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All the naked short selling of gold being done by Large banks is paper gold. And it very much effects the price of physical gold.


Christian said that the LBMA -- the same market Maguire trades in -- has leverage of about 100-1 on the gold bars settled on the exchange. In layman's terms, that means if 100 clients requested their bullion bars be delivered, the exchange could only give one client the precious metal.

or just check out GATA

i hate to agree with Jayman but have to agree when he is right claiming that naked short and of course long selling too affects the price of an asset tongue.png however, i don't agree that GATA is a reliable source as far as gold is concerned. i wouldn't let GATA advise me on dog food or lawn fertiliser laugh.png

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All the naked short selling of gold being done by Large banks is paper gold. And it very much effects the price of physical gold.


Christian said that the LBMA -- the same market Maguire trades in -- has leverage of about 100-1 on the gold bars settled on the exchange. In layman's terms, that means if 100 clients requested their bullion bars be delivered, the exchange could only give one client the precious metal.

or just check out GATA

Just to be clear.. when I say "paper gold" I am talking about any gold trade that does not involve the physical transfer of physical gold from one party to the other.

It works until it doesn't .. criminals will not win .. smile.png


All the naked short selling of gold being done by Large banks is paper gold. And it very much effects the price of physical gold.


Christian said that the LBMA -- the same market Maguire trades in -- has leverage of about 100-1 on the gold bars settled on the exchange. In layman's terms, that means if 100 clients requested their bullion bars be delivered, the exchange could only give one client the precious metal.

or just check out GATA

i hate to agree with Jayman but have to agree when he is right claiming that naked short and of course long selling too affects the price of an asset tongue.png however, i don't agree that GATA is a reliable source as far as gold is concerned. i wouldn't let GATA advise me on dog food or lawn fertiliser laugh.png

I just wanted to quote that reply so you couldn't go back and change it... I will print it to hang on my wall...clap2.gif

All joking aside.... GATA has been recognized as a foremost expert on the gold market and they have the ear of very powerful investors around the world. Whether they are wrong or right, they are being listened to by folks in very influential positions so to get a full story of gold you would need to hear what they have to say. That doesn't mean you have to believe or trust every word but know that their message is well received and does have effects on the market.


That article is foolish the people talking it in seem to think trading paper assets is a "fraud" ..... nonsense ..... My point was not that paper gold could not effect the price my point is I simply disagree with the amount of lopsided trades that make it happen, imo it's more rare than commonplace is all.


That article is foolish the people talking it in seem to think trading paper assets is a "fraud" ..... nonsense ..... My point was not that paper gold could not effect the price my point is I simply disagree with the amount of lopsided trades that make it happen, imo it's more rare than commonplace is all.

Naked short selling an asset is a fraud and if you think it's rare then you have another thing coming.

Goldman Sach's was just caught with their pants down on this



Your simply to daft to talk to ..... I didn't say it was rare I said enough lopsided trades to make a material diference was more rare than commonplace imo ...... Naked short selling is only a fraud in your opinion, plenty of people would agree with you as well but I do not, but like I said you are on some strange wavelength I can't relate to so i'm not interested in re explaining the sentences I make every other sentence ..... It's been nice chatting with you though , learn to read AND write and i'd be happy to talk with you in a year or so.

GATA has been recognized as a foremost expert on the gold market and they have the ear of very powerful investors around the world. Whether they are wrong or right, they are being listened to by folks in very influential positions so to get a full story of gold you would need to hear what they have to say.

recognised by whom? who are the very powerful investors? who are the folks in very influential positions?

i have a good friend who uses the nickname "Gata" in a financial forum and is telling me since years about the "fraud" GATA is trying to expose. if GATA had only some tiny success and powerful investors as well people in influential positions would support their theories the price of physical gold would have gone already through the roof no matter how "fraudulent" the paper pushers act.

i admit that "naked" trading can affect the price of an asset in the short run but not for years. i also admit that not each and everything GATA publishes are theories but some well founded facts are included. what i hate is GATA's unbalanced and 100% biased reports using the same contributors with an agenda (World Gold Council et al) over and over again beating the same rythm on their drums.

p.s. believe it or not, sometimes i read the "produce" of GATA!


Your simply to daft to talk to ..... I didn't say it was rare I said enough lopsided trades to make a material diference was more rare than commonplace imo ...... Naked short selling is only a fraud in your opinion, plenty of people would agree with you as well but I do not, but like I said you are on some strange wavelength I can't relate to so i'm not interested in re explaining the sentences I make every other sentence ..... It's been nice chatting with you though , learn to read AND write and i'd be happy to talk with you in a year or so.

Your personal insults will get you nowhere making your point. You say it's rare then not rare.. now your point is that it is NOT rare but doesn't happen commonly to influence the price? When you can figure out why gold goes into backwardation then you can come back and explain it all to us.


recognised by whom? who are the very powerful investors? who are the folks in very influential positions?


Talk about how the world has gone upside down from days gone by. So far there are three attendees to the GATA conference from Communist countries, and STILL, the FREE financial market press refuses to even mention GATA, much less deal with all we have discovered and done over the years. And THIS after one of the top economic advisors for Russia’s President Putin, Andrey Bykov, attended Gold Rush 21 … who told me at its conclusion that it was the finest conference he ever attended (Gold is not far from doubling since Andrey said that).

I'm sure a little searching will net you many of the GATA supporters.


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

I got my bear suit on right now. I started shorting just before the beige book was released.


