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Buddhists "treated Like 3rd Class" In Thai South


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Buddhists "treated like 3rd class" in Thai south

YALA: -- Thailand, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Buddhists in Thailand's Muslim-majority south say they are being treated like "third class citizens" as the government struggles to end ten months of ethnic and religious unrest which has claimed nearly 500 lives.

Fear has descended on the three southernmost provinces near the Malaysian border, and Thai Buddhists, who make up just 20 percent of the mainly Malay-speaking region's 1.8 million population, believe their plight is being ignored.

Many of them are second or third generation Chinese Thais who form the backbone of the local economy -- entrepreneurs running everything from grocery shops to construction firms, furniture factories and hotels.

But the almost daily bombs and shootings, which are being blamed on a resurgent Muslim separatist movement, are taking their toll on business, and support from the government in Bangkok, 1,100 km (700 miles) away, is not forthcoming, they say.

"Muslim spiritual leaders say Muslims in the south have been treated like second class citizens, but I think Buddhists here have been treated like third class citizens," one furniture factory owner told Reuters.

He did not want to give his name for fear of reprisals.

"The government sponsors 80 Muslims from the south to go to Mecca, but it doesn't give similar sponsorships to monks to study Buddhism in India," said the 60-year-old, who grew up in the southern province of Yala.

The region has a history of armed opposition to the mainly Buddhist administration in Bangkok, but never has he seen violence like the last ten months, the man added.


Sawas Sumalyasak, the spiritual leader of Thailand's six million Muslims, said last week that most Thais look on Muslims as second-class citizens, an attitude which stirs resentment in the deep south, where many see themselves as Malay, not Thai.

But Buddhists say they too get a raw deal from corrupt and arrogant local officials, and have suffered violence and crime at the hands of bandits and gangs for decades.

"Twenty years ago people were afraid of being kidnapped or threatened for protection money if bandits thought they were rich," said another businessman whose family is in the road-building business in Yala.

"Once you paid the ransom, you were safe for a while. But now you don't know who these people are and everyone from the poor to the rich have been living in fear."

Shops in Yala, which this year won a United Nations award as a "city of peace", now pull down their shutters as early as 6 p.m., and schools finish an hour early to allow students to get home before sunset.

"Other cities are joining the government's energy saving campaign, but in Yala and two other southern provinces we have to use extra street lights to help the public feel more secure," said Yala Mayor Pongsak Yingchoncharoen.

"My cell phone always rings when street lights go off due to power problems. People just feel insecure now," said Pongsak, whose staff revealed he usually wore a bullet-proof vest under his shirt to public functions.

Believing that the police and army cannot protect them, many Buddhists are arming themselves, or selling up and heading elsewhere.

The tourist industry, which is heavily reliant on Muslim Malaysians in search of alcohol, sand and sex, has been particularly hard hit, leaving the region's pristine beaches and unspoilt mountain parks virtually empty.

Repeated requests from businessmen for state help from have gone unanswered, as Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra concentrates his efforts on a nationwide peace initiative involving the folding of millions of paper birds.

Thousnads of people are folding paper birds and the air force plans to "bomb" the south with a hoped for 63 million symbols of goodwill on Dec. 5 to mark the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

"Sending paper birds is a good abstract gesture, but please also give us some concrete help," said one construction contractor.

--Reuters 2004-11-23

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Buddhists "treated like 3rd class" in Thai south

YALA: --  Thailand, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Buddhists in Thailand's Muslim-majority south say they are being treated like "third class citizens" .........

Now they know what we farangs feel like :D

Thats true. :o One advantage we have is the ability to change where we live quite easily. :D Most Thais', muslim or buddhists are not as lucky.

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The tourist industry, which is heavily reliant on Muslim Malaysians in search of alcohol, sand and sex, has been particularly hard hit, leaving the region's pristine beaches and unspoilt mountain parks virtually empty.

Muslims coming to Thailand for alcohol and sex eh, - says it all really

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Sad to say... but this is a problem that is not going away... a problem that there is really no answer for. There are too many radical Moslems and extremists and unfortunately they are growing in number around the globe... I am sure there a people right now working on a genetic virus to solve the problems. :o:D

Lets hope they finish the one for biggotry first eh!!

Stop being led by the nose

be part of the solution not the problem

sheep boy

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Sad to say... but this is a problem that is not going away... a problem that there is really no answer for. There are too many radical Moslems and extremists and unfortunately they are growing in number around the globe... I am sure there a people right now working on a genetic virus to solve the problems. :o:D

Lets hope they finish the one for biggotry first eh!!

