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How To Move Ubc Satellite?

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I am moving a UBC system from one house to another. I believe UBC charges 1,000 to do this but I want to try myself.

Has anyone had experience doing this? I figure just point the dish in the same general direction that it is pointing already and it should work? Is it harder than looks?

If I have to pay I will but it is fun to try and do myself first.


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I figure just point the dish in the same general direction that it is pointing already and it should work?

Oh to be the next door neighbour watching this. Sorry to burst your bubble here but thereis a little more to it than pointing it in the same direction. It needs to be pointed at a certain bit of the sky. You need a direction and declanation / inclanation to get a good fix and without a sat finder to plg into the dish you are going to be up and down the ladder like a nutter. Save yourself a load of heartache and sweat and just pay, what to me, is a reasonauble amount of money. Its 15 quid in real money or 30 dollars mickey mouse money. Enjoy your day and have fun :o

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Its 15 quid in real money or 30 dollars mickey mouse money.

:D:D . Funny one. :D:D


Is it really that advanced? If you have neighbours with Ubc and see how they are pointed, couldn´t you just have a guy looking at the tv inside while you are outside turning the disk around?? :o . That seems to be the way the Thais do it anyway. Don´t work?

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communication via mobile phone.... Turn it left

you on roof... which way is left

inside...........the other way

on roof ........this way?

inside...........which way?


Plan B. go to bar 1 hour come back and have crystal clear pic :o

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Are the bills still going to your old house? Won't UBC be a bit confused? Maybe they'll charge you B1000 for moving your dish without notifying them - I wouldn't be surprised at all, TiT

We paid B1.500 to have ours moved about 6 months ago...

Yea, I'd heard it was up to 1,500 to move now.

I was owner of the UBC initially, sold it to a friend (neighbor) and we never changed the name or address and now we've moved it back to my house so they will never be the wiser. The dish only moved a total of about 15 meters so no problems. Now I just have to figure out if I want to keep the platinum package or step it down a few notches.

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I moved a dish from home in Ranong to Ratchaburi. Your going to need to have someone who knows what they are doing to sight it correctly. The man who did my was very professional, installed the inwiring and was watching TV again about half hour after they arrived. It's worth the cost to let someone who knows what they are doing do it.

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I moved a dish from home in Ranong to Ratchaburi. Your going to need to have someone who knows what they are doing to sight it correctly. The man who did my was very professional, installed the inwiring and was watching TV again about half hour after they arrived. It's worth the cost to let someone who knows what they are doing do it.

This post wuld have looked alot smarter if you read the posts before. :o .

He already did it and saved his money!

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Are the bills still going to your old house? Won't UBC be a bit confused? Maybe they'll charge you B1000 for moving your dish without notifying them - I wouldn't be surprised at all, TiT

We paid B1.500 to have ours moved about 6 months ago...

You can change your billing address and magazine delivery address on line. I did this to get them delivered to my office as post to the house was erratic. Did not move the system at that time. Moved recently with no problem. Neither changing the address or moving house attracted any attention from UBC/True.

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How To Move Ubc Satellite?

erm contact the Kennedy Space centre and book the next space shuttle! :o:D :D

Now moving the UBC receiver dish is somewhat different and I see you have achieved that, let us know when you move the satellite so we can retune! :D :D :(

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If you have the Platinum service, True will move the connection for free.

I don´t even have platinum service, i have the cheapest on (400 baht/month i think), and when we bought our bedroom tv, true came for free and gave us an extra box for upstairs. I never paid anything for this.

Got me thinking, lets say a neighbour of mine want to use the same, couldn´t we just take one of the boxes and put it in his house, (15 meters away), and share the bill?

Two neigbours (like in the op case) moving a dish back and forward between their houses seems a bit crazy. Would it not be possible to just move the box, with a longer cable, and leave the dish were it is? :o

Or is this not possible?

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If you have the Platinum service, True will move the connection for free.

Will they move the satellite? :o

A little much to ask for, don´t you think? :D

They might move the dish though. With the box and tune it in so it works.

Btw, how much does the platinum cost per month?

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