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Club or Country?  

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MiG hasnt voted :o

but all my friends know...Im Thai to the core and will and have defended Thailand in many an arguments, especially with guys in the west who have that misconception/generalisation about Thailand being all about red light districts

but when it comes to Football and the national team :D Im a traitor :D no doubt no question mark about it :D

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I proved this to myself the other night by not bothering to watch England play the other night, despite missing very few Swindon matches (Internet radio) in the 8 years I have been here, I even listen to the pre-season friendly's.

Don't get me wrong, should England ever win the world cup again then I may well cry through joy. And the summer of Euro 96 is one that I will never forget (If only we could learn to take penalties against those bloody Germans).

It was only last year that my Swindon Town was literally 24 hours away from exctinction, I was inconsolable. But when England lose an important match I am just a bit pissed off.

If Swindon did go bust then I may well have voted for my country as I would have no longer had a club to support.

But as long as Swindon Town are about, and even if they should find themselves in some conference league, then they still come first for me.

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Club for sure, when it's MAN UTD its easy, but for someone on the bottom of the table? and but I wonder if the results of this poll would be different if England lost last night?

You've lost me James, are you saying that it would make a difference if the Club you supported was at the " bottom of the table " which if they are, you might then pick your National Team over that Club ???

If that's what you meant, do you have any real idea of what supporting an actual Club is James ??

It's a little bit more than just being at the right end of the Table. :o

& what would one result in Croatia do anything to change a " REAL " Football Fans decision over who he chooses in this Poll ??

I think not !!!

Anyway, we've never been " top of the table " in my near 30 years supporting West Ham but Club over Country any day of the week.. :D

As Robbie Williams sang< Everybody Loves You When You are Winning. England

By supporting a club ok point taken, but blindly supporting a club because daddy did or because you were born in that city - regardless if they grind out 30 years of mediocrity, well that's your perogative.

I started supporting United about 11 years agobecause of the style of football they play not because they are in Manchester, . And let me tell you mate, I was born nowhere near Manchester.

Am I a fan of United? Yes, I watch em any / every time they play. Would I do the same for England, no.

I knew that after reading about 4 of your Posts James so you didn't have to share that... :D

& as for the first part in Bold & Underlined, how sad this new " Modern Day Football Fan " actually is. Not you personally James but there millions like you & with your mentality about the Game & about what Football now, sadly, is..

Not just at the Top 4 Clubs either ( even though the majority are hence the part that i underlined of James post ), we've got them at UP too unfortunately..

To say that supporting a Club because your Daddy did ( strange term to use, where are you from James if you don't mind me asking ?? ) or because of the City you're from is our perogative, well you'd be right..

But it's more than that James, much much more & i really don't expect you to understand words such as tradition & belonging because of the way you seem to be able to casually dismiss all of the following that im going to write..

I know people that their Great Grandfathers supported West Ham when the Club was first formed, their Grandfathers supported West Ham, their Fathers supported West Ham, they support West Ham & their Children will grow up to support West Ham..

& yeah, we've had medeocrity, tonnes of it but do we care ??

Do we &lt;deleted&gt; James, & do you know why ?? ( you don't, you don't actually have a clue why )

It's because it's who people are, where they're from, where they're Family have been from for decades upon decades & do you really think these people will just change all this & give all this up because of the silly &lt;deleted&gt; Premiership & the Whore that it's turned into ??

I don't think so James but as i said, you'll never, ever understand that & i know that by one sentence of your last post..:D

You say you started supporting them 11 years ago James yeah, 1997, because of their style of play & not because they were from Manchester ?? :D

Top Man, it's very easy to support something when the goings good ( they'd won the double the previous Season & " only " the League that year ), it's something completely different to being a real Football Supporter though Mate..:D

An admitted Glory Hunter !! :P

Rant over !!!

Enjoy your weekend & i hope you lose !! :(

Edited by MSingh
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Club for sure, when it's MAN UTD its easy, but for someone on the bottom of the table? and but I wonder if the results of this poll would be different if England lost last night?

You've lost me James, are you saying that it would make a difference if the Club you supported was at the " bottom of the table " which if they are, you might then pick your National Team over that Club ???

