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American Expats Rally For Presidential Election 2008


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Wisdom beats experience every time. Case in point...Two weeks ago when McBush could only say," I'm going to fix this economy"; Obama gathered several former Secretaries of State, to give him input on several issues. No one can know everything but a wise man will find the people who do know about particular subjects and garner advice in order to make informed choices.

If Obama gathered former Secretaries of State to advise him on the economy, he is far from being wise.

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As Amerikan's abroad, one of the single most important reasons that we NEED OBAMA is to improve our immage overseas. Just ask around what most Thais and people from other countries say about who is the best leader and most will pick Obama over the 'old warrior' that thinks that war is the solution to all problems.

And the simple realization is that with 'MacDrain' will give us 4 more years of the same [or worse]..........It's time for real change!! or at least hope.

Foreigners are judged much more on the strength of their currency than on who their political leaders may be. I'm not saying currency fluctuations aren't tied to political leadership however. Maybe.

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Just ask around what most Thais and people from other countries say about who is the best leader and most will pick Obama

One thing Americans agree on is not caring who the average Thai on the street (or Brit, German, Frenchman, etc) thinks would be the best US President. Just as I'm sure those people don't care who Americans (or people in other countries) think would be their best leader.

Just for fun, why do they like Obama better? Most people don't like America and love to watch her stumble. Do they like Obama because he will be good for America? Or because he will help weaken America? If they like Obama because they think he will be better for their own country, maybe they should get their own leaders instead of relying on someone else's.

That's a very paranoid(?) view. Most people take an interest in US politics since GWB messed with their lives. What he did, and what America does, affects us all, sometimes dramatically.

Not paranoid in the slightest. I asked WHY people want Obama and gave options. I doubt many in the world (certainly not on this forum) want Obama to make America stronger. Perhaps you disagree?

If you want to be respected while you wield so much power, you'd better take a broader view of the world. The above view is part of the reason the US has lost so much support. I assume you are not one of those that care how people around the world perceive you?

I've been living abroad since 1994 and remember clearly how the world didn't love America while Clinton was in office. During those years I ran into plenty of anti-Americanism - mostly from the Brits. I also found that for the most part their opinions were based on leftist spin. BTW - I think Bush is LOVED in much of Africa because he has done more for them than any other American president (at according to Bono & Geldoff)

If you want us to mind our own business, then stay out of our lives. That means no more military adventures etc. Otherwise you'll have to just live with us poking our noses into what the US has MADE our business.

I never said to mind your own business.

Unfortunately, you want to choose how and when the US gets involved but you don't get a choice. Were you against all the aid provided by the US after the tsunami? All of a sudden that aircraft carrier came in pretty handy didn't it? Or the next big earthquake in Pakistan let them use their own helicopters and send their own supplies and doctors to help out. And for Israeli-Palestinian issue - why are other countries always asking "where's America's plan?" Why don't other countries stay out of that? What business is it of theirs (they don't even like Palestinians)? Let those two work it out for themselves. How about all the food aid the world receives from us? The list of good done by the USA far out weighs the bad. Perhaps you can make a checklist of what you approve and disapprove and send it to:

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500

And back to the topic of Obama or McCain - -McCain is way more qualified but Obama would provide a much more interesting presidency. If we survived the past 8 years, Obama won't be able to break the country. Oh, and if he does win, keep a list of all the places he bombs because every president does it.

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Wisdom beats experience every time. Case in point...Two weeks ago when McBush could only say," I'm going to fix this economy"; Obama gathered several former Secretaries of State, to give him input on several issues. No one can know everything but a wise man will find the people who do know about particular subjects and garner advice in order to make informed choices.

If Obama gathered former Secretaries of State to advise him on the economy, he is far from being wise.

Koheesti... Please re-read my post. "input on several issues" many are inter-related. Over the head of many

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Wisdom beats experience every time. Case in point...Two weeks ago when McBush could only say," I'm going to fix this economy"; Obama gathered several former Secretaries of State, to give him input on several issues. No one can know everything but a wise man will find the people who do know about particular subjects and garner advice in order to make informed choices.

If Obama gathered former Secretaries of State to advise him on the economy, he is far from being wise.

Koheesti... Please re-read my post. "input on several issues" many are inter-related. Over the head of many

I don't remember this. I remember McCain saying he was suspending his campaign to go do his job as Senator back in DC and Obama said that he can do more than one thing at a time and if he is needed they can call him. But I don't remember Obama gathering several former Secretaries of State. Are you refering to the CNN forum from 2 weeks ago that had Kissinger, Baker, Christopher, Albright, and Powell giving advice to the next president on several issues?


