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Hello Ladies, Scampy Here...

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So this is where you're all hiding!

It's not bad in here is it, I was a little cautious upon entering as I wasn't sure if I was allowed in or not. :o

Anyway, I'll cut straight to the chase.

Remember my recent thread titled 'You're The One For Me Fatty'? (incedentally that was a lighthearted generalisation and the title is from a Morrissey song, it shouldn't have offended, after all, It was an 'appreciation thread')...Anyway, I may have mentioned that there's only two girls I'd ever consider marrying and that they were both British and one of them is an ex girlfriend/best mate called Gemma, though back home she's known as 'Barbie' or 'Monged Up Barbie' if we're having a laugh.

She would so love it out here, the Thai girls would all want to be her friend and the Thai men would be falling at her feet and I would take her everywhere, introduce her to loads of people and she'd make her own mates and have a great time.

Everyone loves Gemma, but she's worth more than the life she's living back in England, still in the same small minded town, the one that sucks all motivation from you and convinces you that the end of the world is Hemel Hempstead or Amersham.

Although in many ways she's very wise and has been through a lot, there's this innocents and charming fascination about her that would make her such a pleasure to travel with or even just show around.

Last time I saw her, back in early May, we sat up the park where I drank a couple of beers and she had a couple of bottles of wine... That's right, a couple of bottles of wine. I was surprised and a little shocked and told her she had to get out and see a bit of the world and had to get out of the daily rut and see that there was more to life than the one she had let grow around her like ivy.

It didn't even have to be Thailand but as I suspected, she admitted to me that she just didn't have the guts to get on a plane by herself and come all that way when she rarely travels further than High Wycombe alone.

I know English girls younger than her (she's 22 or 23) who have travelled all of Asia and there's an English bird wo-sorry, English girl working on the Asia Carnival with me who's just turned twenty one!

It would change her life to come out here but like most of us who have never been, we only have our imagination and the bad press to go on, no matter how many friends tell us it's brilliant.

I just want her to see beyond the rut, and see far because I know she'd love Thailand and Thailand would love her back with brass knobs on.

You'd love her too, and maybe she could go on one of your girls nights out or join us at a meet up.

I will post a link to this thread to her via e-mail (she recently e-mailed me to express her concern I hadn't been in touch for a while - on here to much see :D ) and if you could post any advice or comments or even your own initial fears (if you had any) before getting on a plane to go to the other side of the world, back when that was all new.

It's scary, yes, but it's all part of what makes you what you become once you've done it.

To me flying here or home is nothing these days, it's like getting a bus to Aylesbury.

Anyway ladies, i'll leave you to it, before I go I'd like to say hello to LC, Sego, Honeyen, Candyflip Boo and Kitty - who I've yet to have the pleasure of meeting. :D

Thanks for listening,

Scampy/xxx :D

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So this is where you're all hiding! 

It's not bad in here is it, I was a little cautious upon entering as I wasn't sure if I was allowed in or not. :D

Anyway, I'll cut straight to the chase.

Remember my recent thread titled 'You're The One For Me Fatty'? (incedentally that was a lighthearted generalisation and the title is from a Morrissey song, it shouldn't have offended, after all, It was an 'appreciation thread')...Anyway, I may have mentioned that there's only two girls I'd ever consider marrying and that they were both British and one of them is an ex girlfriend/best mate called Gemma, though back home she's known as 'Barbie' or 'Monged Up Barbie' if we're having a laugh.

She would so love it out here, the Thai girls would all want to be her friend and the Thai men would be falling at her feet and I would take her everywhere, introduce her to loads of people and she'd make her own mates and have a great time.

Everyone loves Gemma, but she's worth more than the life she's living back in England, still in the same small minded town, the one that sucks all motivation from you and convinces you that the end of the world is Hemel Hempstead or Amersham.

Although in many ways she's very wise and has been through a lot, there's this innocents and charming fascination about her that would make her such a pleasure to travel with or even just show around.

Last time I saw her, back in early May, we sat up the park where I drank a couple of beers and she had a couple of bottles of wine...  That's right, a couple of bottles of wine. I was surprised and a little shocked and told her she had to get out and see a bit of the world and had to get out of the daily rut and see that there was more to life than the one she had let grow around her like ivy.

It didn't even have to be Thailand but as I suspected, she admitted to me that she just didn't have the guts to get on a plane by herself and come all that way when she rarely travels further than High Wycombe alone.

I know English girls younger than her (she's 22 or 23) who have travelled all of Asia and there's an English bird wo-sorry, English girl working on the Asia Carnival with me who's just turned twenty one!