If that's what you meant, do you have any real idea of what supporting an actual Club is James ??

It's a little bit more than just being at the right end of the Table. :D

& what would one result in Croatia do anything to change a " REAL " Football Fans decision over who he chooses in this Poll ??

I think not !!!

Anyway, we've never been " top of the table " in my near 30 years supporting West Ham but Club over Country any day of the week.. :D

As Robbie Williams sang< Everybody Loves You When You are Winning. England

By supporting a club ok point taken, but blindly supporting a club because daddy did or because you were born in that city - regardless if they grind out 30 years of mediocrity, well that's your perogative.

I started supporting United about 11 years agobecause of the style of football they play not because they are in Manchester, . And let me tell you mate, I was born nowhere near Manchester.

Am I a fan of United? Yes, I watch em any / every time they play. Would I do the same for England, no.

I knew that after reading about 4 of your Posts James so you didn't have to share that... :D

& as for the first part in Bold & Underlined, how sad this new " Modern Day Football Fan " actually is. Not you personally James but there millions like you & with your mentality about the Game & about what Football now, sadly, is..

Not just at the Top 4 Clubs either ( even though the majority are hence the part that i underlined of James post ), we've got them at UP too unfortunately..

To say that supporting a Club because your Daddy did ( strange term to use, where are you from James if you don't mind me asking ?? ) or because of the City you're from is our perogative, well you'd be right..

But it's more than that James, much much more & i really don't expect you to understand words such as tradition & belonging because of the way you seem to be able to casually dismiss all of the following that im going to write..

I know people that their Great Grandfathers supported West Ham when the Club was first formed, their Grandfathers supported West Ham, their Fathers supported West Ham, they support West Ham & their Children will grow up to support West Ham..

& yeah, we've had medeocrity, tonnes of it but do we care ??

Do we &lt;deleted&gt; James, & do you know why ?? ( you don't, you don't actually have a clue why )

It's because it's who people are, where they're from, where they're Family have been from for decades upon decades & do you really think these people will just change all this & give all this up because of the silly &lt;deleted&gt; Premiership & the Whore that it's turned into ??

I don't think so James but as i said, you'll never, ever understand that & i know that by one sentence of your last post..:(

You say you started supporting them 11 years ago James yeah, 1997, because of their style of play & not because they were from Manchester ?? :burp:

Top Man, it's very easy to support something when the goings good ( they'd won the double the previous Season & " only " the League that year ), it's something completely different to being a real Football Supporter though Mate..:D

An admitted Glory Hunter !! :P

Rant over !!!

Enjoy your weekend & i hope you lose !! :P

Blah blah blah...................ABU ALERT.....!!!!!

Yawn. :D:o


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Blah. blah, blah what ???

Are you saying i'm wrong ??


"United fan in not from Manchester shocker....!"

The guy can support who the &lt;deleted&gt; he likes and, for any fookin reason he likes, the fact that he has to listen to your hard done to I'm for ever blowin bubbles at whoever'll listen is just a bonus is it.


Utter drivel.

I understand my clubs traditions and I understand that its the foundation of why we are so big the world over, as well as Munich. I do also know that not all the fans of United may know those traditions. I also know that they don't need it ramming down their throats by you....! :o


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Blah. blah, blah what ???

Are you saying i'm wrong ??


"United fan in not from Manchester shocker....!"

The guy can support who the &lt;deleted&gt; he likes and, for any fookin reason he likes, the fact that he has to listen to your hard done to I'm for ever blowin bubbles at whoever'll listen is just a bonus is it.


Utter drivel.

I understand my clubs traditions and I understand that its the foundation of why we are so big the world over, as well as Munich. I do also know that not all the fans of United may know those traditions. I also know that they don't need it ramming down their throats by you....! :o


Of course he can support who he likes, i never said otherwise, but it still doesn't make it right so it's not " &lt;deleted&gt; " utter drivel that i wrote.

