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Is Jomtien Tap Water So Dirty?


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I have a condo in Jomtien and recently took my water filter system (the common type with 3 filters) from my condo in BKK where it had been working fine for 6-9 months. Within days of very light use in Jomtien, the flow rate ended up as a weak trickle. I assumed it had got too old so replaced the 3 filters with new ones. At first the new ones worked fine but again within days the flow through had become reduced to a trickle. Is this due to dirty tap water in Jomtien? The water pressure is fine (i'm on the 16th floor of a 21 floor block) and the water from the tap is very clear - no sign of cloudiness. Is it bacteria or some other component? Does anyone else experience such problems?

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Check to see if your condo is connected to the municipal water supply. My condo now is, since the beginning of this year, but before that we relied on trucked in swamp water. I would have to clean the ceramic filter daily sometimes, the toilet water was often a fashionable beige, and sometimes the smell in the shower was enough to make me gag. All that has been taken care of now that we're on the municipal water lines.

I actually saw a tanker truck, suspiciously similar to the one I used to see at my condo building, parked along the side of a soi with its hoses plopped into a roadside sewage pond filling up. :o

You do know you can scrub the ceramic (white) filter and renew the water flow, no? Just use a stiff bristle brush or a Scotch-brite pad when the water flow starts to slow down.

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Check to see if your condo is connected to the municipal water supply. My condo now is, since the beginning of this year, but before that we relied on trucked in swamp water. I would have to clean the ceramic filter daily sometimes, the toilet water was often a fashionable beige, and sometimes the smell in the shower was enough to make me gag. All that has been taken care of now that we're on the municipal water lines.

I actually saw a tanker truck, suspiciously similar to the one I used to see at my condo building, parked along the side of a soi with its hoses plopped into a roadside sewage pond filling up. :o

You do know you can scrub the ceramic (white) filter and renew the water flow, no? Just use a stiff bristle brush or a Scotch-brite pad when the water flow starts to slow down.

Thanks, but as I said the water looks and smells fine - municipal water. I tried cleaning the filters and it improved the flow but then after a few days it was back to a very slow rate. I've tried everything and don't have any answer.

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:o Good question, seen some dirty tap water in my area also. Hope you aren't drinking the stuff filter are not. Best to go with bottle water from a name brand company you can trust(Nestle for starter). I do know that when they(the city) shut off the water for a repair or what ever when it is turn on again it is Murky for awhile. :D whatever we never drink the stuff in our home.
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The local authorities are always turning on and off the municipal water supply for some reason or another, every time they turn it on again all the sediment that has setteled in the pipes during the off gets agitated and flows through to the end user, unfortunately in a condo you have little choice other than to accept it. :o

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From what I can understand, water tankers should go to the official filling station where I assume the water has some form of basic filtering, but the tanker drivers fill up direct from the Reservoir, probably to pocket the payments and avoid queueing.

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From what I can understand, water tankers should go to the official filling station where I assume the water has some form of basic filtering, but the tanker drivers fill up direct from the Reservoir, probably to pocket the payments and avoid queueing.

Speaking of the reservoir(s), how full are they now after all the rain we've been getting the past week or so? Did enough of the daily deluges make it in the the reservoirs that we might be able to avoid water shortages next dry season?

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