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Air Quality Near Global House


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Drove past the burned out shell that was Global House today and immediately felt my eyes stream and my throat burning. Anyone else experiencing any symptoms from all of the chemicals that went up in smoke?

We are still experiencing odors and burning eyes when the breeze is right since we are only 1-2 km West of ex-Global. Our car (and my wife - aarrgghh!) were downwind of the fire for a bit (until I called and told her to get the he11 out of there) and she was just an hour ago pointing out pits in the paint of our car from the fallout.

If this were America, I would expect to see the Environmental Protection Agency folks out there in full protective gear, doing a major examination of the residual contaminants. Not to mention that police and protection agencies should have been evacuating people in the 'danger zone' soon after the blaze began.

I do not envy the nearby residents and their pets who were downwind and even now continue to be there while the cleanup begins. And you can bet that the poor Thai workers involved in this cleanup will be wearing nothing more protective than those little cloth facemasks, if even those.

If the bigwigs at Global HQ have any compassion at all, given their full realization of just how many harmful chemicals were in their inventory..

Yeah, right.. :o

My wife and I are steering a wide path around that area, closing our doors/windows when downwind and keeping our aircon filters really clean until this over - and it is certainly not over...

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My eyes are starting to itch now i have read these posts....

pyschosomatic, I hope.

Cant argue with pits in car paint though :o

make me wonder just how bad the folks in Iraq are going to feel it in 10 years time with all the Depleted Uranium in dust, not to mention the dust blown around the world... :D

Isnt the west just great!


Edited by UKWEBPRO
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