Edited by koheesti
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Yes my friend...That was on Monday the 15th of Oct.. The meeting was as you will point out was a meeting of former Secretaries of both parties. It was focused Maybe on only foreign policy. A crack in my story . I apologize for the inaccuracy. I do try to be factual. Still a good example of utilizing bi-partisan folks who have insight. I believe it was Henry Ford who first claimed that "although I don't have the answers for everything, within five minutes I can surround myself with the people who do have the knowledge" A sign of a smart cookie


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I could never vote for a fighter pilot who became a hero by killing babies. I managed one of those ex-Marine fighter pilots once, who said without being prompted, " I love the sight of napalm."

He was quoting a line by Robert Duvall in "Apocalypse Now" which more correctly was "I love the smell of napalm in the morning".

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Still a good example of utilizing bi-partisan folks who have insight. I believe it was Henry Ford who first claimed that "although I don't have the answers for everything, within five minutes I can surround myself with the people who do have the knowledge" A sign of a smart cookie

Does this mean that you are going to vote for CNN Reporter Richard Quest for President? :o

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Yes my friend...That was on Monday the 15th of Oct.. The meeting was as you will point out was a meeting of former Secretaries of both parties. It was focused Maybe on only foreign policy. A crack in my story . I apologize for the inaccuracy. I do try to be factual. Still a good example of utilizing bi-partisan folks who have insight. I believe it was Henry Ford who first claimed that "although I don't have the answers for everything, within five minutes I can surround myself with the people who do have the knowledge" A sign of a smart cookie


It was a CNN event. Representing it as "Obama gathered several former Secretaries of State, to give him input on several issues." is inaccurate. Obama didn't gather them, CNN did. They weren't there to specifically give Obama advice, they were asked to give advice to "The Next President" - which means either Obama or McCain.

So now it sounds like a sign of Obama's wisdom was to watch CNN? :o

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I could never vote for a fighter pilot who became a hero by killing babies. I managed one of those ex-Marine fighter pilots once, who said without being prompted, " I love the sight of napalm."

He was quoting a line by Robert Duvall in "Apocalypse Now" which more correctly was "I love the smell of napalm in the morning".

No! We were discussing his role as a Marine fighter pilot in the war, and he explained that as he returned to the aircraft carrier after a bombing mission, he had to jettison any remaining napalm bombs. He spoke longingly about the beauty of the fire and smoke, without realizing he was mimicing the movie. I made the connection right away, but was too polite to remind him. Also, it was not professional for an IRS manager to call my employee a baby killer, even though he was. And it is not PC to say a POW was one.
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I could never vote for a fighter pilot who became a hero by killing babies.

He did not become a hero by killing babies. He became a hero by refusing to return home before his men when offered a special deal by the Vietnamese. He had been tortured for years and still does not have full use of his arms and he knew that he could easily die in Hanoi before the war would end.

If you are a pacifist and would be willing to spend the rest of your life in a horrific military prison to avoid military service, then I have nothing but respect for you, but John McCain was a military man and his duty was to kill who the goverment told him to kill and he did his duty.

Semper Fi!

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Yes my friend...That was on Monday the 15th of Oct.. The meeting was as you will point out was a meeting of former Secretaries of both parties. It was focused Maybe on only foreign policy. A crack in my story . I apologize for the inaccuracy. I do try to be factual. Still a good example of utilizing bi-partisan folks who have insight. I believe it was Henry Ford who first claimed that "although I don't have the answers for everything, within five minutes I can surround myself with the people who do have the knowledge" A sign of a smart cookie


It was a CNN event. Representing it as "Obama gathered several former Secretaries of State, to give him input on several issues." is inaccurate. Obama didn't gather them, CNN did. They weren't there to specifically give Obama advice, they were asked to give advice to "The Next President" - which means either Obama or McCain.

So now it sounds like a sign of Obama's wisdom was to watch CNN? :o

Like he said. :D

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Quote :

He did not become a hero by killing babies. He became a hero by refusing to return home before his men when offered a special deal by the Vietnamese. He had been tortured for years and still does not have full use of his arms and he knew that he could easily die in Hanoi before the war would end.

I dont want it to look like I am picking on you UG, but doesnt his story sound a little like that of another great American here, Jessica Lynch.

Did she not fight off 100 heavily armed iraqi soldiers by using her bra as a sling shot after her ammo ran out and then she was tortured and kept in inhumane conditions until her " rescue ".

She too was a hero, well until the truth came out anyway.

I was in Vietnam many years ago at the Hanoi Hilton and took some photos of the photos there on display. One of them is of Mister frozen french fry himself and he looks pretty happy in it.

I am sick of listening to his story, its as old as he is and he is just pandering to the sympathy vote.

I have not heard Obama tell stories about how hard it was growing up bi-racial in America, perhaps he should and pander for that vote.

Question is, who is the most qualified to lead the country now based on their experiences relating to the job and not on things that happened to them wayyyy in the past.

