to home? :D

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Can someone who knows about buildings, perhaps an engineer, explain why building 7 at the WTC collapsed?

It wasn't touched by either plane but it imploded. Why? I don't know why but we should know why.

On Youtube you can find the BBC announcing its collapse 20 minutes before it happened? Incredible.

All governments need control and authority of their populace and with the Homeland Security and Patriot Acts in the USA, the checks on government control and authority have been surrendered.

There are clips readily available all over the internet where Silverstein (the man who took a long-term lease on the entire World Trade complex and insured it for very hefty amount of money only months before 9/11) admits that the building was intentionally demolished.

So, it came down the same way the the two main towers came down -- intentionally demolished.

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Can someone who knows about buildings, perhaps an engineer, explain why building 7 at the WTC collapsed?

It wasn't touched by either plane but it imploded. Why? I don't know why but we should know why.

On Youtube you can find the BBC announcing its collapse 20 minutes before it happened? Incredible.

All governments need control and authority of their populace and with the Homeland Security and Patriot Acts in the USA, the checks on government control and authority have been surrendered.

There are clips readily available all over the internet where Silverstein (the man who took a long-term lease on the entire World Trade complex and insured it for very hefty amount of money only months before 9/11) admits that the building was intentionally demolished.

So, it came down the same way the the two main towers came down -- intentionally demolished.

I'm not sure if this board goes into the non-Thailand issues, but as for Silverstein, yes, he changed the insurance policy on the WTC towers shortly before the attacks.

Were the intentionally demolished. No, in my opinion.

Did some people have intelligence about the attack before hand, YES, in my opinion.

The Jerusalem Ha'aretz newspaper even reported this. Mossad likely knew before hand.

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The US Federal Reserve is a privately owned (often described as quasi-governmental - what does that mean?) company that has the exclusive authority to print dollars and then loan them to the US Government. As I understand it, American citizens pay federal taxes but there is no government statute that authorises this IE it's illegal. PB as an ex-IRS tax auditor can maybe confirm or deny this.

The Federal reserve was founded in 1913 after decades of financial insecurity (some say carefully engineered). From wiki:

"The chief of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich set up two commissions — one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich himself, to study the European central-banking systems and report on them.[4] Aldrich went to Europe opposed to centralized banking, but after viewing Germany's banking system came away believing that a centralized bank was better than the government-issued bond system that he had previously supported. Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter's marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr."

Now the US government guy - Aldrich - who gave away control of the money supply system to American bankers was married to the Rockefeller family who became one of the major shareholders of the FR. We talk about corruption and conflicts of interest in Thailand but this smash and grab was astonishing.

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As everyone who is reading this topic has over 500 Posts, can we not just move the topic to Bedlam, or Outside the Box forum, where this Topic is allowed ????

As it does seem an interesting Topic

Mods, can you action


and before discussion start, everybody should watch first die movie (release Oct. 08) ZEITGEIST

here: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

available on the web, incl. subtitel in 18 languages. There is nothing wrong with your video (black) , just keep watching.....

very interesting and it's effect will be felt in peopels discussions! Quiet long movie, can be found also on YouTube.

btw. there is since a few years a house built in Thongala (Ko Phangan) "The Masons Arms" (not to mean anything, picture later..

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