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Caring For Asian Squirrel That Fell Out Of Its Nest

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A couple of days back found an approx 5 day old squirrel pup lying pathetically under a tall palm tree - Mum, brothers and sisters must be up there somehwere....

Dozens of red ants had begun chewing on the critter and so out of pity and out of a challenge to raise a wild thing, I rescued it ...

After reading dozens of googled squirrel care websites I realised thath they are a lot of work to handrear... but for now I'm enjoying the experience ...

I'd like to know others's experiences in looking after asian squirrels - surely must be slightly dfferent from north american and european ones ...

Also would like to socialise it with other squirrels so that its release could be a stronger possibility .... anyone with a spare little un that could be paired?

any bit of info would be appreciated...


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Assuming you are feeding kitten formula. Making sure the little guy is hydrated and keeping nice and warm. If you've been on rehab websites I'm sure you've got all the information you need.

Proper diet and after eating on it's own, the best thing to do is to stop handling and talking to it. Even now as a baby try to avoid talking to it.

Slow release should work okay, keeping cage door open during the day and closing at night when it is inside. Make sure that you give it lot's of variety of things to eat. Branches lots of them, leaves and not too many nuts and fruit. Rodent pellets if you can find them is good.

Good luck

Even without a cage mate he/she will wild up pretty well

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A couple of days back found an approx 5 day old squirrel pup lying pathetically under a tall palm tree - Mum, brothers and sisters must be up there somehwere....

Dozens of red ants had begun chewing on the critter and so out of pity and out of a challenge to raise a wild thing, I rescued it ...

Very admirable. Good for you.

After reading dozens of googled squirrel care websites I realised thath they are a lot of work to handrear... but for now I'm enjoying the experience ...

Dozens? Isn't the Internet just great?

I'd like to know others's experiences in looking after asian squirrels - surely must be slightly dfferent from north american and european ones ...

I would be surprised of out of the couple dozen posters here anyone else has attempted it. I mean, how often does this opportunity arise? As for the difference in raising them, just think of the differences in taking care of an Asian human baby as opposed to a North American or European one.

Also would like to socialise it with other squirrels so that its release could be a stronger possibility .... anyone with a spare little un that could be paired?

Seriously, I speak a little squirrel. I don't really know what I'm saying to them (kinda like that dog on YouTube that can bark "Obama") but it must be interesting enough because they listen and don't run away or laugh. The communication is only one way as I don't have a clue what they are saying. When I get back to the island I'll PM you and teach you a few mystery phrases if you want.

Good luck with the little guy.

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  • 9 months later...

dead easy and make great pets! (i have a flying squirrel)

feed it baby formula from the supermarket, preferably with fruit in it

i immagin its very small, so your going to need a siringe to feet it im sure i have seen them in big c in the petsfoods part

get a water feeding bottle as putting a small bowl in the cage it will kick it over

an hour a day of handling it and it will bond with you

see the video for a laugh

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They make cute pets.

Until it bites you, you get infected and gangrene takes over and you have to amputate your arm.

Squirrels cause millions of dollars of damage every year. Rodents are born to gnaw. Their incisors never stop growing, so they must chew constantly to keep them worn down. Squirrels chew through phone and electrical lines, ruin gardens, kill trees, damage feeders beyond recognition, and often eat large quantities of seed put out for the birds. The stripping of wire insulation by squirrels that find their way inside homes has been known to start house fires. Squirrels are very aggressive critters and numerous squirrel bites are reported each year. Squirrels have been known to carry rabies. Infection from bites is the biggest concern, as several varieties of bacteria (including those that cause tetanus and salmonella) are found in the squirrel's mouth. As admirable and entertaining as they may be, it cannot be forgotten that squirrels are wild animals, and have little concern for human interests.

-- Internet

Put the thing is a cage too small for it to move around in, feed it copiously, when it is really nice and fat, cook it up for your own version of veal -- "Squeal"!

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Is this the same squirrel that was rescued back in November last year?

If so I would have thought by now that it was either:

a. Housetrained family pet

b. Set free

c. Eaten

Perhaps Knightsbridge as the OP could shed some light as to its status? :)

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Squirrels are basically rats with bushy tails. Good luck.

For food I suggest nuts.

What sort of nuts?

Do rats taste as good as squirrels? If so we have a large untapped food source

near the markets. :D

Makes me think of this blind guy I knew back in London. He used to spend the afternoon feeding the squirrels nuts, sitting on a bench in the park. Afterwards he always used to pop into the pub after feeding the squirrels. One day he came in very excited and started telling me how he had been feeding a new unknown breed of squirrel "it's body was the same, but it had a long smooth tale," he told me. I spat out a mouthful of beer across the bar as I realizd this blind guy hand been sitting on a park bench feeding rats. :)

True story.

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