Stop being led by the nose

be part of the solution not the problem

sheep boy

I would love to hear a solution to the rise of radical Islam. From what I have read, the radical muslims simply do not want to live in peace with the other religions. The Saudi financied madrassas are teaching the Wahhabi sect of Islam to a trememdous number of young muslims. They memorize the Koran, particularly the part that divides the world into two parts believers and non-believers. Not condusive to living in peace when the non-believers deserve death.

If you have a solution on how to neutralize the radical wing of Islam without creating more martyrs, please let us know.

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What is the answer? There will be no answer until we all know the Truth and all share the same belief system. I think such creatures will only exist once the human race is extinct. :D

I do not think there is 'one answer' either. Humans are fallible; seriously flawed creatures. We know we are going to die, that fact alone may explain religion. As one wise man said, "If God did not create man, man surely would create God." The thought of being here on this planet for a few years, then nothing, forever, is very hard to stomach for most of us. We need to believe there is something after our time on Earth for mental stabilty.

The 'solution' to the rise of radical Islam is not to be found in the West. The battle will be between mainstream Islam and the fanatics that use Islam to divide the world into two groups. The believers of Islam that will receive all of God's blessings and the rest of humanity. Non believers deserve nothing but death and the radical Islamist are happy to take you there sooner rather than later.

I see no realistic solution to this problem in my lifetime. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. :o

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Well, in my honest opinion, man did create God/s and not the other way around. And having a God and a Faith is fine by me. And if that is what a person or people need for mental stability it is a sad state of affairs.

And don't hold your breath for the solution to be solved by the Mainstream Isam and Radical Islam. Even if it turns to hatred between the two... as has been with the Catholics and Protestants in the Christian world. The two still exist.

Perhaps the answer is for all the world to become Radical Moslems... then who the <deleted> we'd fight with??? Hmmm.... perhaps I should put that to the Pope and George W. Bush? :D:D:D

I learned many years ago not to kick the crutches out from another. The vast majority of the people on Earth follow one relgion or another. They simply cannot face the fact that one day they will die and return to dust. That thought is too horrible to deal with on a daily basis, so an afterlife is needed to reassure the followers of that religion. I choose to believe that reincarnation is the way the world works. I like the idea of coming back for another round on planet Earth.

We won't live to see everyone live in harmony here on Earth. Rodney King once asked, "Cant' we all get along? The answer is, "no, we can't". :o We will all have to live with sad fact. :D

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Hmmmm.... Paper birds... that should appease everybody. NOT.

And what was the construction contractor thinking of when he said "give us some concrete help." Concrete birds maybe and BIG ones... about the size of the average Moslem house :D

Sad to say... but this is a problem that is not going away... a problem that there is really no answer for. There are too many radical Moslems and extremists and unfortunately they are growing in number around the globe... I am sure there a people right now working on a genetic virus to solve the problems. :o:D

I may not have the whole solution, but I do know that one sided views like your own do nothing to help. I fear the growing number of Christian Fundamentalists..they seem to be causing more damage around the globe and people like yourself exacerpate the problem by believing and repeating their rhetoric. Pehaps we should all look at this problem another way, lets treat the cause not the symptoms and oppose with any means at our disposal, the Neo Imperialist governments that seem to be bent on bringing the whole world to heel with economic and military force. And don't correct my spelling, it doesn't make you look intelligent, my intellect is vastly superior, "for my ally is the force and a powerfull ally that is". Yoda.

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So by animal instincs you mean...

"Hey Chuck, what does G13 do?"

"It says here it destroys everything except the fillings in their teeth"

"Cool" click

Whoooosh ...................... BOOOOM

"Hey Chuck what does H45 do?"



So if you were designed to kill and maim and slaughter everyone who is weaker, poorer or less advantaged than yourself, why are you sitting in front of your PC? Why are you not out in the street with an axe?

I am rather well built and I have plenty of cash, but it doen't make me homicidal.

What utter rubish you speak! t is just that attitude that make terrorism proliferate. you push people hard enough, for long enough and they will fight back with whatever means they can.

I will oppose the American "way" with every ounce of my being, because they are morally repugnant, I don't care if I don't "win" as long as I have tried and if I can make ten people see the truth, and they in turn open ten more peoples eyes and so on perhaps we can reach a critical mass and force a change. Your comments on "survival and procreating with your own kind" sound a Little like nazism to me.

