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Make Like Vip Room?


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To stop us hetros getting banned for getting inflamed when we occasionally get sucked into a gay debate COULD we not have this section passworded like the VIP section????

People could be advised to PM one of the admin to get the password.

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I don't agree that's necessary. Just a little restraint, that's all.

The Gay members here don't "get sucked into" a straight debate on the rest of ThaiVisa and use bigoted language...

Shall I tell you what Boom Boom posted..? Happy to PM it to anyone who asks. :o


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I think it should be possible for straight people to comment in the gay section without abusing, flaming or using derogatory names. If your one of those people who are really offended by homosexuality then why bother to look in this section anyway. Just stay away & keep your views to yourself, I don't suppose anyone outside your own mind cares if you like gays or not anyway:) But if I were moderating this section I would ban anyone who made a nasty comment or started name calling cause ThaiVisa doesn't need that kind of poster anyway.

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To stop us hetros getting banned for getting inflamed when we occasionally get sucked into a gay debate COULD we not have this section passworded like the VIP section????

People could be advised to PM one of the admin to get the password.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

This is only the second post I've made in the Gay section in the eleven months I've been with this forum - got flamed real bad after a very innocuous first post. :o

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To stop us hetros getting banned for getting inflamed when we occasionally get sucked into a gay debate COULD we not have this section passworded like the VIP section????

People could be advised to PM one of the admin to get the password.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

This is only the second post I've made in the Gay section in the eleven months I've been with this forum - got flamed real bad after a very innocuous first post. :o

What was the (general) nature of your first post and why did you get flamed - genuine question.

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I think anyone that who makes bigoted posts should immediately be banned.  Who needs people like this here?

The bigots can express their opinions like anyone else, if stopped/banned then it's restriction of free speech.

Of course it isn't. They have the whole of the internet to broadcast their bigotry. They're just not welcome here.

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The bigots can express their opinions like anyone else, if stopped/banned then it's restriction of free speech.

ThaiVisa is a privately owned Board, and we can - and do - set our own standards. Hatred - in ANY form - is not welcome here....

We are really pretty easy-going on what can be posted on the Gay Section. I'm surprised it's got such a reputation for being "tough". I don't even remove flaming, and I think I've warned/banned 2 members in 10 months. And, believe me - the posts were REALLY offensive.

BUT - taken from my Pinned Post at the top of the board: "Please take note everyone, offensive words, name-calling and bigoted posts will not be tolerated here. It's VERY possible to have a in-depth and heated discussion without becoming intolerant or extremely personal. It happens all the time in the civilized world, and there are MANY examples of great discussions on here, with our fabulous and intelligent members."

Boon Mee - I can't find your "flamed" comment... please tell me.. even PM if you like.


Edited by ChrisP
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Yup... it's the usual conservative, prejudiced urge to control and hide the "other." It's just too awful that there's a gay section here that some awful hidden force may compel them to look at by moving their mouse finger over and clicking that link... oh no! hey, wait... that thread on feather boas and drama queens looks interesting... :D:o

Another reason NOT to do this is so that prospective gay posters who want to check the place out can do so without going through yet another hoop.

Chris, you're doing fine. All the REGULAR posters in this section seem quite happy, too.

I'd also like the location of the Boon Mee flame.


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Another reason NOT to do this is so that prospective gay posters who want to check the place out can do so without going through yet another hoop.

I agree, keep it open, and I, for one, will help you deal with the bigots.

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Theres nothing VIP about being gay, theres nothin VIP about the people allowed access 2 the other VIP room either tho... :D

Perhaps someone should pull there head out of the sand and name them protected forums, as anyone would who hadnt spent more than 5 minutes in thailand would have done in the first place :D


Anyone know what time the VIP national express bus leaves manchester to london @ tommorow :o Dream on....

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Theres nothing VIP about being gay
Ohh, I dunno. You should see SlapDash K... :o:D

Seriously, that's exactly why we're not asking for a password protected Gay forum here.

Anyone know what time the VIP national express bus leaves manchester to london @ tommorow

Why.. are you going to be on it..??

(I hope.)


Edited by ChrisP
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I think it's an absurd idea. Why should we re-ghettoize ourselves just because a few breeders can't control themselves?  :o

Personally dont come into this forum often (straight) unless i see a topic of interest.......i think the above quote would reflect my thinking, i would leave it to Admin/Mods to sort out the bigots. :D

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The problem for me is if you look at the whole forum (which probably most people do) then you just wade through most of the posts, not really caring what forum it is in.

Now If I had no interest in a certain forum, I still see it and am not really looking closly at what forum it is in. So If I am looking at one thing and say have a great interest in some threads posted similarly and see something that has a different lifestyle emphasis, it can be a little confronting.

I suggested a while ago for people to be able to turn off some views of fora, so if I have no interest in a particular forum then I won't see it, sort of like an ignore list, but for forums.

Good luck, getting the problem fixed.

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The problem for me is if you look at the whole forum (which probably most people do) then you just wade through most of the posts, not really caring what forum it is in.


Good luck, getting the problem fixed.

Oooh, and such a big, bad problem it is. I don't know how you can *stand* it... You must be a bwave, bwave, man. :D:D:o

Gosh--- if you tuwn on your thinking cap, maybe you'll even discover how it must feel for *us gays* constantly confwonted with all that cwap about wives and kathoeys and other straight nonsense.


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I think anyone that who makes bigoted posts should immediately be banned.  Who needs people like this here?

