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Viewsonic 22" Lcd Monitor In The Aircraft Cargo Hold.

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I'ts only 3 months old and I still have the original packing.

Model: VX2235WM-5 (2ms)

Wt: 7kgs

Or sell it at a loss and buy a new one in BKK at Xmas?

It's now A$275 new, here.

I hate losing $$$s :o


I brought one from the US. It was a different brand but it survived the trip with no problems. I did tape a piece of wood panelling over the screen besides having wrapped it with the bubble packing.


I have also put a monitor as check baggage with no problems.

Original packaging bubble wrapped, and put in another cardboard box.


7KG? Can't you take it onboard with you? I took a new computer case in it's carton as carryon a couple of weeks ago, on a budget airline. They still let me take on a full laptop bag as well.


I was onboard and watching the bags being offloaded from a Saudi airlines flight transiting through DM to Singapore years ago.

A military jeep stopped next to the planes rear cargo ramp as the bags were being offloaded. Boxes with a new stereo, speakers and computer came off the plane and onto the soon to be fully laden Jeep. It then gingerly drove off to the military side of the field.

You never know, it might be worth repackaging your computer into a plain box.

Thanks Gary.

This one is encased in polystyrene and a cardboard outer.

Was yours in a cardboard outer?

I had thrown away the original packing and had no box. I used the bubble wrap that has bubbles about an inch in diameter. I then taped all the way around it with the thin brown parcel tape.

I learned to protect things that are in checked baggage. Before that I had shipped a computer and marked the bag fragile. I think they had contests to see who could throw that bag the farthest. The boards had been actually knocked loose and the main board was cracked. The next time I stuffed a pillow inside the case, wrapped the whole thing in bubble packing and marked nothing on the bag. I plugged it in after I got here and there was apparently no damage at all.


Get yourself some of the strongest 'saran wrap' or similar; that clear, clingy, stretchy kitchen food wrapper and wrap the monitor heavily so it's 100% WATERTIGHT. You can make all the bubble wrap and padding you want but if your box gets stood in a puddle, left in the rain or exposed to water after frozen condensation thaws, your LCD may be seriously damaged.

This also works for bottles of sauces and ungents that may leak in the depressurised baggage hold no matter how tight the seal is.


Geez Nan,

you just scared the b'jeeesus outta me! :D

I take your point, so I'll get the box shrink wrapped, no real room inside the box for a few layers of polythene.

& 3 thicknesses of 1" bubble pack on the outside.

No bagman will be able to read the contents.

The box will probably bounce 3' if dropped!

Thanks. :o


Good idea Hssl. It may allow the op clear passage past customs too. I've found the only times I've been asked what I have has been while carrying boxes.


Too big for a hard case?


I've fiited 19" professional sound kit into my Samsunite oyster case before.

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