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Friday Walking Street


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I've heard a few rumors of a Chiang Mai style "walking street" market happening in Chiang Rai. Anyone know if it's happening, and if it is any good? I've always liked the Chiang Mai Wua Lai Saturday walking street as some local and unique things were available amidst the junk.

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By 'walking street' do you mean a place where no vehicles are allowed?

That's a tall order, not just for C.Rai, but for anywhere in Thailand.

Motorcyclists will wheedle in everywhere they can - and the heck with strollers. They'll even speed up when they see a crowd.

The more places off-limits to motorized vehicles the better - But sorry to say I'm cynical about it being effective.

The evening market near the central post office is a case where, instead of blocking it off to make it mildly safe and enjoyable for strollers, the city fathers instead chose to channel as much traffic thru there as possible. ....perhaps not intentionally, but that's the effect of their brain dead street planning schematic.

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I've heard a few rumors of a Chiang Mai style "walking street" market happening in Chiang Rai. Anyone know if it's happening, and if it is any good? I've always liked the Chiang Mai Wua Lai Saturday walking street as some local and unique things were available amidst the junk.

About four years ago it was discussed in the town council. Just a very few shop owners protested as it directly would affect their businesses (like the liquor shops). So the town council put the plans in a drawer and the new mayor and council have supposedly taken them out again. I hope they can make some arrangements with the people who would be hit directly in their purses.

The idea is perfect.

It concerns (at least concerned at that time) a piece of the Paholyothin Road, between the traffic lights at the First Church, where the Paholyothin makes a 90 degree corner and the traffic lights of the T-crossing with the road to the bus station, opposite 'Da Vinci'.

It would be great to see an evening market here as the old nightbazaar became rather marginal within the foodmarket.

Many good small shops with interesting and funny things couldn't make it anymore when the prices when up. At the moment it is not really the way it could be. It's not really alive anymore, it's ... eh ... dull!

The foodmarket with the stage and performances (where would you otherwise have a stage for?) is great and it would be nice if we could say the same thing of the bazaar.

I really hope it works out this time.

Sometimes it can be worth to take a decision to try out something. It can show itself to be not as good as expected, but it also can show itself to be the succes of the century.

The experiment with one-way traffic in the town centre was abandoned after just a couple of months. But at least it was tried.

I don't know what the gentlemen in the townhall are cooking up this time, but it could mean the restoration of the kind of 'classical' street market, that is really loved, not only by the tourists, but certainly by the people of Chiang Rai as well.

It is aside of a number of excellent Thai and international restaurants the only form of entertainment Chiang Rai offers evening time.

Sorry, I certainly should mention the many massage places, where the extremely able ladies of the North show them their unsurpassable skills in what could be called one of the most excellent specialties of our great and beautiful town.

Viva Chiang Rai!

Limbo :o

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Sorry, I certainly should mention the many massage places, where the extremely able ladies of the North show them their unsurpassable skills in what could be called one of the most excellent specialties of our great and beautiful town.

Viva Chiang Rai!

A massage by a person can be good, though nothing can surpass a massage by a waterfall.

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The first thing the "City Fathers" have to do is ban all tour vehicles and rental vehicles from downtown. Why do they get to take up all the good parking spaces. Cant they have pics and a lot on the edge of town, and have two boys on a motorcycle go retrieve a vehicle? I have told many owners of businesses downtown to go to the city meetings and demand this. :o , with no success i guess. :D

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  • 1 month later...

After have a read on Chiangraifocus today the news on this local event has confirmed to start Walking Street at 1 November 17.00 pm and following by each saturday of the month.

The walking street section start from Tanalai road. Dont forget to give some review if anyone of you going to the walking street. :o

Edited by konjianghai
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Preparations were going ahead at the east end of Tanalai Road today. They've put a lot of markings on either side of the centre of the road for a considerable distance, maybe where stalls are to be placed. If that is the case, then there are going to be an awful lot of them.

If I remember to take my camera with me I'll take some photos and post them here tomorrow.

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Its today around 17.00 pm, you're a little too soon :o

Would be nice if Lannaman provide some pictures or anyone going with a camera, post some picture pls :D

Sorry no pictures this time. It clashed with Language School Halloween Party (1 day late) I was in costume and made up and very weary, so made it for home and a shower and a large tot of whisky! I'll go next time and take pictures then. Anyone know if it's held weekly or just the first Saturday of the month?

