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Tropical Storm Warning Issued For Parts Of Thailand


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Thanks for the information. I have trouble making sense out of the goobly-gook in the official bulletins at times. Personally I find weather and weather patterns interesting, but I don't like experiencing the negative effects.

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I do really understand the lack of knowledge of MOST people on tropical weather systems and Thailand is never hit by one, just by some remnants.

By the time it hits Thailand it is not a typhoon, not a tropical storm, at most a tropical depression but most likely just a remnant low.

Here a link with the latest satelite photo of this "system" . http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/track...200826_sat.html

By the way, people talking abt landfall should think again, as it already made landfall in VN and is traveling over land. If this, (by then non system) emerges over the Gulf of Thailand, there is no chance of re-intensification as it lacks the dynamics at that moment.

Now I am not a meteorologist either, but i have weathered out both Hurricane Gustav and Ike in the Gulf of Mexico this year and seen the onshore devestation both of these hurricanes have caused. I can assure you for 100% sure there will be no such event with this sytem in Thailand at all.

Rain and a breeze is all you're gonna get and maybe even nothing at all.

Sorry Robin, but are you serious here? Thailand is never hit by a typhoon? I was here for Typhoon Gay, which was, in fact, a typhoon when it flattened Chumphon.

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I think he means not never but rarely. Thailand is rarely hit by typhoons and it's usually down south from probably about Chumpon and on down. Thailand more often probably gets tropical storms that used to be typhoons but again these are usually south of Bangkok.

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Well Jimjim,

SBK and I ARE down south, well south of Chumpon too; on islands.

So we really thought it a good idea to ASSUME some regeneration etc.

Rarely and never are pretty big differences.

They rarely got typhoons in the Irrawaddy delta of Burma either...

But this last one wiped it's slate...

I'll err on the side of rarely and never assume never....

Edited by animatic
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ok SBK point well taken. now as far as I know typhoon Gay was the only typhoon that hit Thailand with real typhoon speed winds (i just looked it up on google). Actually all the rest just confirms what I said and especially typhoons rarely (not never) hit Thailand or even form in the Gulf of Thailand.

Mostly they are simply remnants entering thailand through our neighbour VN.

If you look at the average tropical season, Thailand is RARELY in any danger of being hit by a real typhoon, like Burma by the way, and we all know what happened there. If you wanna know instead of picking me on my words follow a metereology course (like I did) and you would know a little more abt the dynamics that create typhoons and why they go where they go or not go.

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On October 25th 1962 Tropical Storm Harriot hit Nakhon Si Thammarat Province at 97km/h. Harriet caused 900+ fatalities (with 142 missing), injured 252, left over 10000 homeless throughout Thailand from an accompanying storm surge.

These weather conditions rarely hit the Malay Peninsula, but they do happen.

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