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When Will Govt. Learn To Stop Manipulating Markets?

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From Bkk Post.

Thai exports grew 15.5 per cent in August, the slowest performance this year, while imports were up 26.9 per cent, leaving the kingdom with a $675 million trade deficit, the Bank of Thailand said Tuesday.

The export slowdown was led by declines in rice shipments and prices while rubber exports also dropped in volume, the bank said.

Thailand, the world's leading rice exporter, enjoyed a trade windfall in June and July this year when rice prices soared on the world market.

But world rice prices declined in August, and Thai rice exports, deemed overpriced because of a domestic price-support scheme, have faltered.

"Oh, for the life of a rice farmer, what did my bought vote cost me in the long run? Why did I buy into to palungprachachon rhetoric?" :o


With world governments trying to intervene in markets to prop up certain interests, what do the financial savvy out there think? Good or a pathway to a certain worldwide depression?

Me, I say let the chips fall where they may, otherwise how can you choose who to bail out and who to flounder? Governments have no business in the marketplace. :D

Soundman. :D

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The last act of every government is to loot the nation.

The most charming thing about the elites is that they never see the revolution coming, right up to the minute they are drug kicking and screaming to the nearest lamp post.

I personally have gone long the torch and pitchfork futures! :o

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greed, greed, manipulation of paper, and more greed.

All the way from the average Joe who is enticed to leveraging his house to get a pile of money - to the largest financial institutions: they're all leveraging themselves blue. The silliness got so out of hand - with paper for bad loans getting bought sold traded, re-sold, bundled, etc. - that gov't felt compelled to step in to save investors and dems dat need loans to survive from week to week - which is just about everyone.

Ahhhhh, the relief of having no debts, and no wifey whose favorite thing would be to go to an endless shopping mall - with a treadmill running in a gargantuan loop - and a fistful of credit cards.

Actually, one German mall had an excellent idea: Because most wives hate to go shopping with their husbands (the guys always saying, "honey, do we really need this?" or "can we go home now?") - the mall created a beer hall, where wives could drop off their husbands and go off shopping. The guys had football on TV, newspapers, and brew on tap. They also had name tags - so when the wifey came back to claim her man, the doorman would call out his name. When I read that article, I pictured a wife giving the doorman another name, and walking away with a new guy (new for her, anyway).

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From Bkk Post.

Thai exports grew 15.5 per cent in August, the slowest performance this year, while imports were up 26.9 per cent, leaving the kingdom with a $675 million trade deficit, the Bank of Thailand said Tuesday.

The export slowdown was led by declines in rice shipments and prices while rubber exports also dropped in volume, the bank said.

Thailand, the world's leading rice exporter, enjoyed a trade windfall in June and July this year when rice prices soared on the world market.

But world rice prices declined in August, and Thai rice exports, deemed overpriced because of a domestic price-support scheme, have faltered.

"Oh, for the life of a rice farmer, what did my bought vote cost me in the long run? Why did I buy into to palungprachachon rhetoric?" :o


With world governments trying to intervene in markets to prop up certain interests, what do the financial savvy out there think? Good or a pathway to a certain worldwide depression?

Me, I say let the chips fall where they may, otherwise how can you choose who to bail out and who to flounder? Governments have no business in the marketplace. :D

good point, but the US fuc_ked up the same way they did years ago with the savings and loans :D scandal.Poor regulation is the reason and it would be nice if this time we could just let the americans crash and burn..... too bad the world economy is so interdependant.................USA 1 world 0

Soundman. :D

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greed, greed, manipulation of paper, and more greed.

All the way from the average Joe who is enticed to leveraging his house to get a pile of money - to the largest financial institutions: they're all leveraging themselves blue. The silliness got so out of hand - with paper for bad loans getting bought sold traded, re-sold, bundled, etc. - that gov't felt compelled to step in to save investors and dems dat need loans to survive from week to week - which is just about everyone.

Ahhhhh, the relief of having no debts, and no wifey whose favorite thing would be to go to an endless shopping mall - with a treadmill running in a gargantuan loop - and a fistful of credit cards.

Actually, one German mall had an excellent idea: Because most wives hate to go shopping with their husbands (the guys always saying, "honey, do we really need this?" or "can we go home now?") - the mall created a beer hall, where wives could drop off their husbands and go off shopping. The guys had football on TV, newspapers, and brew on tap. They also had name tags - so when the wifey came back to claim her man, the doorman would call out his name. When I read that article, I pictured a wife giving the doorman another name, and walking away with a new guy (new for her, anyway).

one side of me says let the F-in US banks take it up the brown,,,, but the residual effect on the rest of us could be diarea :o

Edited by unforgiven
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one side of me says let the F-in US banks take it up the brown,,,, but the residual effect on the rest of us could be diarea :o

I hope they do eat sh8 & learn from it. The Markets will have to adjust nobody said it was a sure bet to invest. As for the rest of you? If your banks didn't eat the tainted meat for profits they need not worry about the diahrea right? :D

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