Clinton is a hero in my books because he seduced his 19 year old plump intern but I would not vote for him because of this.

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Can the vote be for none of the above?

I got my absentee ballot from the state of Pennsylavnia today. Bob Barr of the Libertarain party and Ralph Nadar of the Indpendent Party were on the ballot. So yes, you can vote for none of the above.

Problem with that is that you wouldn't be voting NONE OF THE ABOVE, you'd be voting for Bob or Ralph. I think there should be a None of the Above option. That way each election we can see just how many voters were truly unhappy with the choices. That would be much too embarrassing for the powers that be (both major parties) so they'll never allow it.

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Question is, who is the most qualified to lead the country now based on their experiences relating to the job and not on things that happened to them wayyyy in the past.

There are a lot of people who verify McCain's story. He is a genuine hero and has nothing in common with Jessica Lynch as she would tell you herself.

Obama grew up in Hawai and went to all the best schools. I don't think that anyone will feel sorry for him.

It is pretty obvious that McCain is way more qualified than Obama as Obama is just getting started in politics and has accomplished very little. McCain has a very long, very succesful political career.

You should be voting for McCain if those are your criteria. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Question is, who is the most qualified to lead the country now based on their experiences relating to the job and not on things that happened to them wayyyy in the past.

You'll notice that Obama campaigns on abstracts such as hope, change, judgement instead of concrete accomplishments or experience.

I agree that the POW experience is mentioned too often. That was something like 5 years of his life over 35 years ago. In 2004, we got to hear much more about Kerry's 2-3 months also over 35 years ago. At least with McCain we are hearing what he has done during his time in the Senate. Kerry never mentioned anything about his Senate career. He was a major player in Iran Contra going after Reagan. Hmmm. I wonder why he didn't mention that. As for Obama, he has spent something like 100 days in the Senate (notcounting holidays and weekends). Even his supporters who are established national political figures can't point to anything he has done when asked.

And oddly enough, Palin is the only one with Executive experience - running Alaska (much more impressive than running Arkansas). McCain, Biden & Obama haven't run anything. OK, McCain ran something in the military 40 years ago but that isn't the same thing. I think McCain was still a POW when Biden entered the Senate. That's something.

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To be honest, I could care less what race he is. He seems to be a special human being and he inspires all of us. The fact that he is black just lets everyone know that we want the best leaders possible, no matter their race, color or creed. :o

Doesnt inspire me - I think he's full of shi*e!!!

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Not me.

I thought that your point was that Obama wisely gathered several former Secretaries of State to tell him how to solve the banking crisis, but he didn't, so what point are you trying to make? :o

Why would he want advice from lads who deal with foreign affairs not economics? Poor judgment??? :D

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Can the vote be for none of the above?

I got my absentee ballot from the state of Pennsylavnia today. Bob Barr of the Libertarain party and Ralph Nadar of the Indpendent Party were on the ballot. So yes, you can vote for none of the above.

Problem with that is that you wouldn't be voting NONE OF THE ABOVE, you'd be voting for Bob or Ralph. I think there should be a None of the Above option. That way each election we can see just how many voters were truly unhappy with the choices. That would be much too embarrassing for the powers that be (both major parties) so they'll never allow it.

There is a check box next to a blank line where you can write in the name of the candidate of you choice too. I'd imagine that a certain percent will write in "Homer Simpson" or "Daffy Duck" or even "NONE OF THE ABOVE" but I doubt that doing that has much of an impact. The true number of those who think that neither candidate is worth voiting for is probably pretty close to the number that don't vote at all.

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To be honest, I could care less what race he is. He seems to be a special human being and he inspires all of us. The fact that he is black just lets everyone know that we want the best leaders possible, no matter their race, color or creed. :D

Doesnt inspire me - I think he's full of shi*e!!!

That is what I am afraid of, but the mo-fo can speak - you got to give him that! :o

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To be honest, I could care less what race he is. He seems to be a special human being and he inspires all of us. The fact that he is black just lets everyone know that we want the best leaders possible, no matter their race, color or creed. :D

Doesnt inspire me - I think he's full of shi*e!!!

That is what I am afraid of, but the mo-fo can speak - you got to give him that! :o

I'm sure Putin and Amanutjob will be hypnotised by Obama like so many people. Nah, Putin will eat him alive.

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Can you imagine Palin as President? McCain is now 72 years old?

That was a predictable reply.

Palin isn't running for President and 72 isn't that old. McCain's mother is a spry 96. I'm 99.9% sure that McCain won't die of natural causes his first term. If he can just manage to hang on for another year, Palin will be more qualified to be President than Obama is now. I'd say the odds are better (or should that be worse?) that some racist nutjob puts Obama out of commission before he can even be sworn in than for McCain to kick the bucket.

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