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Where Did You Meet Your Wife


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Ok thanks for the translation anyway

I'm not in that circle....so didn't know what it means.....jing jing.....coz I don't talk like THAT

so now I know...THX :o




Song from Abba.

We can meet girls from "high to low" "low to high"

All love you.

Please no battle with words.

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no ones going to come in with " oh i met my wife at lolitas " are they ?,.

I met my wife at Lolita's. :o

Really ?....... well i was told that but couldnt beleive it :D

I met mine on the left side of the yellow line @ Eden.. :D

Eden right... is the left side of the yellow line for caboose girls or the non caboose girls?

I met my "wife" at Qbar. Guess thats where all the architects hung out 4 years ago.

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Regardless of where anyone met their wife - I think it the height of foolishness to introduce her here on TV.

Why would anyone want to introduce their wife to this den of spite, envy and bitterness?

My advice, if you've met the right woman for you, be content with your choice and keep her to yourself.

Guesthouse, you say it best. Totally agree.

Why should I treat my personal life as an opened book for everyone to read, you don't do that to any stranger you just met, let alone to someone on this TV who hide behind the avatars.

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Regardless of where anyone met their wife - I think it the height of foolishness to introduce her here on TV.

Why would anyone want to introduce their wife to this den of spite, envy and bitterness?

My advice, if you've met the right woman for you, be content with your choice and keep her to yourself.

Guesthouse, you say it best. Totally agree.

Why should I treat my personal life as an opened book for everyone to read, you don't do that to any stranger you just met, let alone to someone on this TV who hide behind the avatars.

So soft.

Open book?

Have you read the last page?

Why be shy about your love?

Something to hide?

Page 12?

If you love,what is there to hide'?

Loosing your own face?

I love my wife,she bar girl many years.

If you can not look at this as normal up to you.

Many farang on TV look down on BG.

I, personaly have nothing to hide.

My name John.

Come from city "Ban Prang"

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Although most people in Oz refuse to believe, I met mine in McDonalds. (might have been with a 'happy meal' :o )

Originally online - don't recall the site now, too long back - conversed by email for a while, met up some 6 months later.

Mentioning that branch of McD's to here still makes her smile.

She's not been to uni, but then neither have I. We both have areas which we know better than the other. Hers is Thai language, mine is most other... :D

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met my wife in 1977 at a wedding reception in Hong Kong where i acted as the groom's best man. conducted a little small talk, asked her out for dinner the next day and proposed. reluctantly she accepted subject to the approval of her family. that was after dessert. when i heard the answer i coughed up a sip of cognac and asked "what the fàck has your family to do with you marrying me?" she smiled and answered "your english sounds quite crude and uneducated." then i hung my head in shame and muttered "vhat krime haff i kommitted in a former life zat i vas born a tchermann who vill never lose zat dàmn shtrong acktsent?"

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It would seem that 99% of ThaiVisa members met their GF in a top University.

So why are there so many Farangs complaining that their wife is as thick as <deleted> ?

I was in an Oxford University cafeteria when I noticed this Thai girl in a heated discussion with Professor David Coleman arguing over his controversial immigration stance, later on that day I met the same girl at Cambridge University in our Chemical Engineering class. Just had to make a move!

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I met my wife outside a pawn brokers. She was picking her teeth then she went in and bought them!

Did you sweet talk her with the line:

"Your teeth are like stars. They come out at night."

THen I followed up with the lines:-

"You cheeks remind me of petals - bicycle petals."

"Your eyes remind me of pools - cesspools!"

She has everything a man could wish for - hairy chest, rippling muscles and a beer belly.

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ok enough is enough

does it really matter to anyone how you met your partner? you can have this discussion with your close friends, family and acquaintances

but Im not having anyone criticise and try to talk down on other people's choice of partners just cos they are different to what some consider acceptable.

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