Interesting how the least tolerant are the ones who demand tolerance! :o

There are 32 fora on Thaivisa. You can be as intolerant as you like on the other 31 but this is our territory and if you don't like it take your bigotry elsewhere.

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Dont really care, VIP , "protected" whatever, Nobody has to read posts here, or reply. I usually use the "view last posts " button but can chose for my self which ones I like to read and reply to.

I've made a few posts here, dont know how they have gone down really, then again dont care really, and I read some of the posts, to me I really dont care what someones sexuality is it like some people like lamb and some like chicken, who cares.

oh I'll do the straight disclaimer, I'm not gay by the way, ......really...... no honest never even looked at a bloke :o

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The same could be said about grasses 
What does that have to do with the price of eggs..?? :D

Random Chances:

I really dont care what someones sexuality is.  its like some people like lamb and some like chicken, who cares.

Oh thank GOD.. Finally a straight guy with no agenda...! They DO exist.!!

Thanks for a voice in the wilderness, Random. :o Maybe others will begin to understand....


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Well ChrisP

I was one of the people that you banned a few months ago. It was a post that was raised in the General Topics that eventually got moved to the Gay Section. If the subject then had been raised in this section originally then I would not have been drawn into the argument! I followed it up and got banned.

So maybe I was a sucker!

But no right of reply ... no arguments ... you are banned!!


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BodyPaul:  I was one of the people that you banned a few months ago. It was a post that was raised in the General Topics that eventually got moved to the Gay Section. If the subject then had been raised in this section originally then I would not have been drawn into the argument! I followed it up and got banned.

So maybe I was a sucker!

But no right of reply ... no arguments ... you are banned!!

BodyPaul - There were 2 post you made on Gay marriages.
1. Offensive reply removed by Moderator.

Use of slanderous, bigoted terms for homosexuals


2. Hey Wolf ...... I love faggots, peas, mash and gravy!! BUT Faggots were given the name Faggots 'cause it has a nasty ring to it! (excuse the pun!)

Gay was a lovely happy word until..... Offensive section edited out by Moderator.


If you use terms like you used anywhere on Thai Visa - not just here - then you will be banned. No arguments. (Always assuming that the Moderator catches it.)


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The problem for me is if you look at the whole forum (which probably most people do) then you just wade through most of the posts, not really caring what forum it is in.


Good luck, getting the problem fixed.

Oooh, and such a big, bad problem it is. I don't know how you can *stand* it... You must be a bwave, bwave, man. :D:D:o

Gosh--- if you tuwn on your thinking cap, maybe you'll even discover how it must feel for *us gays* constantly confwonted with all that cwap about wives and kathoeys and other straight nonsense.


Well "Steven"; I *stand* it in this case by trying to be constructive and tying to be balanced,

I am also not trying to parody myself or lifestyle to give myself lisence to vilify someone else for trying to highlight a problem and add constructive support.

Do you think it is reasonable to vilify someone in this circumstance? You are chosing to behave towards me in a manner that maybe you would not like yourself.

Frankly, your choice of lifestyle is your choice, and that is your right. Just don't cheapen yourself by doing the "On Scene Camp" thing to validate your point.

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Ok, since my point wasn't clear... what do YOU think the reaction would be if I posted in General Topics something like the following:

"You know, I wish you guys would make this forum password protected or something, because I'm always surfing around the topics on this board and I never know when I'm going to land in some kind of straight discussion of wives, girlfriends, kathoeys, and so forth- it can be a bit strong if you're not expecting it."


I think you'll find that my reaction to your post was kind by comparison. One reason that we have the gay forum is so we don't have to pat your hands and soothe your ruffled feathers in your reaction to our reaction to your homophobia and presumption of straight privilege (if I may be so technical). There are plenty enough places where we gays are expected to "behave" ourselves around offensive straights. This is not one of them.

On the other hand, if you **really** want to learn something and broaden your perspective, why don't you take a read around the place and attempt to contribute productively to discussion rather than suggesting that we all get back in the closet for the convenience of your delicate constitution. I'd be happy to hear some (useful) outside opinions on the situations here. Plenty of straight guys have provided input here before.


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To quote myself:

I suggested a while ago for people to be able to turn off some views of fora, so if I have no interest in a particular forum then I won't see it, sort of like an ignore list, but for forums.

Good luck, getting the problem fixed.

Umm please tell me where have paraphrased:
You know, I wish you guys would make this forum password protected or something, because...

I am just trying to say that there are some forums that people aren't interested in.

As an example, how many people who live around Pattaya have a great interest in the Issan forum. Of course you can provide anecdotal evidence to support any number of people wanting to look at everything.

All I was trying to say to quote you :

attempt to contribute productively to discussion rather than suggesting that we all get back in the closet for the convenience of your delicate constitution

was to add a feature to the overall forum to be able to change the view of the general forum. What I was posing was a cut and dry technical solution to cut down the flaming and anger that some people have.

Now making the insinuation that I am a homophobe is an insult in many ways and from your position an interesting one, as I have never had my opinion canvassed, nor have I offered a candid opinion, I don't actually see where your justification comes from. I don't remember ever vilifying anyone, nor have I ever identified pubicly that someone has a particular lifestyle preference.

So I suppose, up to you, you can come to any opinion you like about my post that really is up to you. but please show me where I have vilified or denegrated a gay person, then I will offer my unconditional appology, otherwise you can recipricate.

Edited by mattnich
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