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Breathalyser In Udon.

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Just saw TNN news, and it looked like a goverment agency were testing the carbon output of Trucks and pick-ups that were black-smoking a lot, .

Mrs is sleeping so does anybody know what will happen to those vehicles that are guilty? does the owner get time to fix it and then re-tested?

Udon Thani is a nice city, better air quality would make it nicer, Thanks, Lickey.


Yes Dave, that would a good start, and ive no idea why they dont do it? it would keep the hospitals freer for natural ilness rather than self-inflicted injuries.

Also, i cant believe that in our small town [Namsom] that the cops advertise when they are going to do a helmet check day, never mind that the rider is 10 years old with 3 mates on the bike, he get a 200bht fine and thats it,

Bil is a police captain in Korat, and i asked him, when do you stop a biker? he says, Only if they are riding crazy in town, err, what about no lights, no helmet, 4 on a bike, on the phone, smoke belching out of the exhaust? he says, no no, only ride crazy, and if bike no good, we take away! and he added, if the police banned every illegal driver/bike in Thai, Thailand would come to a standstill.

So i suppose every little inroad made into making thai roads and vehicles and drivers more aware is a bonus, slowly but surely being the keywords?

Cheers, Lickey.

Just saw TNN news, and it looked like a goverment agency were testing the carbon output of Trucks and pick-ups that were black-smoking a lot, .

Mrs is sleeping so does anybody know what will happen to those vehicles that are guilty? does the owner get time to fix it and then re-tested?

Udon Thani is a nice city, better air quality would make it nicer, Thanks, Lickey.


If the efforts in Bangkok are a guide then yes, the driver gets a five hundrad baht fine and two weeks to affect repairs (from memory) and then has to report to the testing station to be reinspected. The vehicles had a coloured sticker glued to the windscreen to ensure they would report.

A neighbour was stopped and his pickup tested. The policemen said it wasnt too bad but the result was outside the limit and he applied the sticker and the lash tax. The BIB then told by friend to stick a garden hose up the exhaust, rev the engine as hard as you can and then apply full water pressure for several minutes. This cleans the exhaust out and produces lower emissions for long enough to get to the police station and pass the test. In fact it lowered the black smoke level quiet a lot, for a day or so, and since the test gear had been moved elsewhere (strangely on the day the friend was rechecked) there was nothing but a visual check done. Sticker removed, problem solved.

And who says the BIB hasn't got the publics best interests at heart?


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