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Darn . . .

I was going to get kitchen cupboard doors, fans and bath from there next month! Spent

simply AGES researching and choosing . . . they were by far the best.

Sorry for all the folk who'll lose their jobs - wonder if the welder has 3rd party insurance

to the value of 300m Bht!


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Just back from another visit to show the Fan, via the backroads, Its just a shell now. Front wall held up, but both right and left wall gone. ie: all the way through...

On the bright side, i counted 7 or more ice cream/fruit/drink stalls doing great business.

The air con contractor may have been wearing a 'Home-Pro' uniform :o

[url="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/H4zLNLSqWGfAL7m1xStiGw"][img=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_sM1RPCoL4Uo/SRJ23FqR-aI/AAAAAAAABdo/MXdTtEMBABc/s400/IMG_0821.JPG][/url]From [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/starodubsky/Fire"]Fire[/url]

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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For sure the manager of HomePro will be rubbing his hands ......but of course he won't order anything more than he did last month...better to run out of everything than to be seen using initiative.

Now we will have to go back to Homepro and endure the idiotic way the staff follow you round the store, but know nothing about what they sell.

Edited by ThaiPauly
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An incredible fire and still going! The wind has come up and the smoke is down to ground level now. I hope the people downwind have the sense to get out of the area and take their animals with them. The assortment of chemicals, including insecticides in the smoke has to be awesome.

The welder thing was just a story, right?

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Biggest construction material in Chiang Mai burnt down

Chiang Mai: -- The Global House, a biggest material construction shop, was burnt down, Thursday morning, causing over Bt3 billion in damages.

Two fire fighters were injured in the blaze, which broke out at 9:30 am at the shop located in Chiang Mai's Sarapee district.

Police said the fire was started by a worker who used a welding machine to fix an air-conditioner. The welding machine sparked a fire to plastic materials nearby, and the blaze swept quickly through construction materials.

The fire prompted about 300 workers of the shop ran for the life.

The Chiang Mai provincial administration declared the shop as a danger zone.

-- The Nation 2008-11-06

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Yes it is Global House ....my staff just came back from there...the whole place is on fire and they can't control it....Very sad...was just there yesterday and I think this is a big loss cause it's a great store .... :o

More correctly perhaps, it "WAS" a great store.......

Lot of stuff in there like polyurethane "real deadly when ignited" not to mention all the paints, solvents etc.

I accept that many countries have fires but most of the developed ones are employing more common sense and having things like fire extinguishers at hand when carrying out any hot work.

Global would have had perhaps several hundred fire extinguishers in the store (for sale) but not a helluva lot of good sitting on the showroom floor.

Edited by john b good
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It was quite ironic that after I first posted this thread earlier today I had to leave the house. I chose to try and drive by for a more closer look at the fire only to be turned off the ring road due to the detour.... Anyway forgetting that the last CD I had placed into the CD player was the Talking Heads I turned on the music and guess what was playing? I chit you not, 'Burning Down the House'......

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Yes it is Global House ....my staff just came back from there...the whole place is on fire and they can't control it....Very sad...was just there yesterday and I think this is a big loss cause it's a great store .... :D

Yep, very sad. Just seen it on the national news.:o Was going to pick up some doors on the weekend that were being discontinued. The amount of merch' they have in there is staggering - thousands of gallons of paint, tools and machinery, electrical gear, kitchen stuff and of course all that wood. The cafe on the front was also good for a bite and a cafe yen. Really laid back place, nice staff etc but as long as no-one's hurt that's the main thing. They'll no doubt rebuild... all the flooring should be in-tact. Just bung up new pillars, walls and roof and restock :D

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I sure hope they get the fire out soon - I want to drop by and pick up a weedeater this afternoon..


There are some classic idiots on here.

Hoping there were no injuries or deaths and sadly many may now be out of a job.

Oh goodie, a flamer.. :o

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Chiang Mai: -- The Global House, a biggest material construction shop, was burnt down, Thursday morning, causing over Bt3 billion in damages.

Two fire fighters were injured in the blaze, which broke out at 9:30 am at the shop located in Chiang Mai's Sarapee district.

That number seems a bit off based on the Thai news channels. Initially was stated as 300 Million then as of 10 minutes ago the report says 500 million.

Also from what I gather, the two firemen were injured during the right wall collapse - also that is a fire truck (red) as a member early spotted partly hit by the collapse.

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Damage estimate...

The once good newspaper " The Nation" had it reported this afternoon at 3 Billion...

I do wish that that guy " Sue-the-thai Yoon " would hire some good people that can understand English and proof read everything before putting out the paper.

and one more thing. If they are sure it was the welder, did he do a runner ?

Don't laugh. Remember some years back when a train from CM to Bkk jumped the track and the engineer did a runner. Why, if he wasn't there it couldn't have been his fault. Like no one knew who was driving the train when it left CM.

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About an hour ago tonight coming home on the ring road just before dark the road had once again been open. But they may a well have closed it because the traffic was almost at a standstill with all the 'rubber necking' going on (myself included.... :o ). It looked like a carnival event with all the folks stopping and taking photos. There was even a couple of guys overhead in PPCs hovering around. (Probably TV members who will hopefully provide some overhead aerial shots of the damage.) As you can see there is still a good amount of smoke rising out even after all these hours.


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Just back from another visit to show the Fan, via the backroads, Its just a shell now. Front wall held up, but both right and left wall gone. ie: all the way through...

On the bright side, i counted 7 or more ice cream/fruit/drink stalls doing great business.

The air con contractor may have been wearing a 'Home-Pro' uniform :o

[url="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/H4zLNLSqWGfAL7m1xStiGw"][img=http://lh4.ggpht.com/_sM1RPCoL4Uo/SRJ23FqR-aI/AAAAAAAABdo/MXdTtEMBABc/s400/IMG_0821.JPG][/url]From [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/starodubsky/Fire"]Fire[/url]

Or drive down to Nakon Sawan where there is another Global shop.

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Now we will have to go back to Homepro and endure the idiotic way the staff follow you round the store, but know nothing about what they sell.

Oh, thank Buddha, its not just me that goes completely insane when being followed while TRYING to shop. Even if you politely tell them that you are "just looking", they persist in following! Sometimes I have to use evasive maneuvers to elude them, like doubling back every so often to switch it up a bit.

Oh thank the Cosmic Crabass, its not just me!

First I go in one place and am forced to complain that I have to walk thru 17 aisles to simply find someone to assist me, then I have to make the effort to complain that the staff in another place has been trained to be available and give me assistance whenever I need it!

I mean, don't they realize how much effort it takes to have to complain all the time?!?

Then there are those nitwits who try to hand me some kind of paper thingy when I enter Lotus or a plaza!

Don't these people have a Job?

Where's my baseball bat when I need it, eh? :o:D:D

Edited by Dustoff
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