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Its today around 17.00 pm, you're a little too soon :D

Would be nice if Lannaman provide some pictures or anyone going with a camera, post some picture pls :D

Sorry no pictures this time. It clashed with Language School Halloween Party (1 day late) I was in costume and made up and very weary, so made it for home and a shower and a large tot of whisky! I'll go next time and take pictures then. Anyone know if it's held weekly or just the first Saturday of the month?

Holloween ehh... :D

Every saturday in a month there's a walking street and as i've read if it become succesful the event will also be held on sunday too.

Start at 16.00 pm till 24.00 pm. About the locations it was mentioned at Tanalai road up to 4 crossroad where the Goverment Savings Bank located.

The length of this walking street is about 1500 meter plus they divided into 3 zones.

Zone 1 : Otop goods of CR such as produced by the royal projects and hill tribe products.

Zone 2 : Handmade items by the locals, demonstrations about spa products like herbs and traditional massages.

Zone 3 : This zone include exhibitions, products - gifts -souvenirs stalls and the market.

Nice initiative though, the food sellers are not allow to use plastic wrapping materials but the natural ones instead like leaves, paper bags ect...


I was looking at a webboard and saw some pictures of this event. I didnt shoot them myself.

Credit from : http://www.chiangraifocus.com/webboard/vie...=4869&cat=1









Lots of peoples there!




Are they sure on using natural materials? I see this lady still use a plastic cup. Like usual...Thai style of policy.

Theory and practice are 2 different things ehhh :o


Clock Tower looks like its finish. I can hardly see the time. :D

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Last evening I walked, or tried to walk, the street. The crush of people was unbelievable. I started from the HaYaak end and after many minutes of jostling, and a pleasant chat with some pretty students from the Vocational College, from whom I bought 5 bahts worth of black jellied drink I made it to the Suan Tong basketball site where many tables where situated for eating. No free tables, so I perched on the end of a bench and enjoyed some Som Tam. Back to the scrum when I finally made the crossroads I'd had enough and walked back the around the more peaceful block to where I'd parked near Tops Super, and home to watch the Arsenal beat Man U on the box.

There were many things there, vendors and food stalls galore, and some entertainment spots, but the crush of bodies was pretty horrendous. I daren't think what it will be like for Loy Kratong next week with firecrackers being chucked about. We won't be there a while!





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Last evening I walked, or tried to walk, the street. The crush of people was unbelievable. I started from the HaYaak end and after many minutes of jostling, and a pleasant chat with some pretty students from the Vocational College, from whom I bought 5 bahts worth of black jellied drink I made it to the Suan Tong basketball site where many tables where situated for eating. No free tables, so I perched on the end of a bench and enjoyed some Som Tam. Back to the scrum when I finally made the crossroads I'd had enough and walked back the around the more peaceful block to where I'd parked near Tops Super, and home to watch the Arsenal beat Man U on the box.

There were many things there, vendors and food stalls galore, and some entertainment spots, but the crush of bodies was pretty horrendous. I daren't think what it will be like for Loy Kratong next week with firecrackers being chucked about. We won't be there a while!

Thank you for your nice pictures! Yes i thought myself too after i saw the pictures. But CR is a quite town if some event is up the locals will heading the place. :D

Dont know about the Loy Kratong thing but i thought the place to be is at Mae Fah Luang bridge or at Mae Kok bridge?

So this mean you will not be out at Loy Kratong, can you miss that? :D

Excellent Update konjianghai

Thank You

Wiley Coyote

You're welcome :o

Thanks konjianghai. Very nice pictures.

:D You're welcome!

Yes. I might be time to dig out the old Olympus superzoomer for the upcoming Saturday.

I was only mistaken that it was on Friday konjianghai because the thread says Friday walking street.

Yes the thread saying about friday but it's saturday instead. :D

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Yes KJH Loy Kratong at both the main bridges is fun, it's better to get there by motorcycle as there's always a crowd and parking is difficult. This applies to the walking street too.

What I meant was there will probably be a few idiots letting off firecrackers amongst the crowd in the walking street next Saturday.

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  • 1 month later...

The action actually takes place on Saturday evenings, not Fridays.

We walked the street for the second time yesterday evening. It is still fairly crowded but not as tight-packed as in November.

Many stalls there still but I doubt they were selling much. The fee they pay is 60 baht a meter, so not too much of an overhead for the vendors. The food centre at Sanam Tong was reasonable, but Lannaman had to seach far and wide to find a beer!

More photos attached.







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