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Is There Another One Of Them Tv Meet-ups This Weekend?


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i for one am slammed with work. will be busy all this week. not sure yet what is going on with koh samet? who is in? it would be good to go friday night and have all day saturday there, and return to bangkok sunday afternoon. but i might not be able to because i have so much work to do- let's see! alternatives for partying up this weekend? maybe we can try Glow this time? Club Culture? any events coming?

Edited by girlx
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you can go to the gay RPG convention and stick a RPG up your crack you PUFF!!!!!

Im bored.. I just woke up form this Comma typ thingy over the weekend, Remind me never to Soak Chilies in macaroni for half a day, while having a Cold.

back to reality i guess...~~~ sooo....ummmmm SLIM ANYONE????

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BAD news- Raining in Samet!!

and it's not a good idea to swim with loads of jellyfish

so......... let's go up north HAHAHA!

neway, again think mum is coming tho i tryna convince her to come the other week...

and who is up for cake pissup tomorrow?

think i will go Central World, maybe watch movie too


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yes that was the girl. :o

whoever is going to samet needs to make reservations! it will be very busy there this weekend... i usually stay on ao phai which is more of a backpacker beach, the accommodation there kind of sucks but i wrote the travelfish guide to samet so if anyone needs tips let me know.

this place is nice but far from the beach and parties: http://www.new.facebook.com/home.php#/page...aan/10544687918

this place is nice but expensive and not my favorite beach: http://www.asiarooms.com/thailand/koh_same...ach_resort.html

not on the beach but close: http://www.tutubungalow.com/

good compromise: http://www.travelfish.org/accommodation_pr...ao_phai/all/561

Edited by girlx
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mum is really coming arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

she's defo not gonna let me go since i got the last <deleted> exam on the 6th.

shall i tell her : Who cares? :o

neway, have fun dudes

Thithi - No!!!!!!!!!!

You have to come. It wont be the same i without you! Ask you're mum to come down next week?

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i tried

she said she is not gonna be free in the other weeks.

and dad's not home. so she doesnt wanna stay at home alone.


plus.. i need a fridge, tv and stuffs....

neway, will tryna convince her again :o

i'm dying to go tho!

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RJT bro

Rain is not gonna stop just bcos of the election....



Oh wear oh wear has the young yet so hmm science of humor disappeared too.

Anyone up for a PISSUP Tommrow??

Mushroom. Why haven’t you joined up yet? Pattaya is no playce for a young gentlemen.

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