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When Is This Possible Proprty Crash

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"The misses". I love it, it's about ownership, similar to "the cat", the dog", "the car"..."the misses". Since you are going to be spending your money, I'm not sure that "the misses" really cares if you spend too much or not. On the other hand, TVers have been waiting patiently for five years for BKK real estate prices to crash...and they only keep going up.
Well I am one of the few lucky ones. My misses is a lot richer than I am. :D

Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :o

The way we think is we are in this as a team.

We are very happy together and I have no reason to think that the money train I am sitting on will stop but if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money then I hope me, the night is shinning armor can step up to the challange.

I have my own businesses that are doing well, bad as in down this last 3 months but still making at present and my money has been going into UK real estate which my misses has also helped me purchase the last one. I know the UK market is down but we are in this for the long term.

If I was to buy into anything here with my own cash as in Thai real estate and I moaned about myself not being on the papers I would look like an ass as she has put money in property that is in my name in the UK.

On the other hand I know of millions of horror stores of guys giving there life savings for a plot and a house up north and once the papers are signed its all over. Little lady Thai has a nice new house and her real boyfriend moves in.

So back on topic, If there is land we want to buy in the lower suk area then buy do not wait as it is not going down?

Tell me please...

Why did your wife buy UK property in Your name?

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"The misses". I love it, it's about ownership, similar to "the cat", the dog", "the car"..."the misses". Since you are going to be spending your money, I'm not sure that "the misses" really cares if you spend too much or not. On the other hand, TVers have been waiting patiently for five years for BKK real estate prices to crash...and they only keep going up.
Well I am one of the few lucky ones. My misses is a lot richer than I am. :D

Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :D

The way we think is we are in this as a team.

We are very happy together and I have no reason to think that the money train I am sitting on will stop but if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money then I hope me, the night is shinning armor can step up to the challange.

I have my own businesses that are doing well, bad as in down this last 3 months but still making at present and my money has been going into UK real estate which my misses has also helped me purchase the last one. I know the UK market is down but we are in this for the long term.

If I was to buy into anything here with my own cash as in Thai real estate and I moaned about myself not being on the papers I would look like an ass as she has put money in property that is in my name in the UK.

On the other hand I know of millions of horror stores of guys giving there life savings for a plot and a house up north and once the papers are signed its all over. Little lady Thai has a nice new house and her real boyfriend moves in.

So back on topic, If there is land we want to buy in the lower suk area then buy do not wait as it is not going down?

Slight exaggeration perhaps?? :o

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"The misses". I love it, it's about ownership, similar to "the cat", the dog", "the car"..."the misses". Since you are going to be spending your money, I'm not sure that "the misses" really cares if you spend too much or not. On the other hand, TVers have been waiting patiently for five years for BKK real estate prices to crash...and they only keep going up.
Well I am one of the few lucky ones. My misses is a lot richer than I am. :D

Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :D

The way we think is we are in this as a team.

We are very happy together and I have no reason to think that the money train I am sitting on will stop but if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money then I hope me, the night is shinning armor can step up to the challange.

I have my own businesses that are doing well, bad as in down this last 3 months but still making at present and my money has been going into UK real estate which my misses has also helped me purchase the last one. I know the UK market is down but we are in this for the long term.

If I was to buy into anything here with my own cash as in Thai real estate and I moaned about myself not being on the papers I would look like an ass as she has put money in property that is in my name in the UK.

On the other hand I know of millions of horror stores of guys giving there life savings for a plot and a house up north and once the papers are signed its all over. Little lady Thai has a nice new house and her real boyfriend moves in.

So back on topic, If there is land we want to buy in the lower suk area then buy do not wait as it is not going down?

Here we go again...

Why do these guys need to get their self esteem by bulldusting on public forums??

"My Thai wife is a multi millionare and we need help to decide to buy in Thailnd"...blah blah blah :o

Maybe he is telling the truth, he is a farang mangdah (pimp/user). Only fair really when you think about it. Mind you whats the bet Daddy has things quietly under control for when kitten tires of it all?

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"The misses". I love it, it's about ownership, similar to "the cat", the dog", "the car"..."the misses". Since you are going to be spending your money, I'm not sure that "the misses" really cares if you spend too much or not. On the other hand, TVers have been waiting patiently for five years for BKK real estate prices to crash...and they only keep going up.
Well I am one of the few lucky ones. My misses is a lot richer than I am. :D

Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :o

The way we think is we are in this as a team.