It would change her life to come out here but like most of us who have never been, we only have our imagination and the bad press to go on, no matter how many friends tell us it's brilliant.

I just want her to see beyond the rut, and see far because I know she'd love Thailand and Thailand would love her back with brass knobs on.

You'd love her too, and maybe she could go on one of your girls nights out or join us at a meet up.

I will post a link to this thread to her via e-mail (she recently e-mailed me to express her concern I hadn't been in touch for a while - on here to much see :o ) and if you could post any advice or comments or even your own initial fears (if you had any) before getting on a plane to go to the other side of the world, back when that was all new.

It's scary, yes, but it's all part of what makes you what you become once you've done it.

To me flying here or home is nothing these days, it's like getting a bus to Aylesbury.

Anyway ladies, i'll leave you to it, before I go I'd like to say hello to LC, Sego, Honeyen, Candyflip Boo and Kitty - who I've yet to have the pleasure of meeting.  :D

Thanks for listening,

Scampy/xxx  :D

Scampy have you been on the funny fags again? :D:D

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Well, I think it's a great thing for Scampy to want to help his friend.

So, is she gonna come over for a long time, or are you thinking that she will pass through Thailand for a few weeks and then move on?

Does she have money to travel? If she is a little scared to travel alone, she could join up on a group tour first and see how things go, then head out on her own. There are many companies that do stuff like this. Not big buses or anything like that, but maximum 12 people on the trips.

I can PM you some info if you like.

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Scampy, if she's serious & wants to come to LOS then me & the fella are on our way over in March/April time for a few weeks, if she wants someone to look after her on the plane & point her int he right direction in Bangkok then pm me & I'll give you my email.


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Tell her to go for it! I left the US a week after I graduated from University and have never looked back. Well, at least not too often :o . Nothing changes a person's perspective like travelling. My nephew came over when he was 19 and we took care of him (picked him up at the airport, took around the country a bit etc). He came out again this year with a friend and travelled all over (including Laos) without our help at all. The first step is a big one alright, but after that, everything is alot easier.

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I will e-mail her and post her this link.

I don't hear from her much and I think she e-mails from work, I don't know what she's up to these days but as far as I know she has no plans to travel but she did mention that she would be up for coming out here one day providing she didn't have to come alone and could travel with her boyfriend, a friend or me, next time I was in England.

I will look forward to her response to this and if she's still interested then she knows she can do it if she has some money saved up.

It would be great if she became a member on here also!

I am due home mid May so I will talk to her about it more then, that's if I'm not meeting her, Boo and fella at Terminal 2 first. :D

Of all my mates in England who would love it here, she would love it the most - and for the right reasons also - unlike some of the blokes I know. :o

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Well, my nephew grew up with an Aunt in Thailand so it was always in his mind to come. He saved his money, came out alone (the flight is long and boring but still, it is just a flight even if alone) and we kept him with us the entire time (my sister would have KILLED me if something had happened to him). Two years later, he brought a friend. They trekked in Chiang Mai, went rock climbing in Vang Vieng and in Phangna & Krabi. Came to visit us (no, they didn't get to the FMP) and hit the weekend market in Bangkok (with me as buyer extraordinaire, I love the weekend market :o ). His friend, who had never travelled overseas before, had a great time and vowed to be back. Probably with a different friend who has never been overseas before. Tell your friend that it helps to have a goal to work for, which is what my nephew did. He said it made the boring day to day of life in the American 'burbs more livable.

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Anyway ladies, i'll leave you to it, before I go I'd like to say hello to LC, Sego, Honeyen, Candyflip Boo and Kitty - who I've yet to have the pleasure of meeting.  :o

Thanks for listening,

Scampy/xxx  :D

you rememeber me! :D

Hey scamps im hoping to get out there next year or if that fails travel asia in 2006,more the merrier i say!

so if she's up for it and im about at the same time she's more then welcome at my beach table :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think thats one of the nicest things ever - thank you so much.

You said lovely things about me (apart from telling loads of people I'm a piss head!)

I really enjoyed looking at what they had written back, no-one has anything bad to say which is very reassuring. Isn't it lovely that they take time to write back for a complete stranger.

How do I go back there in future and read what other people say?

Glad you have got a date for coming back again and that everything is ok with you.

Thanks again and please say thanks to the girls who wrote back for me.

Loads of love Barbie xxx

She's got back in touch, hope she doesn't mind me posting this edited version of her reply - i'll sort her out a nick and maybe she'll become one of us. :o

P.S. Kitty, how could I ever forget you??? :D

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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