Your logic is so flawed. America can be allowed to kill and ruin the lives of millions because it is "natures way" Please please read more, it is a cure for idiocy

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So by animal instincs you mean...

"Hey Chuck, what does G13 do?"

"It says here it destroys everything except the fillings in their teeth"

"Cool" click

    Whoooosh ...................... BOOOOM

"Hey Chuck what does H45 do?"



So if you were designed to kill and maim and slaughter everyone who is weaker, poorer or less advantaged than yourself, why are you sitting in front of your PC? Why are you not out in the street with an axe?

I am rather well built and I have plenty of cash, but it doen't make me homicidal.

What utter rubish you speak! t is just that attitude that make terrorism proliferate. you push people hard enough, for long enough and they will fight back with whatever means they can.

I will oppose the American "way" with every ounce of my being, because they are morally repugnant, I don't care if I don't "win" as long as I have tried and if I can make ten people see the truth, and they in turn open ten more peoples eyes and so on perhaps we can reach a critical mass and force a change. Your comments on "survival and procreating with your own kind" sound a Little like nazism to me.

Your logic is so flawed. America can be allowed to kill and ruin the lives of millions because it is "natures way" Please please read more, it is a cure for idiocy

You are either a Moron, or a Fanatical Muslim.. "I will oppose the American "way" with every ounce of my being, because they are morally repugnant, I don't care if I don't "win" as long as I have tried and if I can make ten people see the truth, and they in turn open ten more peoples eyes and so on perhaps we can reach a critical mass and force a change." Sounds to be straight out of a Terrorist Manual.

Get a LIFE!

Is that is your reply to my statement? "Get a life" How very bright of you. Like most americans once your views are actually held up to scrutiny they very quickly begin to look very flimsy. Have I upset you?? are you sobbing on your keyboard because "the big bad man made your views look like the scribblings of a five year old"

I fail to see what if anything was moronic in any of my statements, and as for fanatical, lets look at the facts...I proposed to try to show people that there is another way for America to conduct itself on the global stage..you suggested that it is ok to kill anyone who is poorer, smaller and less socially advantaged than youself....hmmmmm. Think man!!! you have a brain to do that with. How does trying to force political change sound like it is straight out of a terrorist manual? It sounds more like democratic process to me? if America has it so right, how come 25% of American children are born into poverty? How come the richest country in the world cannot provide basic health care for it's citizens..does not sound so great to me. Why is America one of the five countries including iran that routinely executes minors? and why is the prison population rising when crime rates are falling? All this sound like it is ripe for change, America may have all the bombs and guns but one thing it does not have on it's side is right, I and would still like to think that right will win through in the end.

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I feel extreme sorrow for you and people that need a 'psychological crutch' in order to simply cope with Life. I also fail to see how any thinking person can 'choose' to believe something that that is most likely a complete delusion. And what would be the point of a 'new' Life with no memory of a past Life? It is the same as turning to dust and a different person being born. And please don't give me, "Well some people..." because I have lived for almost 60 years and met many thousands of people and none remembers a ''past life''.

I love my Life with a passion! And I feel it is a huge Privilege to experience such a phenomena as Life... no matter who or what gave it to me. I do not care that I was never here before, or will never be here again... In fact I cannot imagine anything worse than being condemned to live forever...... Forever is a very long time... And over such a time as eternity, everybody would have to experience every joy and every human suffering.. because as time changes so do fortunes... I have been extremely lucky in this Life, never personally seen a war, never seen anybody killed, never had to kill anybody for my own survival. I have been poor and wealthy... Healthy for most of my Life... I now Live with a heart problem and a lung problem and doubt I will last another 2-10 years... and I do not mind one iota.

I look at the BIG picture... I have this moment, this moment I am typing and I am enjoying this experience... I have only my 'memories' of the past and have no future of even tomorrow that I can rely upon... I enjoy the 'moment' because that is all I have. This moment. I do not fret about the past, because it is gone... I do not worry about the future, because it may never arrive for me... I live for this moment... and enjoy this experience... every moment and every experience... because each is a fundemental part of Life. I bear no animosity to anything or anybody... I feel no guilt... for I am what I am... and I have what you and others like you crave... 'Peace of Mind', without any religion... just my own simple philosopy of Life.

Great Post :o

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