We are very happy together and I have no reason to think that the money train I am sitting on will stop but if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money then I hope me, the night is shinning armor can step up to the challange.

I have my own businesses that are doing well, bad as in down this last 3 months but still making at present and my money has been going into UK real estate which my misses has also helped me purchase the last one. I know the UK market is down but we are in this for the long term.

If I was to buy into anything here with my own cash as in Thai real estate and I moaned about myself not being on the papers I would look like an ass as she has put money in property that is in my name in the UK.

On the other hand I know of millions of horror stores of guys giving there life savings for a plot and a house up north and once the papers are signed its all over. Little lady Thai has a nice new house and her real boyfriend moves in.

So back on topic, If there is land we want to buy in the lower suk area then buy do not wait as it is not going down?

Tell me please...

Why did your wife buy UK property in Your name?

Neither of us are millionaires in fact I think because of the resent financial problems in the world we are not as secure as we once where but we are doing ok.

She did not buy UK property in my name I bought UK properties and she put some money in with me. This is what happens in some relationships you help each other and support each other (maybe you have not found this yet). The same as when she bought some Thai property I put some moeny in. We are about 50/50 at present.

We live together, we love each other. I trust her she trusts me. If you do not like this then tough, before you start picking wholes in other people please look at yourself.

Here we go again...

Why do these guys need to get their self esteem by pushing people down on public forums??

May I ask was you a bully at school????


Her Daddy is dead, died when she was 8, mommy is well thanks, my ladies mother and my mother are very good friends and have been for over 10 years, since before we got together.

Please no more about me can we move onto the question in hand, what do people think is going to happen to the land market here?

I always thought this part of the forum was about real estate not lets pick on other forum members.

All I did not was ask a question about the land prices.

Merry Christmas.

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"The misses". I love it, it's about ownership, similar to "the cat", the dog", "the car"..."the misses". Since you are going to be spending your money, I'm not sure that "the misses" really cares if you spend too much or not. On the other hand, TVers have been waiting patiently for five years for BKK real estate prices to crash...and they only keep going up.
Well I am one of the few lucky ones. My misses is a lot richer than I am. :D

Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :D

The way we think is we are in this as a team.

We are very happy together and I have no reason to think that the money train I am sitting on will stop but if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money then I hope me, the night is shinning armor can step up to the challange.

I have my own businesses that are doing well, bad as in down this last 3 months but still making at present and my money has been going into UK real estate which my misses has also helped me purchase the last one. I know the UK market is down but we are in this for the long term.

If I was to buy into anything here with my own cash as in Thai real estate and I moaned about myself not being on the papers I would look like an ass as she has put money in property that is in my name in the UK.

On the other hand I know of millions of horror stores of guys giving there life savings for a plot and a house up north and once the papers are signed its all over. Little lady Thai has a nice new house and her real boyfriend moves in.

So back on topic, If there is land we want to buy in the lower suk area then buy do not wait as it is not going down?

Tell me please...

Why did your wife buy UK property in Your name?

Neither of us are millionaires in fact I think because of the resent financial problems in the world we are not as secure as we once where but we are doing ok.

She did not buy UK property in my name I bought UK properties and she put some money in with me. This is what happens in some relationships you help each other and support each other (maybe you have not found this yet). The same as when she bought some Thai property I put some moeny in. We are about 50/50 at present.

"Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :D

We live together, we love each other. I trust her she trusts me. If you do not like this then tough, before you start picking wholes in other people please look at yourself.

Here we go again...

Why do these guys need to get their self esteem by pushing people down on public forums??

May I ask was you a bully at school????


Her Daddy is dead, died when she was 8,

if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money mommy is well thanks, my ladies mother and my mother are very good friends and have been for over 10 years, since before we got together.

Please no more about me can we move onto the question in hand, what do people think is going to happen to the land market here?

I always thought this part of the forum was about real estate not lets pick on other forum members.

All I did not was ask a question about the land prices.

Merry Christmas.

Not a bully mate, never have been.

