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I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya


No problem,

Have not spoken Dutch for about two years so I might mix in some English and Thai, if you do not mind, ha ha.



I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya

If I want to see a Dutchmen I will go to Holland,I moved to Thailand so I don't have to see them anymore.


Ga je nou naar Thailand om met nederlanders rond te hangen? Beter ga je met de Thai aan de praat.

Ik ben zelf geen nederlander, maar spreek elke dag nog met mijn collegas in 0031.

"Hoe is het weer daar nu?" hahaha


]My neighbors [/size][/font]are Dutch, my friends are working for Dutch friend who own factory in Cha Am. That why im end up in Dutch country.

Off topic !!!


with those wired fonts


Being a Dutch expat, you will probably see your social life mainly revolving around English and German speaking expats. I don't know about Bangkok, but as far as the beach resorts are concerned, only in Pattaya there seems to be an area with a heavy concentration of Dutch people. (Soi Buakeow?? never known Pattaya very well, and haven't been there in a long time. I could find out though, if you are interested).

Usually expats sharing the same native language tend to hang out together, but there are simply not so many Dutch and Flemish around.

Je zal je sowieso wel amuseren in Bangkok.

I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya

Bangkok has the lot my friend. Even Datsun 240Z's..........!

PM me with your own e-mail address if you'd like to see a few nice ones. Really.

If I want to see a Dutchmen I will go to Holland,I moved to Thailand so I don't have to see them anymore.

Better remove the mirror from your bathroom. :o



Welcome to Thailand! :o

There seems to be a Dutch community/club? in Bangkok with their own get-togethers and even a magazine. Forgot the name, though. At the Embassy they might know.


I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya

I am half Belgian / half Indonesian... May be we can we can have a chat about the past!?!

Just kidding (but not about my roots!), bring Bokma (too late for maatjes) and Grolsh...

Ik spreek een kleine betje



Hallo bangkok is on my list

I hope next winterseason i can stay three months in LOS


Pilsje gaat er altijd wel in :o


I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya

Bangkok has the lot my friend. Even Datsun 240Z's..........!

PM me with your own e-mail address if you'd like to see a few nice ones. Really.

Sure it's an Asian ( Japanese )car. Maybe i buy one there for my own ride. I'll pm you later mate.

If I want to see a Dutchmen I will go to Holland,I moved to Thailand so I don't have to see them anymore.

Better remove the mirror from your bathroom. :D


Haha, LaPo... yeah that's right, then don't react to this topic TJAN :o


let me remind everyone that only english language is allowed on this forum

with the exception of thai, which is allowed only in the thai language sub-forum

I know you would all like to bond, but we still need to keep things within the rules


Guys..i'll let you know my adress, once i'm in Bangkok. The beer is cold :o Everybody is welcome

I'm staying at Lad Prao, PMTK Residence. Feel free to drop bye.. Just send me an personal message.

I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya

If I want to see a Dutchmen I will go to Holland,I moved to Thailand so I don't have to see them anymore.

are you serious?, or just another one of those losers with nothing better to do with you time than to write such stupidity

surely you must jest!

The dutch, like the british, americans, etc, etc are just abut everywhere. I guess you have somewhere they are not.Who else is not there? Anyone with a brain I am guessing.

Mods, why do you allow these sorts of bottom of the food chains to post here? I see racism,, slanders, etc

Send me a message my friend- we can plays games with the above type of person.it is fun

I'll be heading to Bangkok soon, and stay in Thailand for half a year or longer. Was thinking are there any Dutch out there in Bangkok, maybe we can get some contact...have a drink whatever :o

c ya

If I want to see a Dutchmen I will go to Holland,I moved to Thailand so I don't have to see them anymore.

are you serious?, or just another one of those losers with nothing better to do with you time than to write such stupidity

surely you must jest!

The dutch, like the british, americans, etc, etc are just abut everywhere. I guess you have somewhere they are not.Who else is not there? Anyone with a brain I am guessing.

Mods, why do you allow these sorts of bottom of the food chains to post here? I see racism,, slanders, etc

Send me a message my friend- we can plays games with the above type of person.it is fun

Interesting that the poster cries to the Mods about slander when you consider his rant. But far be from me to question such an esteemed member.

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