You haven't even got the nous to answer the question anyway, instead making soppy comments about a Song, nice one, give yourself a pat on the back Fella, you come accross as being double smart & very Man United & Mancunian..:D

Hard luck on Merseyside by the way yesterday..:D

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WUM alert Mr Singh's upset and thinks I'm not over a loss to the dippers yet..... :o

What makes it wrong? Just cos you say it is? Thats what makes it drivel and it is utter drivel, what ever way, word, song or rhyme I choose to express it in and, thanks for the pat on the back and the compliments, my triple lucky cockeny webel.... :D :D

What does very Man United and very Mancunian mean, you've lost me with your dark thoughts there, I think you need to get out more or, do you know something I don't about myself........ :D


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Are you saying i'm wrong ??

Pretty much yes, you should not have to follow a team because it is family tradition, or you live next door to the ground, or for any other reason except personal preference, I admire your loyalty, just not your rhetoric, which smacks of base conditioning and my rights have more bearing than others, there appears little room for understanding of others points of view, rigidity has its roots in the tribalism of the 70's & 80's and the majority have moved on.

There is a difference between the 'Die Hard' supporter and the supporter who thinks he has the Right to support a team, who thinks anybody who do not have his impeccable credentials, is nothing more than a Fair-weather fan.

I am afraid your views are based in the 70's where they should have stayed.

Of course he can support who he likes, i never said otherwise, but it still doesn't make it right

Yes he can and perhaps you never said it explicitly but you did implicitly, everybody has a right to support who they like and for whatever reason, the moral high ground is just that, high and lonesome.

Good Luck


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I proved this to myself the other night by not bothering to watch England play the other night, despite missing very few Swindon matches (Internet radio) in the 8 years I have been here, I even listen to the pre-season friendly's.

Don't get me wrong, should England ever win the world cup again then I may well cry through joy. And the summer of Euro 96 is one that I will never forget (If only we could learn to take penalties against those bloody Germans).

It was only last year that my Swindon Town was literally 24 hours away from exctinction, I was inconsolable. But when England lose an important match I am just a bit pissed off.

If Swindon did go bust then I may well have voted for my country as I would have no longer had a club to support.

But as long as Swindon Town are about, and even if they should find themselves in some conference league, then they still come first for me.

perfect answer :o I think that goes for all lower league supporters as well as the big boys

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I am glad when I log off late on a Friday that the arguing can continue in my absence.

End of the day we have our own reasons for liking whoever we like. MSing you have yours. I have mine.

Btw, I happen to like Arsenal's style of play as well, very attacking, positive. However, they are the enemy (not as much as say Chelsea :o ).

As for you comment about only being a fan since 1997, yes its true. It was the first time I got exposed to the game and at the time I liked the way United played. Since then, win or lose (darn Liverpool!!), I continue to support them, regardless of how this finish... as long as they continue to play 'their' style of football. If they turn into a 5-4-1 outfit, they will likely lose me as a fan because I like 'quality', 'aggressive', 'skillful' football, the kind of football SAF preaches.

I thought the LP/MU, ARS/BB and CH/MC games this past weekend were all pretty zzzzz.

I very much enjoyed the Stoke / Everton game last night. It was end to end, positive and fun to watch. Best game of the weekend for me.

The difference is you like your team no matter what, I understand that. I like attacking football, and I think this, more than trophies, is one of the reasons why so many people around the world support UTD.

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Btw, I happen to like Arsenal's style of play as well, very attacking, positive.

many have chosen Arsenal as their second love (as had been admitted by quite a few members when the question was asked in a thread about who would you support if not your own team :D

However, they are the enemy


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I thought the LP/MU, ARS/BB and CH/MC games this past weekend were all pretty zzzzz.

Your'e having a Giraffe, surely.

They were 3 quality games. Sure, i didn't like the result of the City / Chelsea game but still, it was a quality game.

Quality game? Much like the United game with LP, we both scored quickly and then one sided affairs after that, or is that your definition of a 'good' game?

