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Just Back From Brief Visit To Us


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>>> first a word of advice: don't go to the States with anything that may remotely relate to porn. If US customs pulls you aside to check your stuff, they might rifle though everything - your computer, your camera, USB drive, whatever. They put me through the wringer, but didn't find anything. Delayed me for several hours.

>>> Flights going in and out of Manila had large % of people in wheelchairs. An ordinary flight elsewhere might have one or two folks in wheelchairs. Philippine flights often have over twenty per flight. Could this be because they embrace junk food diets, and unwittingly get the diabetes that comes with it?

>>>> The # of fat people in the States is staggering. It's somewhat rare to see a woman who was not fat. Nearly as many very fat men also.

>>> Casinos in Reno Nevada were nearly empty. A quarter acre of one armed bandits might have one or two customers.

>>>> the natural attractions at parks, etc, are still as good as ever. Still a lot of wild animals - even in suburbs. Unlike Thailand, where you'll probably never see a wild mammal in the wild.

>>> despite having a reputation as a polluter, the US still has clean air. Even its cities are comparatively clean - compared to Thailand. At night, skies are black with as multitude of stars. Clear days often have cobalt blue skies. In all parts of Thailand, it's rare to see a blue sky or a night vista with more than a smattering of stars. Thai skies are almost always white here - even on 'clear' days.

>>>> thrift stores, garage sales, yard sales, bulletin boards with things for sale - all those great cost saving venues are found in abundance in the States, but are virtually unknown in Thailand. The result it, even the poorest people in Thailand are compelled to buy things retail - thus making it difficult for them to get out of poverty - though the retailers love it.

For those cynical old timers who will respond to this post by saying: "If it's so much better over there, why don't you leave Thailand" I'll pre-empt their disparaging remarks by saying: I choose to reside here in Thailand and I like it very much for many reasons. ......though there's room for improvement.

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>>> first a word of advice: don't go to the States with anything that may remotely relate to porn. If US customs pulls you aside to check your stuff, they might rifle though everything - your computer, your camera, USB drive, whatever. They put me through the wringer, but didn't find anything. Delayed me for several hours.

>>> Flights going in and out of Manila had large % of people in wheelchairs. An ordinary flight elsewhere might have one or two folks in wheelchairs. Philippine flights often have over twenty per flight. Could this be because they embrace junk food diets, and unwittingly get the diabetes that comes with it?

>>>> The # of fat people in the States is staggering. It's somewhat rare to see a woman who was not fat. Nearly as many very fat men also.

>>> Casinos in Reno Nevada were nearly empty. A quarter acre of one armed bandits might have one or two customers.

>>>> the natural attractions at parks, etc, are still as good as ever. Still a lot of wild animals - even in suburbs. Unlike Thailand, where you'll probably never see a wild mammal in the wild.

>>> despite having a reputation as a polluter, the US still has clean air. Even its cities are comparatively clean - compared to Thailand. At night, skies are black with as multitude of stars. Clear days often have cobalt blue skies. In all parts of Thailand, it's rare to see a blue sky or a night vista with more than a smattering of stars. Thai skies are almost always white here - even on 'clear' days.

>>>> thrift stores, garage sales, yard sales, bulletin boards with things for sale - all those great cost saving venues are found in abundance in the States, but are virtually unknown in Thailand. The result it, even the poorest people in Thailand are compelled to buy things retail - thus making it difficult for them to get out of poverty - though the retailers love it.

For those cynical old timers who will respond to this post by saying: "If it's so much better over there, why don't you leave Thailand" I'll pre-empt their disparaging remarks by saying: I choose to reside here in Thailand and I like it very much for many reasons. ......though there's room for improvement.

Firstly thanks for the reminder of why I am here and not there. I echo your point about garage sales / second hand things.

I am in the process of moving in a month and need to get a <deleted> load of things for the house we are moving into. Normally, I would take a good conditioned second hand this or that at a very good price but my wife being (local), that doesn't go down too well. Got to be new!!! :o

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>>first a word of advice: don't go to the States with anything that may remotely relate to porn. If US customs pulls you aside to check your stuff, they might rifle though everything - your computer, your camera, USB drive, whatever. They put me through the wringer, but didn't find anything. Delayed me for several hours.

