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Are You Happy In Thailand ?


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I got a few loose ends to handle now but next year. I am coming back to Bkk for good. I am lucky to have a bunch of really good and true friends in around Thailand. I also know a few British and Americans who are opting to stay for good. I just love the lifestyle there, the food, culture, people and did I mentioned food? LOL!

My only complain is the mosquitoes at night! That is something I still cannot get used to. This is why I smoke lesser whenever I am there because I don't like the thoughts of walking outside the house for a cigarette at night time and walk back in with mosquito bites.


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For some people, moving to Thailand is a slap in the face.

You hang on to the old foreign habits, you get annoyed by the little shit things, you seek out other expats and food joints. That's the coward's way out. You have to go with the flow and submerge in everything. This is a different bloody culture and system, you can't explain it you can't fight it, you can't define it, it is what it is and accept it. You can get angry, it can annoy the hel_l out of people but then again YOU and WE are all here for something.

Work, family, pleasure, money, who cares. Point is don't complain and don't try to change it because you never will. Make the most of it and enjoy it. It's like marrying someone and expecting them to change. Ain't going to happen so make the most of those things and turn them into positives. That's the answer.

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I have this theory that westerns detach them self form nature, so when they come to Thailand they are more in tune with it. but they just don’t know how to handle it. the western world has brain washed you in to thinking living in a big modem city is normal when infact it as normal as a lady boy High on gasoline ...

Im still working on it bare with me for an update…..

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I have this theory that westerns detach them self form nature, so when they come to Thailand they are more in tune with it. but they just don’t know how to handle it. the western world has brain washed you in to thinking living in a big modem city is normal when infact it as normal as a lady boy High on gasoline ...

Im still working on it bare with me for an update…..

RJT, you should post more often when you have come back from the bar...this post almost makes sense mate. :o

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I have this theory that westerns detach them self form nature, so when they come to Thailand they are more in tune with it. but they just don’t know how to handle it. the western world has brain washed you in to thinking living in a big modem city is normal when infact it as normal as a lady boy High on gasoline ...

Im still working on it bare with me for an update…..

RJT, you should post more often when you have come back from the bar...this post almost makes sense mate. :o

I know I know,..... it’s all confusing coz he just got up and was making the strawberry pancakes….

Err…this is all confusing…..opps wrong thread…dang!!

Ohh….never mind

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I never have any clue what you three are on about.

:D Miust be something in the teacup :D . (No offence, Teacup).

bare with me

You first, RJT :o .

Your point about nature is interesting, but I think only partly true. Aussies -- even city Aussies -- usually have some attachment to "the land" and the natural world. I suspect Canadians may be similar, and some Brits and people from other places, too, no doubt. One reason I like Thailand is that I feel like I am on holiday much of the time -- the climate and vegetation remind daily me of childhood holidays Queensland (Oz).

In Hong Kong I witnesssed an extraordinary disconnection from nature -- even in places just 5 minutes from unspoilt rural areas. Children would screech and run at the sight of a butterfly and one of the braver ones would swat it to death :D .

Edited by sylviex
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I never have any clue what you three are on about.

:D Miust be something in the teacup :D . (No offence, Teacup).

bare with me

You first, RJT :o .

Your point about nature is interesting, but I think only partly true. Aussies -- even city Aussies -- usually have some attachment to "the land" and the natural world. I suspect Canadians may be similar, and some Brits and people from other places, too, no doubt. One reason I like Thailand is that I feel like I am on holiday much of the time -- the climate and vegetation remind daily me of childhood holidays Queensland (Oz).

In Hong Kong I witnesssed an extraordinary disconnection from nature -- even in places just 5 minutes from unspoilt rural areas. Children would screech and run at the sight of a butterfly and one of the braver ones would swat it to death :D .

Yes. I hear you on the Australia and Canada as they are built in tune with nature and care much for there agriculture. Also you don’t hear them complain as much as the brits as well Just only taxes and labor laws and all that crap.

Australia is a far more preferred expat hangout then Thailand witch I read somewhere over the internet a few months back. Japan as well.

I guess the simple answer is Thailand is the cheapest out of these country’s that host everything under one roof and having this

natural force around just makes it feel so right.

Like I always say.

Welcome to the jungle.

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Never been so happy in my lifeand do not miss the uk whatsoever,but i am allowed the odd winge about the downside of Thailand,like i can complain about things in uk.I realise how lucky i am when people ask me if i get bored living in thailand as i am retired,that makes me smile so much after looking at their mundane lifestyle.


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I guess the simple answer is Thailand is the cheapest out of these country’s that host everything under one roof and having this

natural force around just makes it feel so right.


Didn't know Australia had an expat scene, but am rather out of touch these days. Japan, too ? Never felt any attraction to Japan, as a country or culture. As an Aussie, and even from as impartial a viewpoint as I can attempt, I can understand interest in Australia ... but it's expensive, now, for those used to buying more free time for their $s in Asia. On the other hand, that's good -- hate to see Australia's still small population explode.

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What about the Iguazu in Argentina and Brazil ?

The U.S Has completely <deleted>##ed it. laugh.gif

nah that isn't true at all, i was just there last december and it was amazing.

I agreed about its amazing waterfall :-)

I also been there last Feb 2006 and it was my firs time travelling abroad, flew from BKK-Frankfurt-Sao Paolo-Buenos Airres...it was 30 hours trip gggrrr.

But i love what i experienced so. :o

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Look at the frikking topics they come up with here.

Expats and people living in Thailand.

Living on a budget from 20.000 to 2 Million.

Just get yourself together and think again.


Edited by soundman
Removed overly negative stereo-type.
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Look at the frikking topics they come up with here.

Expats and people living in Thailand.

Living on a budget from 20.000 to 2 Million.

Just get yourself together and think again.


I cant live wiht 20,000 for sure that all goes to my son's school then 17000 rental + utility, water, food entertainssss

I was happy in someway but no more.

I will be happy to visit Thailand sometimes next year in Hau Hin or Samui and my home town.

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I never have any clue what you three are on about.

Who cares ???

Just be aware that if they get on a thread , it's a dead one !

To be or not to be?

"To be" is temporary ......and..... "not to be" is inevitable....:D

So the livings who we should more worry about :o

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