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People Mistake Girlfriend For Katoey!

Pablo H

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Nice one Ravisher, I will try my best to remember your advice should it happen again.

The other side of the problem was my girlfriend understood what was going on and as a result lost a lot of confidence in the process. Everyday she would bring the subject up and I had to reassure her that in my eyes she is beautiful and looks nothing like a katoey. The mental scars are there now though and I dont know how to remove them as she was a little insecure before this incident.

You see I dont really care if someone says something to hurt me, I big enough to brush it off, but if they hurt someone who is close to me, I feel like I want to kill them. I am angry now just thinking about it. :o

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The picture is not my girlfriend but my ex.....nah only joking.

Yes, I will share the Cumb Dunt method and give it a try.

I have tried not to show my anger about this to my girlfriend as I know this would upset her, so I have talked with her and tried to be humourous but I can still see her self esteem dropping.

Anyway, thanks for the advice Ravisher, thats why I originally posted here to try and get some advice on how to deal with such situations.


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Too true Boo. Now I come to think of it I really shouldn't give a shit what peole think. It's just am a guy that is not used to people speaking bad either about me or my loved ones. Where I come from if you have something bad to say about someone. you either say it and usually get whacked or keep it to yourself.

My girlfriend is quite tall for a Thai and she has the features you mentioned, the jawline and as I mentioned earlier the arms and shoulders.

Yes, I shouldn't care what KSR idiots are saying, its just in my nature to hit out at people like that.

she sounds like Desperate Dan :o

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Chuchok seems understood what am saying.

She is a woman, fullstop. I have seen her id card many times and she is a woman. I ve spent time with her family in the north along with her child (yes it is hers), met her friends and other relatives.

Just pisses me off that people can make remarks like that. I am not the sharpest guy around so the one liner reply is out for me, I just tend to fly off the handle.

I think next time (if there is one) I will just punch the guy in the gob and see what else he has got to say, thats if he can say anything with a broken jaw.

err......................................no kidding! :o

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Pablo, one thing that you would have to watch for is that people will eye you and your girl up anyway regardless of what she looks like. Simply because you're a mixed couple.

It happens to me often when I'm out somewhere with the wife or gf. People look at her, then me, then her, then me. I given up caring what may be going through their minds.

If they were to actually say something then it would be a different matter. I would like to think that I would just ignore them, but when I get one of those days were niggly little things pi55es me off then who knows..... :o

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