How many people were getting hassled and pulled aside to have their stuff rummaged through?  Were you singled out, or where they stopping a lot of people?

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>>> first a word of advice: don't go to the States...

No need to read any further.

Manners are important to me. I stopped running the gauntlet of US border thugs years ago - started heading East instead and never looked back :o

Edited by phaethon
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>>> first a word of advice: don't go to the States with anything that may remotely relate to porn. If US customs pulls you aside to check your stuff, they might rifle though everything - your computer, your camera, USB drive, whatever. They put me through the wringer, but didn't find anything. Delayed me for several hours.

>>> Flights going in and out of Manila had large % of people in wheelchairs. An ordinary flight elsewhere might have one or two folks in wheelchairs. Philippine flights often have over twenty per flight. Could this be because they embrace junk food diets, and unwittingly get the diabetes that comes with it?

>>>> The # of fat people in the States is staggering. It's somewhat rare to see a woman who was not fat. Nearly as many very fat men also.

>>> Casinos in Reno Nevada were nearly empty. A quarter acre of one armed bandits might have one or two customers.

>>>> the natural attractions at parks, etc, are still as good as ever. Still a lot of wild animals - even in suburbs. Unlike Thailand, where you'll probably never see a wild mammal in the wild.

>>> despite having a reputation as a polluter, the US still has clean air. Even its cities are comparatively clean - compared to Thailand. At night, skies are black with as multitude of stars. Clear days often have cobalt blue skies. In all parts of Thailand, it's rare to see a blue sky or a night vista with more than a smattering of stars. Thai skies are almost always white here - even on 'clear' days.

>>>> thrift stores, garage sales, yard sales, bulletin boards with things for sale - all those great cost saving venues are found in abundance in the States, but are virtually unknown in Thailand. The result it, even the poorest people in Thailand are compelled to buy things retail - thus making it difficult for them to get out of poverty - though the retailers love it.

For those cynical old timers who will respond to this post by saying: "If it's so much better over there, why don't you leave Thailand" I'll pre-empt their disparaging remarks by saying: I choose to reside here in Thailand and I like it very much for many reasons. ......though there's room for improvement.

were you alone or with your wife? been though costoms 3 times in the last year and never had problems. I also carry a camera and lap top.

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I recently did my first visit back as an expat. The border goons didn't bother me at all or question my patriotism for not living there. All in all, I had a fabulous time, mostly with the food and shopping. A nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Its such a big country, it depends where you go, who you are visiting, etc. If I wasn't from there, I don't think I would bother with it though.

Edited by Jingthing
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brahms, you are probably right about most of those things. About fat Americans, clean air and skies, empty casinos, etc. As for second hand clothing, I know several local markets in Chiang Mai that handle those, and one or two in Hua Hin. I ran across a comment somewhere, just today, that the USA is the most culturally (and maybe racially) diverse country of all. I had not noticed many Mexicans, Serbs, Romanians, Ethiopians, Vietnamese, Nigerians, Irish, etc., in Thailand. But we were one of the only white folks in an Asian neighborhood in the USA, and my twins were the only whites in their almost-entirely-black middle school.

Jingthing and I are both old, gay Americans, and we do not get hassled by border guards. Luck of the draw, maybe.

The first time my Chinese friend returned to Shanghai, he remarked upon his return to Texas that Houston, with an urban area of 4.5 million people, was far less crowded or noisy, except for some of the local Chinese restaurants. However, I know of no place in Thailand where you might drive 100 km to get to the next petrol station.

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>>first a word of advice: don't go to the States with anything that may remotely relate to porn. If US customs pulls you aside to check your stuff, they might rifle though everything - your computer, your camera, USB drive, whatever. They put me through the wringer, but didn't find anything. Delayed me for several hours.

Just a note in case anyone hasn't heard: U.S. Customs now has a policy that they can seize laptops and storage media (CD-ROMs, flash drives, hard drives, etc.) upon entry into the U.S. They can hold on to these devices indefinitely while analyzing the contents for child porn, etc.

