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Marring A Thai Muslim Woman, I Am Not Muslim.


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Hello everyone,

I have known my Thai GF for quite a while now and she's been living with me outside of Thailand for 6 months on a visitor visa. We are wanting to get married at christmas as we are both very happy with each other and she is willing to live outside of Thailand, travelling back every now and again to see her family.

My problem is that she is muslim, although she is non practicing, although her mother and father do not know that she has dated European men. I suspect they do know really..!

Well, she wants to get married at her father home and says that he has asked if I am willing to become a muslim. I have read enough to know that I would be willing, but I have a problem with being circumcised. I am not willing to do this as everything is functioning very well, and as far as I am concerned if it ain broke don't fix it.

My girlfirend says that if we marry and I am not muslim with her father blessing then she can not touch / wash him when he dies.. I understand her dilema greatly, and do sympothise, but I have tried to explain to that as she is non practicing, ie having sex outside of marriage with several boyfriends, having pet dogs etc etc, then why am I being told that I must adhere to the principles of islam when she does not do the same herself. Basically it is all about her father.

I would do practically anything to please her father out of respect, but I feel that I am a good and proper potential husband right now, foreskin included. Being circumcised and converting to islam will not suddenly make me a better person.

Does anyone have any advice for me please.


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A couple of my English friends here in Phuket married local Muslim women. As far as being circumcised is concerned, they avoided this neccessity by paying the local doctor to write a letter stating that at their age (50 years old or so), there were considerable health risks blah blah blah. The local Iman accepted this as a valid reason not to insist on the circumcision.

It was a good way to ensure that the Iman and her father did not lose face,(and that the bridegroom did not lose anything else...)


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its your choice mate,if you dont want to dont do it.this might be the start of a bad life if you have to agree with everyuthing pappa says.as you also pointed out that your muslim lady has not adhered to the strict muslim faith so why should you.

you are the boss, bin her

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I wasn't going to post this and then came back.

Which really bothers you most (in your own honest mind)? You said little about becoming a Muslim- would it be a conversion of convenience? If you didn't have to get that cruelest cut would you convert without another thought? and if you would what would be your motivation?

I agree with your logic but is the family aware that your gf doesn't practise? do they? Can you speak to them about this? Your last paragraph strikes me is your honest and best attempt at this- I think you should trust your instincts even if you miss out on the girl.

But again is it the conversion or the mutilation you can't stand?

I really think you need to closely examine your own thoughts. Unless some one comes up with some weirdly blinding idea, you'll probably end up doing just what you thought anyway.


Good luck!

EDIT" lol in the meantime Patklang solved the problem. :o

Edited by Slip
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Are you taking the piss with that nick?

Two accounts are not permitted on Thai Visa.

14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.

Especially when you set up a second one to go trolling.


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