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My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :D

Well said Rix.

3 wins out of 3 and still some "supporters" (i use the term loosely :D ) are not satisfied. :o

So tell me Mr. True England Supporter, how does supporting foreign multi Billionaire owners of clubs who want instant success which means bringing in expensive foreign players to the detroment of young English players a way of supporting England?

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My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :D

Well said Rix.

3 wins out of 3 and still some "supporters" (i use the term loosely :D ) are not satisfied. :o

So tell me Mr. True England Supporter, how does supporting foreign multi Billionaire owners of clubs who want instant success which means bringing in expensive foreign players to the detroment of young English players a way of supporting England?

Read my posts idjit. I have strained to say in my previous posts, that i fully support the City Academy and i am glad to see that the new owners do. SWP played last night, Micah Richards will be a regular, both from the academy.

However, for city to compete with the top level we will have to buy some top class players but Mark Hughes will also introduce youngsters from the academy in the side (as he is doing now). The exposure of the young ones in training and in matches, to the likes of Robinho, will only enhance their ability and experience and not be to the detriment of it.

It is possible to have more than a one way, tunneled vision strategy, you know. :D

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Read my posts idjit. I have strained to say in my previous posts, that i fully support the City Academy and i am glad to see that the new owners do. SWP played last night, Micah Richards will be a regular, both from the academy.

Ive never said you didnt support the academy, but SWP and Micah Richards were developed in a club that didnt have the best foreign players in the world, hence they were given an opportunity they wont get when a club has a squad a 15million GBP+ players

However, for city to compete with the top level we will have to buy some top class players but Mark Hughes will also introduce youngsters from the academy in the side (as he is doing now). The exposure of the young ones in training and in matches, to the likes of Robinho, will only enhance their ability and experience and not be to the detriment of it.

I agree playing with better players will make the kids better, but they wont get a game when a club has a squad a 15million GBP+ players, if you bring in 6 top class players which is the minimum you need to get in the top 4, there wont be anough games in the season to blood young players.

The more foreign billionaires there are the more money they have to pick and choose the best players from all over the world, im sure youd agree that more money = more choice, hence this will undoubtably lead to more foreign players in the clubs that have money, again its not aimed at ManCity but all clubs who rely on billionaires for financing.

Instead of either of us predicting the future, lets just wait and in only a couple of year ill be proven to be correct, is that ok with you Mr True Football fan..

Edited by spiderman2
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SWP played last night.

This player emphasises my point to perfetion about billionaire owners ruining the game, it almost ruined his career going to Chelsea, a club who spend money they can never generate on players then let them warm the bench or rot in the reserves.........would you also disagree with this.

Here read this Mr Whelan seems to have the only decent solution to the problem.


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SWP played last night.

This player emphasises my point to perfetion about billionaire owners ruining the game, it almost ruined his career going to Chelsea, a club who spend money they can never generate on players then let them warm the bench or rot in the reserves.........would you also disagree with this.

No, i wouldn't disagree. That's Chelsea's loss and SWP has proved how wrong they were, to not give him a decent chance.

Here read this Mr Whelan seems to have the only decent solution to the problem.


I'm not saying that one day a foreign owner won't walk away. But what else would you expect Whelan to say? He knows he hasn't got the dosh to compete with the bigger boys.

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is that ok with you Mr True Football fan..

And less of the pedantic sh1t. Were have i stated that i am a true football fan and that you aren't. Stop getting personal and keep to the debate. :o

OK but calling someone an Idjit is getting personal.

Besides im not a true football fan i'll go to 2 games max this season, as i have done for a fair few years, i just go on internet forums complaining about how English football has evolved and how i see it evolving in the future. ( i was a proper supporter many moons ago though)

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Leeds first, always. If England are playing, I want them to win but don't really care that much.

And as for bkkjames point about not understanding the club loyalty if you're at the bottom of the league, I can honestly say my loyalty to Leeds hasnt wavered in 40 years, and in that time we've been top and we've hit rock bottom.

Actually, while I'd love to get back to the PL, last season and this season in League One have been great fun as the club rebuilds itself.

I hope Man Utd enjoy it one day too.

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Actually, while I'd love to get back to the PL, last season and this season in League One have been great fun as the club rebuilds itself.