These seizures are RANDOM, although they can also, of course, target suspected individuals. Anyone can be affected.


Some companies are responding by requiring corporate travelers to store all company documents on network storage systems, so that corporate secrets don't get taken and read by U.S. Customs.

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Where to you enter the US? I have traveled back to the states 4 times this year and never had a problem. Like was said before, the luck of the draw. Never carry anything through any countries customers that you are subject to retention. I am surprised by my luck through US customers because of the amount of other countries I have been to (expanded passport) and in particular the countries themselves. Many I know are on the watch list.

I am interested though as to where you entered and also what was asked in a previous post were you singled out.


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How do you get singled out for a porn check? Unless one really looks like a pervert.

I'm not scared about porn, but more about the illegal vcd and software I might have. But then I could just say the originals are in BKK and these are copies. If you want to come to BKK and check for yourself.

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I go back to the U.S.A. six or seven times each and every year so maybe haven't been as shocked as the OP?

Re: CPB searches, they are specifically looking for child pornography (not copy VCDs) and I'm guessing the OP fits the profile re: age, sex et al.? I've been secondaried twice in ~ 300 entries resulting in a cursory (90 seconds) search of my bags in HNL and passport scan at ORD. I have yet to see any thugs or goons, and am always welcomed back at Immigration. The OP's "several hour" delay/search sounds excessive; perhaps there was some other detail left out, or maybe he was mistaken for a known pedophile?

There is no question obesity is a worldwide problem and I think some huge percentage of the U.S. population is technically overweight. I think overall Americans are healthier given the huge drop in smoking and alcohol consumption, and I think things are getting better on the diet/exercise front. It can take a while for results to be seen. I also think a lot has to do with your specific locale, and unfortunately, socio-econimic levels. I honestly don't notice a lot of fat people but most of my family, frends and acquantences aren't overweight. Maybe the OP is hanging with a chubby crowd?

Casino gambling is definitely taking a hit (pun intended) what with the downturn in the economy. Reno has always seemed like such a sad, dumpy town and I assume they rely on the locals for the bulk of their gamblers, so not sure what to make of the OP's observation?

I love going back, although not in the winter, and may move back in the near future. I agree that the diversity in the U.S.A. is definitely a positive and will likely contribute to rejuvinating the economy and life in general. Of course we've always been a land of immigrants so nothing new there.

I also agree that general cleanliness; clean air, drinkable water, lack of litter is sometimes a pleasant shock when compared to life here. It is really amazing how much Thai people litter but I guess they assume someone is getting paid to sweep up so might was well throw your detritus anywhere you want and keep them employed?

Edited by lomatopo
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I am not sure how they select people for intense searches, but I do not believe they base it on "looks like a pervert". Rather I do think single male travelers from Thailand are generally under suspicion. Over the years, I have had my fair share of unpleasant experiences at US entry, mostly with rude and snide comments. One time coming from another country they don't like, I was subject to a middle level search, all my luggage and papers were examined (didn't have electronics). I have noticed after this one search where they found nothing, the search selections have stopped, probably a coincidence. I also notice about half the time I leave the US, they open my luggage (I know this because they leave a note).

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Where to you enter the US? I have traveled back to the states 4 times this year and never had a problem. Like was said before, the luck of the draw. Never carry anything through any countries customers that you are subject to retention. I am surprised by my luck through US customers because of the amount of other countries I have been to (expanded passport) and in particular the countries themselves. Many I know are on the watch list.

I am interested though as to where you entered and also what was asked in a previous post were you singled out.


How do you get singled out for a porn check? Unless one really looks like a pervert.

I'm not scared about porn, but more about the illegal vcd and software I might have. But then I could just say the originals are in BKK and these are copies. If you want to come to BKK and check for yourself.