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Btw, I happen to like Arsenal's style of play as well, very attacking, positive.

many have chosen Arsenal as their second love (as had been admitted by quite a few members when the question was asked in a thread about who would you support if not your own team :D

Yes I am one of those again now Miggy ......I love the style of football they play that ripped Blackburn apart at the weekend :o

We never got as much as a point of Arsenal during our 2 year spell in the EPL...and it looks like it's gonna be some time before we get to play them again ....unfortunatley

I think it's going to be a long hard slog to get back :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
It'll be interesting to see how many fair-weather England supporters return to the fold tonight, following our performance in Croatia. I hope their heads are bowed in shame!

It will be hard for many to watch the game here in Thailand anyway.

I hope the England players remember to bow their heads in shame next time they turn in one of their below average performances ... doubt they will do!

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It'll be interesting to see how many fair-weather England supporters return to the fold tonight, following our performance in Croatia. I hope their heads are bowed in shame!

It will be hard for many to watch the game here in Thailand anyway.

I hope the England players remember to bow their heads in shame next time they turn in one of their below average performances ... doubt they will do!

Yes one good performace has got their inflated egos in overdrive, Rio and his band of merrymen do seem to have the thinnest skin of any humans in existance when they get sh7t for not qualifying for Euro2008.

Edited by spiderman2
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It'll be interesting to see how many fair-weather England supporters return to the fold tonight, following our performance in Croatia. I hope their heads are bowed in shame!

It will be hard for many to watch the game here in Thailand anyway.

I hope the England players remember to bow their heads in shame next time they turn in one of their below average performances ... doubt they will do!

Yes one good performace has got their inflated egos in overdrive, Rio and his band of merrymen do seem to have the thinnest skin of any humans in existance when they get sh7t for not qualifying for Euro2008.

My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :o

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My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :D

Well said Rix.

3 wins out of 3 and still some "supporters" (i use the term loosely :D ) are not satisfied. :o

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My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :D

Well said Rix.

3 wins out of 3 and still some "supporters" (i use the term loosely :D ) are not satisfied. :o

Thanks MrBoJ.

This seems to rapidly be becoming my hobby-horse, which was never my intention, but the more and more i have to sit and listen to all the moaning and criticism that gets thrown England's way, the more it seems to irk.

I repeat, why is that it's perfectly acceptable to continually bash the national team and be so negative? The same "supporters" who are most guilty of this i know do not behave this way when it comes to their club support, and were they to meet another "supporter" of the their club who spoke in these terms they would i'm quite sure put that person in their place.

Would you turn your back on your club team and then return when fortunes changed? I don't believe any of you would, so why do you do so for country without even a second thought?

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It'll be interesting to see how many fair-weather England supporters return to the fold tonight, following our performance in Croatia. I hope their heads are bowed in shame!

It will be hard for many to watch the game here in Thailand anyway.

I hope the England players remember to bow their heads in shame next time they turn in one of their below average performances ... doubt they will do!

Yes one good performace has got their inflated egos in overdrive, Rio and his band of merrymen do seem to have the thinnest skin of any humans in existance when they get sh7t for not qualifying for Euro2008.

My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :o

Where have I criticised England about the WC qualifiers it is clearly about Euro2008 qualifiers, and Rio and the team being thin skinned about any abuse they deserved, and also that they shouldnt get too arrogant about one good result.........we didnt qualify surely i am allowed to give the team sh7t for that......or were real fans like you content with Englands Euro 2008 achievement.

I criticised England and they over inflated ego players for not qualifying for Euro 2008, as they were useless throughout qualifying and deserved all the sh7t, especially Steve Mcclaren......Are you trying to tell me you praised England for their effort and hard work in the Euro 2008 qualifying stages and under the late tenure of Sven?

Now England had one very good game against Croatia and the hype around it has been totally overblown, with players such as Rio saying words to the effect of the sh7t they got for not qualifying for Euro2008 really hurt their poor little feelings.

They have now won 3 out of 3, (2 out of 2 when the initial pst was written) but the players shouldnt feel sorry for themselves about getting grief for playing terrible in the past, if they continue to win theyll even get the fans who boooeed Ashley Cole back on track.

Im sure i couldnt find one positive comment about Englands Euro2008 perfomance by members of this forum, now if you wish to comment on what i write please dont twist words to suit your agenda.

Edited by spiderman2
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