Me too Bendix. Being a City fan, i think we have been on the same roller coaster. Although it was desperate times getting relegated, once you get over it, it is nice to start seeing the team winning again.

I hope Man Utd enjoy it one day too.

Yeah, me too. It would be good for their character :o

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It'll be interesting to see how many fair-weather England supporters return to the fold tonight, following our performance in Croatia. I hope their heads are bowed in shame!

It will be hard for many to watch the game here in Thailand anyway.

I hope the England players remember to bow their heads in shame next time they turn in one of their below average performances ... doubt they will do!

Yes one good performace has got their inflated egos in overdrive, Rio and his band of merrymen do seem to have the thinnest skin of any humans in existance when they get sh7t for not qualifying for Euro2008.

My goodness me - some of you so-called supporters are harder to please than women!

Damned when they play badly, damned when they play well. Why don't you be done with it and find another country to "support", i'm sure you won't be missed. :o

Where have I criticised England about the WC qualifiers it is clearly about Euro2008 qualifiers, and Rio and the team being thin skinned about any abuse they deserved, and also that they shouldnt get too arrogant about one good result.........we didnt qualify surely i am allowed to give the team sh7t for that......or were real fans like you content with Englands Euro 2008 achievement.

I criticised England and they over inflated ego players for not qualifying for Euro 2008, as they were useless throughout qualifying and deserved all the sh7t, especially Steve Mcclaren......Are you trying to tell me you praised England for their effort and hard work in the Euro 2008 qualifying stages and under the late tenure of Sven?

Now England had one very good game against Croatia and the hype around it has been totally overblown, with players such as Rio saying words to the effect of the sh7t they got for not qualifying for Euro2008 really hurt their poor little feelings.

They have now won 3 out of 3, (2 out of 2 when the initial pst was written) but the players shouldnt feel sorry for themselves about getting grief for playing terrible in the past, if they continue to win theyll even get the fans who boooeed Ashley Cole back on track.

Im sure i couldnt find one positive comment about Englands Euro2008 perfomance by members of this forum, now if you wish to comment on what i write please dont twist words to suit your agenda.

Talking of twisting words, i have never said that supporters shouldn't criticise their team. Not at all.

It's the attitude of not caring if the team wins or loses that i don't get. There was even one poster on this site who said before the Croatia game that he hoped England were given a lesson - in other words a spanking. What's that all about? These types of "supporters" seem to take some sort of perverse pleasure in England's bad performances, but you can bet that if England won the World Cup tomorrow, these same people would be reveling in the glory.

There have also been a number of "supporters" on this site who began to not bother watching England games because of the way we were playing. To me, support isn't something you switch on and off dependant on how the team plays. It's about sticking with it through thick and thin. It's what we all do for our clubs so i don't understand why country support is any different. Explain to me why it is.

Edited by rixalex
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There have also been a number of "supporters" on this site who began to not bother watching England games because of the way we were playing. To me, support isn't something you switch on and off dependant on how the team plays. It's about sticking with it through thick and thin.

My thoughts entirely.

As for club and country debate, if i went to a regular amount of games it'd be club, but as im a Sky TV fan im going for both, i was more gutted about England not being in Euro 2008 then what i was about Newcastle doing their usual <deleted> in the league.

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There have also been a number of "supporters" on this site who began to not bother watching England games because of the way we were playing. To me, support isn't something you switch on and off dependant on how the team plays. It's about sticking with it through thick and thin.

My thoughts entirely.

As for club and country debate, if i went to a regular amount of games it'd be club, but as im a Sky TV fan im going for both, i was more gutted about England not being in Euro 2008 then what i was about Newcastle doing their usual <deleted> in the league.

I understand your point, however if we lost the Champions League Final to Chelsea I would have been much much more gutted than missing out on Euro 2008.

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  • 1 year later...

Picking up on something mentioned in another thread, i thought it would be more appropriate to post here.

When a player you don't like pulls on the national shirt, do you get behind them anyway? If not, would you do the same were a player you didn't like to sign for your club?

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Picking up on something mentioned in another thread, i thought it would be more appropriate to post here.

When a player you don't like pulls on the national shirt, do you get behind them anyway? If not, would you do the same were a player you didn't like to sign for your club?