OP responds: I came in to San Francisco via a stop-over in Manila. I was the only single male coming from Thailand, so that was the largest factor in why I was singled out for a check. The customs official said if they'd known I was a resident in Thailand, they probably wouldn't have pulled me aside. As it was, they thought I was a tourist, and because of Thailand's ww reputation, that translates (in their view) to sex-tourist. I may have looked a bit bedraggled, having been on the move without a shower for 22 hours. I have been in and out of the States at least a dozen times in the past 10 years, and this was the first time I had been checked.

The gist of my post is advice for subsequent travelers to the States: don't take any chances with bringing in any images, or anything that may remotely appear (to the most puritan observer) as kiddie porn. A photo of you with a hill tribe family that includes a young gal in the frame, may be misconstrued by overly-zealous border guards as something to do with trafficking. It's hard to tell to what extent a puritanical administration will go to batten up their dictates of how everyone should behave. Thought police are active in the US.

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The United States is a wonderful country and I enjoy my visits. The things that might make me hesitate to live there are:

The TV commercials which I find so intrusive that I give up on most channels;

The all-embracing culture of commerce and sales speak (my brother leaves his house phone permanently on answer phone because of unsolicited business calls and uses his mobile for friends);

A feeling that people are being channeled towards a certain idealized life style - house, car, furnishings, clothes etc - that is all about consumption and profit rather than anything people really want;

The juxtaposition of strong religious belief and support for policies/positions that I consider to be immoral and even evil.

The preference for for-profit private health care and opposition to universal coverage that is evident in many quarters (read absence of European-style social solidarity).

The internet charging policies of most hotels rated four stars and above.

Having said this there are so many genuine, warm people in the States that I find it difficult to work out how these things came to pass.

Guess I am not going to make many friends with this post!

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How do you get singled out for a porn check? Unless one really looks like a pervert.

I'm not scared about porn, but more about the illegal vcd and software I might have. But then I could just say the originals are in BKK and these are copies. If you want to come to BKK and check for yourself.

I won't go into the details as I have elaborated about it on this forum before but I got busted going into the USA years ago with 4 or 5 bootleg DVDs... All I got was an arse chewing by the godlike customs creature and my passport number blacklisted in the system. Needless to say the next 4 or 5 times I entered the USA I was pulled aside each and every time and throughly questioned and searched.. Pain in the arse especially if your trying to make a connecting flight.

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I am not sure how they select people for intense searches, but I do not believe they base it on "looks like a pervert". Rather I do think single male travelers from Thailand are generally under suspicion. Over the years, I have had my fair share of unpleasant experiences at US entry, mostly with rude and snide comments. One time coming from another country they don't like, I was subject to a middle level search, all my luggage and papers were examined (didn't have electronics). I have noticed after this one search where they found nothing, the search selections have stopped, probably a coincidence. I also notice about half the time I leave the US, they open my luggage (I know this because they leave a note).

Yeah I have gotten that note (actually little formal pamphlet) from the Customs guys saying that my luggage was searched... Well I have learned to turn this back around on them... I kept one of those pamphlets (still have it) and every time I travel back and forth to the USA I place that pamphlet right on top of my clothes so that when they open my bag that is the first thing they see. Let me tell you, when I got my wife (girlfriend then) over to the USA on the K1 Fiance visa (before we moved here to LOS) we had everything she was taking to move there in 2 suitcases and of course I had one as well as my backpack and laptop case. They pulled us aside and searched first through her luggage, then my backpack, and then my laptop bag. When they opened my suitcase they saw that pamphlet on top, said something to the fact, 'Hey this has already been checked', and then closed it up without even going through it... This was in San Fran..what a bunch of wieners!!!

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I won't go into the details as I have elaborated about it on this forum before but I got busted going into the USA years ago with 4 or 5 bootleg DVDs.

I find that very surprising that they would care about just 4 or 5 DVDs. I thought they would only be interested if you had commercial quantities of fakes. Your report is really good information for any US travelers. They aren't kidding around.

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I won't go into the details as I have elaborated about it on this forum before but I got busted going into the USA years ago with 4 or 5 bootleg DVDs.

I find that very surprising that they would care about just 4 or 5 DVDs. I thought they would only be interested if you had commercial quantities of fakes. Your report is really good information for any US travelers. They aren't kidding around.

