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Why Do Prefer Thailand Over First World Asian Countries?


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Thailand is not "Third World" to use the old-fashioned, primitive terminology. It is pretty much slap in the middle of the UN's range of Human Development Index (HDI), ranked 78 out of 177 nations) and is properly termed a country of medium human development.

Note the top place this year was taken by Iceland :o (Aus 3, US 12, UK 16)

[For the morbid, Sierra Leone came in 177th]

Edited by phaethon
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Why do you want to live in Thailand instead of Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, or Japan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a third world country?

until today i was convinced that stupid questions did not exist. i stand corrected :o

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Thailand is not "Third World" to use the old-fashioned, primitive terminology. It is pretty much slap in the middle of the UN's range of Human Development Index (HDI), ranked 78 out of 177 nations) and is properly termed a country of medium human development.

Note the top place this year was taken by Iceland :o (Aus 3, US 12, UK 16)

[For the morbid, Sierra Leone came in 177th]

well whatever word you want to use to describe the difference between laos vietnam myanmar indonesia and japan singapore south korea and kong hong is fine but i think you get the point

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Look at the map, your question aswers itself.

With my work, Bangkok is connected via airlines, throughout the world. Airline timetables are excelent.

Health care, dentistry etc is first rate, in some better than the UK.

Climate, weather ideal for those with old sport injuries that now cause aches and pains.

Property, rented or bought (with Thai wife) are of a standard unlikely to attain in the UK.

Lifestyle, access to unspoilt areas.

Cost of living :o

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well whatever word you want to use to describe the difference between laos vietnam myanmar indonesia and japan singapore south korea and kong hong is fine but i think you get the point

I noticed you didn't include Thailand in either of your lists...and rightly so, as it belongs in neither of them. It's a middle income country, not a poor 3rd world country like in the first list, nor a rich country like in the last. If you have money you can live just as well as anywhere else.

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thailand is much closer to third world than first world

minimum wage in japan is like 8 usd an hour iircc in the usa its 7 usd an hour

minimum 24 hour daily wage in Thailand is like half of that

yeah --- its just a step off from being first world huh?

i'm not sure why everyone got so defensive over that??

Edited by MikeSR
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well whatever word you want to use to describe the difference between laos vietnam myanmar indonesia and japan singapore south korea and kong hong is fine but i think you get the point

I noticed you didn't include Thailand in either of your lists...and rightly so, as it belongs in neither of them. It's a middle income country, not a poor 3rd world country like in the first list, nor a rich country like in the last. If you have money you can live just as well as anywhere else.

You sound a bit insecure to be honest. You went off on a tangent when at no point did anyone in this thread imply or deny that you can live good in Thailand. The question (which you didn't answer) is why you choose to live here and not elsewhere.

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thailand is much closer to third world than first world

If you think Thailand's close to being a Third World country, I guess you don't know much about Third World countries. Take a couple of days in Cambodia or Burma and then have another think.

i'm not sure why everyone got so defensive over that??

Well, wasn't that your point in starting this thread? Didn't you just want a reaction?

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Why do you want to live in Thailand instead of Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, or Japan?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a third world country?

Thailand isnt a third world country!

I wish the UK had shopping centres and cinemas up to the standard that you see in Thailand, frankly I am embarrassed to show some of my Thai friends around the UK.

Living in Thailand is far cheaper than the other countries you mentioned, isn't that obvious?

Also Thailand has far far more natural beauty than say Singapore or Hong Kong!

The people are more friendly and the food delicious!


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Great weather, easy going people a few bad boys here and there but for the most part the people are very friendly i.e., The land of Smiles(LOS). Just about everywhere you go someone can speak English. For a third world/developing country there are many many modern up to date resources, banks, hotels, etc. Easy travel to and from Thailand, no doubt the visa on arrival for SOME countries make Thailand a favorite for many westerns to visit, however this has a bad side effect we get visitors like the BAD BOY from Holland and a host of other not so undesirable visitors. :D:o

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Have you all viewers and responder ever thought this could be a trick question?

