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The Real Reason For The Joint Session In Parliament


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The government hid its plan to start the process of rewriting the charter under the cover of Asean pact legislation but the plan was exposed. Now it wishes to push for the charter amendment again on Dec 8-9, but will it survive until then?

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) declared victory after foiling the House-Senate meeting at the parliament yesterday. Although the alliance did not totally put paid to the charter-rewriting plan, at least it pushed the session back to Dec 8-9 which is close to the time when the ruling People Power party (PPP) is expected to hear a ruling on its dissolution case, possibly on Dec 15.

Although Parliament Speaker Chai Chidchob earlier claimed the parliament needed a meeting yesterday only to endorse the Asean pact legislation, he did not expect MPs to study the issue thoroughly before voting on it at all.

He scheduled Asean pact legislation as the second issue on yesterday's agenda. Its details had just been sent to MPs on Friday although it was set for voting on yesterday.

Importantly, Mr Chai placed the constitutional amendment bill that Dr Weng Tojirakarn, a pro-government activist, proposed as the first issue of yesterday's parliament agenda. Mr Chai included the bill, although that seemed to be illegal because Article 291 of the present constitution has not been rewritten to pave the way for any further constitutional amendment.

the rest can be seen here..........


Can you believe how sneaky they are, only a few days ago saying there would be no attempts at charter ammendments, then with the aid of Chai they try to sneak it in under everyones noses........

The party disolution case is on dec 15, they now promise 8/9 december to debate important matters relating to asean legislation in chiang mai of which they are the host and the chair.

More proof that they care nothing for the country or it's image, only changing the constitution in order to get the thai execs off the hook and Mr T back in order to get his $ unfrozen so they can all share it out............

truly unbelieveable!!!

Edited by soundman
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You are watching to much ASTV.

I doubt it :D ubonjoe.

Strange nobody mentiond the square headed one's rant against England being so "UN-DEMOCRATIC" for revoking his visa, :D and how <snip> is for Thailand. He goes on the state he wishes to return and become PM to bring back the happiness of Thailand. He assures all the poor people they will be much happier under his leadership. :o His full interview will be published on Sunday, but there are excerpts floating around on the net at this time. :D

Edited by soundman
No Royal reference please.
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he wishes to return and become PM to bring back the happiness of Thailand. He assures all the poor people they will be much happier under his leadership.

"It will be easy to solve the problems of the poor", he once said, but they are just as poor now as they were before his englightened leadership.

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he wishes to return and become PM to bring back the happiness of Thailand. He assures all the poor people they will be much happier under his leadership.

"It will be easy to solve the problems of the poor", he once said, but they are just as poor now as they were before his englightened leadership.

you could say they are poorer cos they are now in debt! And without him in the driving seat there is no one to bail them out. Before all they had to do was dive their traktors and E Dan to bangkok and he's give in and give them a reprieve on paying back their loans and facing up to their responsibilities.

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This scamming tactic is very indicative of the entire process to amend the constitution for Thaksin.

This is a duplicate thread of this article's previous posting here:


but it is an extremely important indicator as this effort is the FOURTH attempt by the government to try and keep ramrodding these changes through. They are continually thwarted in these efforts..... so far..... :o

Other efforts and their stop causes are found in the original thread that this thread should be merged into.

Edited by sriracha john
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Although Parliament Speaker Chai Chidchob earlier claimed the parliament needed a meeting yesterday only to endorse the Asean pact legislation, he did not expect MPs to study the issue thoroughly before voting on it at all.

Probably the same expectation he wants for the Constitutional Amendments. :D


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