Thanks for the heads up as I usually bring back a few bootleg new movie release DVD's on my return trip home to the US. I have never been checked but now I think that it is probably not worth it to take the chance anymore.

I pretty much agree with everything the OP observed on his visit to the US. I will say that despite the negatives here in the US, if you compare it with most other countries, the US is still the land of opportunity for anyone that has a dream and is willing to work hard to achieve that dream, however for just kicking back and enjoying life on a modest budget, Thailand is hard to beat.

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I won't go into the details as I have elaborated about it on this forum before but I got busted going into the USA years ago with 4 or 5 bootleg DVDs.

I find that very surprising that they would care about just 4 or 5 DVDs. I thought they would only be interested if you had commercial quantities of fakes. Your report is really good information for any US travelers. They aren't kidding around.

Yes, I was surprised as well but it must not had been so big an issue as they did let me keep the DVDs... They were new releases (and obvious bootleg since they were still playing in the theaters). Actually they were requests from my brother for his son as I didn't even have a DVD player at that time. The customs official more or less used his 'power tripping' ego and scolded me on how I was illegally buying these and not paying the proper royalties when doing so. (As if the movie industry needs more money.)

Needless to say, it was an inconvenience to be held up as well as getting blacklisted for future trips. Once the customs agent found the DVDs in the side pocket of my laptop case he didn't even bother searching the rest of my luggage..... Whew, good thing for me as he might had found the 3 or 4 Rolex copies I was hauling back for friends..... :o

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The United States is a wonderful country and I enjoy my visits. The things that might make me hesitate to live there are:

The TV commercials which I find so intrusive that I give up on most channels;

The all-embracing culture of commerce and sales speak (my brother leaves his house phone permanently on answer phone because of unsolicited business calls and uses his mobile for friends);

A feeling that people are being channeled towards a certain idealized life style - house, car, furnishings, clothes etc - that is all about consumption and profit rather than anything people really want;

The juxtaposition of strong religious belief and support for policies/positions that I consider to be immoral and even evil.

The preference for for-profit private health care and opposition to universal coverage that is evident in many quarters (read absence of European-style social solidarity).

The internet charging policies of most hotels rated four stars and above.

Having said this there are so many genuine, warm people in the States that I find it difficult to work out how these things came to pass.

Guess I am not going to make many friends with this post!

very well put, i agree with your take on the USA :o

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A couple of years back I got singled out for a thourough search. My fault really (I believe), as I asked if there were any phones in the area where you pick up your bags so I could have my ride start coming while I waited for my bags. The customs officials don't give ANY information that might help someone avoid suspicion in the future so I believe much of what is being reported here as fact is really only guesses or assumptions (the same as mine) as to why they were stopped or if they were actually on some kind of list for future stops. Someone mentioned being BUSTED for bootleg DVDs, which concerned me until a follow up where he said they didn't even confiscate the DVDs, just complained that he had them.

My experience was that they went through EVERY ITEM in every bag, emptied pockets and asked me to explain why I had bought everything that was not an obvious gift or souvenir. It was stressful and annoying because I had never been caught smuggling before and had no idea what would happen. I was of course smuggling various things, as I always do. The list of banned items is so restrictive that I am sure most of you do also. After about an hour of hassle the result was:

Pirated software including the photocopied cd covers: "are these new" "yes" he let me keep them

Various VCDs, including porn, no covers:"is this porn?" "no" "we will check" "go ahead". They took the cds and brought them back 20 minutes later and let me keep them without comment.

Packaged vegetable seeds: No FDA stamp, confiscated

Unidentified seeds used to make a Thai health drink, Confiscated

Laptop and digital camera: "any porn on here?" "no", not checked

No fines, no arrest, no beatings in a back room. Just loss of a few things I wanted bad enough to carry half way around the world.

The moral of the story I guess is, you don't have to worry so much as long as you are not bringing comercial quantities, illegal drugs, or child porn. All they will do is confiscate on the small stuff. As for those smuggling drugs and child porn, you deserve to be nervous and I hope you are visibly nervous.

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I love going back, although not in the winter, and may move back in the near future.