I had a HUGE dilema a few months back but thanks to the Mother of Wayne Bridge's Child, i don't have to worry about it now & i don't know what i would have done to be honest, i know that i would not have wnated that Man to lift the World Cup though, i know that for sure..

I've had Players sign for the Club that i didn't likee before, Matthew Upson for example..

I've always thoguht he was incredibly overated & where he is nowhere even near the level as JT with regards to a morality level, i just don't like the Fella & never have..

There was a rumour a couple of Season's back that we were in the hunt for Mr Diouf.

Being part of the Away following at Anfield when i saw with my own eyye's Mr Diouf spit on a 10 Year Old Kid & very, very nearly incite a full blow Riot, i have very strong feelings towards that Animal too along with lost of other West Hma Fans.

I use some of our message boards & the morning the story broke that we were in the hunt to sign him, i have never ever seen such vile abuse directed towards the Owners of the Club, Management etc & it is rumoured that someone tipped off the Club & Curbishley to have a look at the Site's to see how the Fans felt.

To have that Animal pull on our Shirt would have menat i would have turned my back on the Club whilst he was there & i certainly would not have been the only one.

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i'd rather see liverpool win an egg and spoon race than england with the world cup. but then i've never put much store by patriotism and national pride and i've been pretty spoiled by supporting a club that has always won trophies. so agree with james' point about fans of clubs who never win anything having more of an interest in england being successful.

Thats good mate because thats just about as much as Liverpool will win the forseeable future :)

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i'd rather see liverpool win an egg and spoon race than england with the world cup. but then i've never put much store by patriotism and national pride and i've been pretty spoiled by supporting a club that has always won trophies. so agree with james' point about fans of clubs who never win anything having more of an interest in england being successful.

Thats good mate because thats just about as much as Liverpool will win the forseeable future :D

He is right thogh Carmine, picture this :

Commentator : " Terry, plays it out to Lampard, Lampard passes to Aaron Lennon on the iwng who beats his Man, crosses it in to Peter Crouch & the T*ttenhma Striker has just won the WC for England " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sound's great yeah !!

<deleted> that.. :)

Fans on lower League Clubs are more likely to follow England too these days & in days gone by & i believe part of that is because of the lack of conflict between things like the above.

West Hma do have a big England Following, i've been all over the World following England but now, with Footballers the way they are, i just can't do it anymore & added to that, i don't believe that many of them even wnat to play for the Country any more & see it as an inconvenince, i honeslty believe that & it angers me more than you could believe.

I know there are others that believe like i do who have also followed England everywhere & don't any more..

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To have that Animal pull on our Shirt would have menat i would have turned my back on the Club whilst he was there & i certainly would not have been the only one.

Although not quite in the category of Diouf, there was speculation of Robben coming to United not long ago. I thank goodness he never did. It would have left me extremely conflicted.

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To have that Animal pull on our Shirt would have menat i would have turned my back on the Club whilst he was there & i certainly would not have been the only one.

Although not quite in the category of Diouf, there was speculation of Robben coming to United not long ago. I thank goodness he never did. It would have left me extremely conflicted.

Why Rix, what's wrong with Robben ??

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i'd rather see liverpool win an egg and spoon race than england with the world cup. but then i've never put much store by patriotism and national pride and i've been pretty spoiled by supporting a club that has always won trophies. so agree with james' point about fans of clubs who never win anything having more of an interest in england being successful.

Thats good mate because thats just about as much as Liverpool will win the forseeable future :D

He is right thogh Carmine, picture this :

Commentator : " Terry, plays it out to Lampard, Lampard passes to Aaron Lennon on the iwng who beats his Man, crosses it in to Peter Crouch & the T*ttenhma Striker has just won the WC for England " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sound's great yeah !!

<deleted> that.. :)

Fans on lower League Clubs are more likely to follow England too these days & in days gone by & i believe part of that is because of the lack of conflict between things like the above.

West Hma do have a big England Following, i've been all over the World following England but now, with Footballers the way they are, i just can't do it anymore & added to that, i don't believe that many of them even wnat to play for the Country any more & see it as an inconvenince, i honeslty believe that & it angers me more than you could believe.

I know there are others that believe like i do who have also followed England everywhere & don't any more..