I mean maybe he expects answers like: The girls are nice, booz is cheap, female student's wear sexy dresses, things like that.

Anyway I will seriously respond.

Since I was 15-16 or something I always felt inside my place was Asia, I do not know why, just a feeling.

I went to many country"s for holidays except Asia, my then GF refused to go there.

Then I got the chance through my work too see more of the world, worked in more than 60 country's around the globe except Asia.

When my GF and I split up, we decided to celebrate that with a trip to Thailand.

Had a wonderfull time and the moment I was back in my home country I told my manager I wanted a job in Asia, preferably Thailand.

Told him if "The Company" could not find a position for me within a year I would go there myself.

After 8 months I was send to Singapore to take care of the Asia Pacific region.

2 years after that I was send to Thailand and take care from there, and that was 3 years ago.

I must say the first two years I did not really like it at all and liked SG much better, why?

Because most people can speak English, and SG looks a litlle "Greener" specially when travelling from airport to hotel.

Now after 3 years here I really start to like the country and it feels like home.

It depends a lot how you enjoy the place if you are able to speak and understand (To start with) some basic Thai.

A whole new world will open up for you and you will start to accept that not everything in life has to be perfect.

Driving a road through the paddy fields with potholes everywhere, has it's charms. Having a drink of Lao Kao with some locals is fun even though you do not understand eachother.

The genuine friendliness of the people of Thailand makes all other not so perfect things just sort of dissapear.

But, having a nice life here also depends on how much you earn and what you can spend.

So why did I choose Thailand?

Because inside I know and I can feel, it is the place where I want to live.


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great post alex.i feel similar to you about belonging.always remember my first flight after retiring,there was a few tears with my mates at the airport but the minute i stepped off the plane i knew i had made the right decision even though i was on my own

must have big balls lol

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Have you all viewers and responder ever thought this could be a trick question?

I mean maybe he expects answers like: The girls are nice, booz is cheap, female student's wear sexy dresses, things like that.

Anyway I will seriously respond.

Since I was 15-16 or something I always felt inside my place was Asia, I do not know why, just a feeling.

I went to many country"s for holidays except Asia, my then GF refused to go there.

Then I got the chance through my work too see more of the world, worked in more than 60 country's around the globe except Asia.

When my GF and I split up, we decided to celebrate that with a trip to Thailand.

Had a wonderfull time and the moment I was back in my home country I told my manager I wanted a job in Asia, preferably Thailand.

Told him if "The Company" could not find a position for me within a year I would go there myself.

After 8 months I was send to Singapore to take care of the Asia Pacific region.

2 years after that I was send to Thailand and take care from there, and that was 3 years ago.

I must say the first two years I did not really like it at all and liked SG much better, why?

Because most people can speak English, and SG looks a litlle "Greener" specially when travelling from airport to hotel.

Now after 3 years here I really start to like the country and it feels like home.

It depends a lot how you enjoy the place if you are able to speak and understand (To start with) some basic Thai.

A whole new world will open up for you and you will start to accept that not everything in life has to be perfect.

Driving a road through the paddy fields with potholes everywhere, has it's charms. Having a drink of Lao Kao with some locals is fun even though you do not understand eachother.

The genuine friendliness of the people of Thailand makes all other not so perfect things just sort of dissapear.

But, having a nice life here also depends on how much you earn and what you can spend.

So why did I choose Thailand?

Because inside I know and I can feel, it is the place where I want to live.


i just wish i had a job where i could tell the manager which country/continent i wanted to work or im leaving.sweet :o

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I've always wondered why more straight guys didn't go to Japan, myself- that's really a good country for them (none of this morals hogwash surrounding sexuality between straight folks, anyway). My straight friends there always seemed a lot happier- and has nothing to do with money. For me, the benefits of Thailand over Japan include:

1. No, no, no homophobia. (there's not much in Japan, but there's less in Thailand)

2. Professional step up (took awhile, but I'm there)

3. Better overall savings (believe it or not- Japan is pretty darn expensive & the salary doesn't go far while you live there).

Would recommend if you straight folks can find a niche there to try out Japan; it's not bad!

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