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

no, i don't laugh because we both have reasons, although different ones, to like gold rather stable or down.


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

no, i don't laugh because we both have reasons, although different ones, to like gold rather stable or down.

Stable .... yes but why down .. I think it's going up.....smile.png


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

no, i don't laugh because we both have reasons, although different ones, to like gold rather stable or down.

Stable .... yes but why down .. I think it's going up.....smile.png

you think... let's see... ermm.gif


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

no, i don't laugh because we both have reasons, although different ones, to like gold rather stable or down.

Stable .... yes but why down .. I think it's going up.....smile.png

In the long run I agree that gold still has a few years of bull market left. But we have some tough times ahead and gold will get sold off when folks need something to liquidate to cover other margins. For me I hold physical long term without hesitation but I will sell these odd rallies that occur until I feel this shorter term bear market has passed.


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

no, i don't laugh because we both have reasons, although different ones, to like gold rather stable or down.

Stable .... yes but why down .. I think it's going up.....smile.png

Good call. Down now over 2.5% today.


Naam will laugh but I would rather gold was down now than up ... Usually PMs get bashed when Ben speaks ...so perhaps a contrarian play ..very few are expecting a clear message of new qe .. so negative for pm's or not ..crazy.gif

no, i don't laugh because we both have reasons, although different ones, to like gold rather stable or down.

Stable .... yes but why down .. I think it's going up.....smile.png

Good call. Down now over 2.5% today.

Don't bet against Ben ...sad.png


Quote from Churchill

please someone tell me how you get over this to many quotes thing

Churchill said a few post back

Don't bet against Ben ...sad.png

if your a trader correct but if your a long term holder it matters little. I want to sleep at night so dont trade but good luck to those who do. I worry you trade and miss a huge hike and take a nosebleed so happy to just buy and hold until bull market dies which IMO is years away but i could be wrong so it continues to be a insurance or hedge. But i don't understand hedging except a friend who is up on all that said I was actually hedging against our property and share asset holdings.


vhot are yew sinking today Tchurtchill? vill ze gold go up or down? huh.png

Today no idea ....rolleyes.gif

I agree with Letitbe and don't trade short term , but take profits as they come .....

I am still invested mostly in PM shares , about 60% Silver to 40% Gold which have been a disaster for the last few months .. but look as if they may be picking up .......slowly smile.png


vhot are yew sinking today Tchurtchill? vill ze gold go up or down? huh.png

Today no idea ....rolleyes.gif

I agree with Letitbe and don't trade short term , but take profits as they come .....

I am still invested mostly in PM shares , about 60% Silver to 40% Gold which have been a disaster for the last few months .. but look as if they may be picking up .......slowly smile.png

Mining shares are all extremely undervalued.. to buy and hold them is probably a good bet they will do well in the coming years..

Certainly day trading gold futures is not for the faint of heart. If you have the stomach for it then it can be quite lucrative.


if your a trader correct but if your a long term holder it matters little. I want to sleep at night so dont trade but good luck to those who do. I worry you trade and miss a huge hike and take a nosebleed so happy to just buy and hold until bull market dies which IMO is years away but i could be wrong so it continues to be a insurance or hedge. But i don't understand hedging except a friend who is up on all that said I was actually hedging against our property and share asset holdings.

Doing well; I am a trader.

Doing crap: I am a long term investor.


if your a trader correct but if your a long term holder it matters little. I want to sleep at night so dont trade but good luck to those who do. I worry you trade and miss a huge hike and take a nosebleed so happy to just buy and hold until bull market dies which IMO is years away but i could be wrong so it continues to be a insurance or hedge. But i don't understand hedging except a friend who is up on all that said I was actually hedging against our property and share asset holdings.

Doing well; I am a trader.

Doing crap: I am a long term investor.

True ...rolleyes.gif

With many global investors still rattled by the recent price action in gold and silver, today King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on these markets. The source told KWN that not only was a shocking amount of paper gold sold in just 4 hours yesterday, but it was also confirmed that the mainstream media is not reporting the staggering amount of physical gold that has actually been purchased by China "recently". Here is what the source had to say...

it's a big advantage to have "the London Trader" as a "source", who is the only one with the knowledge how many hundred tons of Gold China has bought without revealing it. these secret Chinese purchases must have been the reason why gold prices were stable "recently".

it goes without saying that the main stream media are not reporting the facts because firstly "China is not disclosing what their true reserves are" and secondly the main stream media is controlled by the Bilderbergs and Illuminati who try to use the gold price as means to set up their "New World Order" after their attempt with chicken/swine flu virus has miserably failed.

With many global investors still rattled by the recent price action in gold and silver, today King World News interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on these markets. The source told KWN that not only was a shocking amount of paper gold sold in just 4 hours yesterday, but it was also confirmed that the mainstream media is not reporting the staggering amount of physical gold that has actually been purchased by China "recently". Here is what the source had to say...

it's a big advantage to have "the London Trader" as a "source", who is the only one with the knowledge how many hundred tons of Gold China has bought without revealing it. these secret Chinese purchases must have been the reason why gold prices were stable "recently".

it goes without saying that the main stream media are not reporting the facts because firstly "China is not disclosing what their true reserves are" and secondly the main stream media is controlled by the Bilderbergs and Illuminati who try to use the gold price as means to set up their "New World Order" after their attempt with chicken/swine flu virus has miserably failed.

By George, I think he's got it. clap2.gif

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