Don't get me wrong, i do hear where you are coming from and i agree. I just think it's a sad situation, especially when teams like the Arse often don't even field any English players. Mindyou, whilst i hate seeing JT in our national team i just thank the lord he does'nt play for Tottenham...then i would be distraught. (hearing all the cheering and general vocal support he gets at Chelsea tells me anyway they are perfect for each other :D )

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To have that Animal pull on our Shirt would have menat i would have turned my back on the Club whilst he was there & i certainly would not have been the only one.

Although not quite in the category of Diouf, there was speculation of Robben coming to United not long ago. I thank goodness he never did. It would have left me extremely conflicted.

Why Rix, what's wrong with Robben ??

Ask Pepe Reina. If he doesn't convince you, take a look at this beautiful swan.


He's as dirty as they come. Drobga is much the same.

Ronaldo not much better. Most players dive at some stage, but what tips it over the edge for me is feigning extreme injuries, like ones to the face. Rivaldo for me went from being a great to being a great twunt in the space of seconds.

Edited by rixalex
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Sunderland over England. Easy.

west ham over scotland or england , all day long,

club 1st, 101%

country? couldnt give a sh**te, , the country i was born in seem to have a rather large following

of drunken ginger wig wearing , clowns, i prefer to distance myself from them. for some strange reason :)


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To me, the analogy is the same as "your wife or your baby".

In this instance, the wife is England and my baby is City. I'll leave you to decide :)

Theyve both something to offer .... the wife when you want something to eat and the baby when youre looking for slightly more intelligent conversation.

Come June its England all the way!

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i'd rather see liverpool win an egg and spoon race than england with the world cup. but then i've never put much store by patriotism and national pride and i've been pretty spoiled by supporting a club that has always won trophies. so agree with james' point about fans of clubs who never win anything having more of an interest in england being successful.

Thats good mate because thats just about as much as Liverpool will win the forseeable future :D

He is right thogh Carmine, picture this :

Commentator : " Terry, plays it out to Lampard, Lampard passes to Aaron Lennon on the iwng who beats his Man, crosses it in to Peter Crouch & the T*ttenhma Striker has just won the WC for England " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sound's great yeah !!

<deleted> that.. :)

Fans on lower League Clubs are more likely to follow England too these days & in days gone by & i believe part of that is because of the lack of conflict between things like the above.

West Hma do have a big England Following, i've been all over the World following England but now, with Footballers the way they are, i just can't do it anymore & added to that, i don't believe that many of them even wnat to play for the Country any more & see it as an inconvenince, i honeslty believe that & it angers me more than you could believe.

I know there are others that believe like i do who have also followed England everywhere & don't any more..

But thats probably more to do with them getting older and having other financial commitments, footballers have been arrogant cocksuckers completely out of touch for at least 10-15 years, and if you look at people like Jimmy Greeves even since back then so this cant be the reason.

All those players mentioned are shandy drinking vegetarian cockneys and id be delighted fro the scenario mentioned .... club and regional allegiances should be forgotten when England are on, besides wasnt JT a WestHam fan as a kid and from that area.

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country? couldnt give a sh**te, , the country i was born in seem to have a rather large following

of drunken ginger wig wearing , clowns, i prefer to distance myself from them. for some strange reason :)


It seems like this is the fashionable attitude for English people to have these days - "England is a <deleted> hole full of <deleted>".

Yeah, like all the other countries around the world are blissful places to live full of perfect people.

Do yourself and the rest of us who do give a <deleted> about the place where we were born, a favour - take a trip to your nearest British Embassy and hand over your passport. Just be done with it, why don't you? You won't be missed. :D

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Sunderland over England. Easy.

west ham over scotland or england , all day long,

club 1st, 101%

country? couldnt give a sh**te, , the country i was born in seem to have a rather large following

of drunken ginger wig wearing , clowns, i prefer to distance myself from them. for some strange reason :)


indeed, the country i happened to be born in's football team has a rather large following of racists, xenophobes and annoying trumpet playing 'barmy' <deleted> who think that the purpose of going to watch a football match is simply to piss off people there to watch the football itself. i have nothing in common with the vast majority of england fans and thank christ that i am abroad for this coming world cup. nothing like being in london when all the world cup fans come out and populate the pubs blurting out the latest ill-informed crap they've picked up from that morning's star or s*n. tossers.
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