You brag about being married to a multi millionaire Thai woman (by the way, on another recent post of yours you wrote "soon to be married") :o and yes...this is a forum about realestate...so why post this rubbish in the first place?

Your contradictions are highlighted in red.

If your Thai wife and family are so rich, why do you feel the need to brag about it on a realestate forum?

Please get your self worth elsewhere.

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Ok so back to the real subject.........................

I dont know WHEN but it seems inevitable that this will impact Thailand sooner or later.............

Taken from The Times online

Nouriel Roubini: I fear the worst is yet to come

When this man predicted a global financial crisis more than a year ago, people laughed. Not any more...

Dominic Rushe

As stock markets headed off a cliff again last week, closely followed by currencies, and as meltdown threatened entire countries such as Hungary and Iceland, one voice was in demand above all others to steer us through the gloom: that of Dr Doom.

For years Dr Doom toiled in relative obscurity as a New York University economics professor under his alias, Nouriel Roubini. But after making a series of uncannily accurate predictions about the global meltdown, Roubini has become the prophet of his age, jetting around the world dispensing his advice and latest prognostications to politicians and businessmen desperate to know what happens next – and for any answer to the crisis.

While the economic sun was shining, most other economists scoffed at Roubini and his predictions of imminent disaster. They dismissed his warnings that the sub-prime mortgage disaster would trigger a financial meltdown. They could not quite believe his view that the US mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would collapse, and that the investment banks would be crushed as the world headed for a long recession.

Yet all these predictions and more came true. Few are laughing now.

What does Roubini think is going to happen next? Rather worryingly, in London last Thursday he predicted that hundreds of hedge funds will go bust and stock markets may soon have to shut – perhaps for as long as a week – in order to stem the panic selling now sweeping the world.

What happened? The next day trading was briefly stopped in New York and Moscow.

Dubbed Dr Doom for his gloomy views, this lugubrious disciple of the “dismal science” is now the world’s most in-demand economist. He reckons he is getting about four hours’ sleep a night. Last week he was in Budapest, London, Madrid and New York. Next week he will address Congress in Washington. Do not expect any good news.

Contacted in Madrid on Friday, Roubini said the world economy was “at a breaking point”. He believes the stock markets are now “essentially in free fall” and “we are reaching the point of sheer panic”.

For all his recent predictive success, his critics still urge calm. They charge he is a professional doom-monger who was banging on about recession for years as the economy boomed. Roubini is stung by such charges, dismissing them as “pathetic”.

The collapse of the mortgage market would trigger a global meltdown, as trillions of dollars of mortgage-backed securities unravelled. The shockwaves would destroy banks and other big financial institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, America’s largest home loan lenders.

Even Roubini was taken aback at how quickly this scenario unfolded. The following month the US investment bank Bear Stearns went under. Since then, the pace and scale of the disaster has accelerated and, as Roubini predicted, the banking sector has been destroyed, Freddie and Fannie have collapsed, stock markets have gone mad and the economy has entered a frightening recession.

Roubini says he was able to predict the catastrophe so accurately because of his “holistic” approach to the crisis and his ability to work outside traditional economic disciplines. A long-time student of financial crises, he looked at the history and politics of past crises as well as the economic models.

“These crises don’t come out of nowhere,” he said. “Usually they arrive because of a systematic increase in a variety of asset and credit bubbles, macro-economic policies and other vulnerabilities. If you combine them, you may not get the timing right but you get an indication that you are closer to a tipping point.”

Others who claimed the economy would escape a recession had been swept up in “a critical euphoria and mania, an irrational exuberance”, he said. And many financial pundits, he believes, were just talking up their own vested interests. “I might be right or wrong, but I have never traded, bought or sold a single security in my life. I am trying to be as objective as I can.”

What does his objectivity tell him now? No end is yet in sight to the crisis.

“Every time there has been a severe crisis in the last six months, people have said this is the catastrophic event that signals the bottom. They said it after Bear Stearns, after Fannie and Freddie, after AIG [the giant US insurer that had to be rescued], and after [the $700 billion bailout plan]. Each time they have called the bottom, and the bottom has not been reached.”

Across the world, governments have taken more and more aggressive actions to stop the panic. However, Roubini believes investors appear to have lost confidence in governments’ ability to sort out the mess.