You gotta be kidding??? You can't go back to the U.S.... We need you HERE!!! :o

Where were you thinking of settling back in the Gode Olde US of A, and why there, if I may ask? cheers

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A couple of years back I got singled out for a thourough search. My fault really (I believe), as I asked if there were any phones in the area where you pick up your bags so I could have my ride start coming while I waited for my bags. The customs officials don't give ANY information that might help someone avoid suspicion in the future so I believe much of what is being reported here as fact is really only guesses or assumptions (the same as mine) as to why they were stopped or if they were actually on some kind of list for future stops. Someone mentioned being BUSTED for bootleg DVDs, which concerned me until a follow up where he said they didn't even confiscate the DVDs, just complained that he had them.

My experience was that they went through EVERY ITEM in every bag, emptied pockets and asked me to explain why I had bought everything that was not an obvious gift or souvenir. It was stressful and annoying because I had never been caught smuggling before and had no idea what would happen. I was of course smuggling various things, as I always do. The list of banned items is so restrictive that I am sure most of you do also. After about an hour of hassle the result was:

Pirated software including the photocopied cd covers: "are these new" "yes" he let me keep them

Various VCDs, including porn, no covers:"is this porn?" "no" "we will check" "go ahead". They took the cds and brought them back 20 minutes later and let me keep them without comment.

Packaged vegetable seeds: No FDA stamp, confiscated

Unidentified seeds used to make a Thai health drink, Confiscated

Laptop and digital camera: "any porn on here?" "no", not checked

No fines, no arrest, no beatings in a back room. Just loss of a few things I wanted bad enough to carry half way around the world.

The moral of the story I guess is, you don't have to worry so much as long as you are not bringing comercial quantities, illegal drugs, or child porn. All they will do is confiscate on the small stuff. As for those smuggling drugs and child porn, you deserve to be nervous and I hope you are visibly nervous.

Tim, I agree with much of what you said, but as far as how thorough they check, who they check, and what they keep and let you take I believe it is as much as the Thai Immigrations offices here in LOS when trying to get a visa extension. It probably depends on the officer, the mood they are in, and what phase the moon is in. As for me, why am I always stopped and questioned, I believe it has to do with 1) traveling alone 2) my long 'hippie' hair.... I have been stopped all too many times going back into the USA. Whether it be from LOS, China, Mexico, Japan, Bahamas, it makes no difference I think that I have been stopped about 50% of the time. Now mind you not all of these stops were where I was searched. Most of them are just the riddling of questions: (Where are you coming from, how long did you stay, what was the purpose of your trip, was that the first time you visited that country, are you carrying more than 10k USD.....) When I answer most of the time it was a 'business trip' then more questions come. (What is the name of your company, what is their business, do you have a business card.....) It seems that, from my experience, the faster I answer their questions as well as providing much detail they let me go through.

I just looked on the US Customs website and there was no mention about 'porn' as a prohibited item (at least I couldn't find any)... However it mentioned "obscene articles and publications"... I wonder if 'porn' would fall under this? I guess I don't understand about porn (child porn although is quite obvious) with not allowing it. I mean you can go into any 7-11 in the USA and buy a 'Hustler' or 'Playboy' magazine... And what would happen if you had nudie pics of you wife on your hard drive....... Is that classed as 'porn' or just 'family photos'.... :o

By the way, when going into Hong Kong they have signs and make it known that for each pirated DVD found it will cost you 10,000 HKD......

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Where to you enter the US? I have traveled back to the states 4 times this year and never had a problem. Like was said before, the luck of the draw. Never carry anything through any countries customers that you are subject to retention. I am surprised by my luck through US customers because of the amount of other countries I have been to (expanded passport) and in particular the countries themselves. Many I know are on the watch list.

I am interested though as to where you entered and also what was asked in a previous post were you singled out.


Luck of the draw indeed! I am from Chicago and the last two trips my boyfriend and I took out of the U.S. the only real hassel we faced was coming back into the U.S.! We were detained for quite awhile by a board customs official who was irritated that my boyfriend and I lived together and weren't married. It must have been a really slow day.

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