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Sales Persons Travel Expenses, Holidays

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Does anyone have any experience with having a sales person in your business, if so, how do you usually solve his/her travel expenses.

Do you give him a set amount of money that he then has to use wisely in order to visit customers etc? My sales person only work in Bangkok, but last month he cost me 9000 baht in taxi rides, something tells me i must find a better way to handle his travel expenses. Way too expensive, right?

Another thing, how much holiday can a thai employee expect each year? Is there any set rules for this, if so, how does it work?

I am also curious about sick leaves, how many days each year can a thai take off for sickness without getting a reduced salary?

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buy the employee a monthly BTS card..... this will reduce the cost by a 1/4

holiday, they are allowed 6 days a year

Sick leave, nothing upto 3 months - after 6 months and upto a year i think 30 Days, but all sick leave has to be with a letter from doctor

but you can find more info here Labour Law

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buy the employee a monthly BTS card..... this will reduce the cost by a 1/4

Yeah, i was thinking about that, the only problem is BTS is so limited so i thought it might not be worth it.

I am also interested in hearing how others have solved travel expenses for, for example a sales person. I heard one guy, who used to work for a big company only got 2000 baht a month for travel expenses here in Bangkok. I might have remembered it wrong though.

holiday, they are allowed 6 days a year

Assuming they have been working for one year, right?

So if they have been working for 6 month, they could have 3 days?

Sick leave, nothing upto 3 months - after 6 months and upto a year i think 30 Days, but all sick leave has to be with a letter from doctor

but you can find more info here Labour Law

ok, interesting, i do not have to have a letter from the doctor, just want to get a picture of the situation, i also heard the 30 day thing, and to my ears, it sounds a lot.

Thanks for the link, will check it!

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A little off topic but...... A few years ago I got a job with Wordlcom as a fibreoptic engineer. My job took me all around Europe. When I started I was given a company American Express card for expenses. Being new I thought I would impress the boss and keep my ex's to a minimum. After 2 months I was called in to see said boss. He gave me a royal ear bashing and ordes to make sure I spent 6 times as much every month on ex's as I was making all the other guys look bad. So from then on it was top hotels, drinks on me and I'll get this one whenever I went out. Soon after they went bust. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted :o

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A little off topic but...... A few years ago I got a job with Wordlcom as a fibreoptic engineer. My job took me all around Europe. When I started I was given a company American Express card for expenses. Being new I thought I would impress the boss and keep my ex's to a minimum. After 2 months I was called in to see said boss. He gave me a royal ear bashing and ordes to make sure I spent 6 times as much every month on ex's as I was making all the other guys look bad. So from then on it was top hotels, drinks on me and I'll get this one whenever I went out. Soon after they went bust. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted :o

Heh, well, that was alittle off topic, but nevertheless interesting.

And as for my original questions, isn´t there anyone out there who has a clue about this?

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How many customers did he see?

Where are they?

What is the average cost per customer visit?

How productive a sales person is he?

I find a combination of BTS/MRT and Taxis/Motos to be very cost effective. You can take a taxi from say Silom to Lower Sukhumvit outside of rush hour for 60 Baht. You can take the BTS for 22 on the monthly card (by the trip or even 20 per trip is buy 30 trips).

If he is exclusively taking taxis and seeing 4 Customers a day at 100B per taxi ride (poor scheduling maybe), in a 22 day work month it comes to nearly 9,000.

Hope this helps.



Does anyone have any experience with having a sales person in your business, if so, how do you usually solve his/her travel expenses.

Do you give him a set amount of money that he then has to use wisely in order to visit customers etc? My sales person only work in Bangkok, but last month he cost me 9000 baht in taxi rides, something tells me i must find a better way to handle his travel expenses. Way too expensive, right?

Another thing, how much holiday can a thai employee expect each year? Is there any set rules for this, if so, how does it work?

I am also curious about sick leaves, how many days each year can a thai take off for sickness without getting a reduced salary?

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How many customers did he see?

Where are they?

What is the average cost per customer visit?

How productive a sales person is he?

Not very so far, but i have had very bad experience with other sales people so far, so i have very low expectations, as i can not afford really qualified sales person, as i am on a tight budget, i am happy with him so far, that he is at least trying.

I find a combination of BTS/MRT and Taxis/Motos to be very cost effective. You can take a taxi from say Silom to Lower Sukhumvit outside of rush hour for 60 Baht. You can take the BTS for 22 on the monthly card (by the trip or even 20 per trip is buy 30 trips).

Yeah, a real good planning would of course be the best, not sure thought how to motivate him to plan more, now that he has gotten used to take the taxi everywhere.

If he is exclusively taking taxis and seeing 4 Customers a day at 100B per taxi ride (poor scheduling maybe), in a 22 day work month it comes to nearly 9,000.

The thing is though, that i estimate he does around maybe between 1-2 customer on an average a day. Usually 2, sometimes three customers, but then he also takes some day off every week where he does not visit any customers at all.

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Our sales guys go with the motorbike. Own motorbike, they get some Baht per km.

They write that daily in a list.

Normaly sales guys should use car as motorbike does not look good. But than they just stay in the traffic jam.

Our customer are mostly technician or greedy Chinese and they don't care too much.

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Our sales guys go with the motorbike. Own motorbike, they get some Baht per km.

They write that daily in a list.

Normaly sales guys should use car as motorbike does not look good. But than they just stay in the traffic jam.

Our customer are mostly technician or greedy Chinese and they don't care too much.

Yeah, i agree, car would look much better, but my budget is really tight at the moment and i cant really afford to by even a motorcycle right now. How much baht do you give him each kilometer?

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