The announcement of the US government’s $700 billion bailout, Gordon Brown’s grand bank rescue plan and the coordinated response of governments around the world has done little to calm the situation. “It’s been a slaughter, day after day after day,” said Roubini. “Markets are dysfunctional; they are totally unhinged.” Economic fundamentals no longer apply, he believes.

He believes governments will have to come up with an even bigger international rescue, and that the US is facing “multi-year economic stagnation”.

Edited by midas
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"The misses". I love it, it's about ownership, similar to "the cat", the dog", "the car"..."the misses". Since you are going to be spending your money, I'm not sure that "the misses" really cares if you spend too much or not. On the other hand, TVers have been waiting patiently for five years for BKK real estate prices to crash...and they only keep going up.
Well I am one of the few lucky ones. My misses is a lot richer than I am. :(

Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :D

The way we think is we are in this as a team.

We are very happy together and I have no reason to think that the money train I am sitting on will stop but if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money then I hope me, the night is shinning armor can step up to the challange.

I have my own businesses that are doing well, bad as in down this last 3 months but still making at present and my money has been going into UK real estate which my misses has also helped me purchase the last one. I know the UK market is down but we are in this for the long term.

If I was to buy into anything here with my own cash as in Thai real estate and I moaned about myself not being on the papers I would look like an ass as she has put money in property that is in my name in the UK.

On the other hand I know of millions of horror stores of guys giving there life savings for a plot and a house up north and once the papers are signed its all over. Little lady Thai has a nice new house and her real boyfriend moves in.

So back on topic, If there is land we want to buy in the lower suk area then buy do not wait as it is not going down?

Tell me please...

Why did your wife buy UK property in Your name?

Neither of us are millionaires in fact I think because of the resent financial problems in the world we are not as secure as we once where but we are doing ok.

She did not buy UK property in my name I bought UK properties and she put some money in with me. This is what happens in some relationships you help each other and support each other (maybe you have not found this yet). The same as when she bought some Thai property I put some moeny in. We are about 50/50 at present.

"Yes she will own the land but I am not spending a penny of my own cash. :D

We live together, we love each other. I trust her she trusts me. If you do not like this then tough, before you start picking wholes in other people please look at yourself.

Here we go again...

Why do these guys need to get their self esteem by pushing people down on public forums??

May I ask was you a bully at school????


Her Daddy is dead, died when she was 8,

if one day she ran out of mommy and daddy money mommy is well thanks, my ladies mother and my mother are very good friends and have been for over 10 years, since before we got together.

Please no more about me can we move onto the question in hand, what do people think is going to happen to the land market here?

I always thought this part of the forum was about real estate not lets pick on other forum members.

All I did not was ask a question about the land prices.

Merry Christmas.

Not a bully mate, never have been.

You brag about being married to a multi millionaire Thai woman (by the way, on another recent post of yours you wrote "soon to be married") :o and yes...this is a forum about realestate...so why post this rubbish in the first place?

Your contradictions are highlighted in red.

If your Thai wife and family are so rich, why do you feel the need to brag about it on a realestate forum?

Please get your self worth elsewhere.

Mommy and daddy money is an expression not a explanation of what is a fact. For example, "A rolling stone gathers no moss". This does mean that I am rolling stones outside my door and i look at them NOT gathering moss.

I at no point ever said I was married, the expression "misses" was used this way as in not the "Mrs" because we are not married, again a lite joke an expression.

With the area in red above that you have highlighted I was commenting on a possible new buy as in future possibilities that we are thinking of, which I have told her due to the present economical climate I can not offer any financial help now as in, "I am not spending a penny of my own cash".

Maybe I felt a little guilty about this, which is why I had the funny picutre at the end of the comment :D I thought if I asked around on forums and friends I could get some incite and make sure this is a good move you know help! where I can.

"you know help off people, being nice" not sure if this is an alien concept to you or not?. I did not think I would be hounded by an ex school bully on a forum about real estate.

Soon married yes, if all goes to plan but so what? and I have never said that we are millionaires or she is a millionaire, "It would be nice".

Now stop being a stalker :D

There will be no more from me about this, if being a weekend keyboard worrier and following me around this forum makes your life more meaningful then great well go for it and enjoy

I have other things to do like figure out to put you on ignore.

Edited by barrella
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