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Thugs Or Voice Of The People ?


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trying to weasel your way out again? one that can think don't pluck figures out of thin air and after he's been challenged scurries away to google for confirmation and yet not solid evidence to back it up. Researching is fundamental if one wants to start lecturing people on things that doesn't know about

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After the April 2006 election

Break from politics

Thaksin announced on April 4, 2006 that he would not accept the post of Prime Minister after Parliament reconvened, but would continue as Caretaker Prime Minister until then.[132]

He then delegated his functions to Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Wannasathit, whose son Newin was an effective Thaksin supporter in the northeast region of the country, moved out of Government House, and went on vacation.


During Thaksins "break", Thailand was illegally taken over by an Army coup. :o

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The PAD have convinced themselves (via the PAD propoganda ring leaders) that the present governemnt is corrupt, a pupet of Thaksin, also corupt and, in the word of one protestor inteviewed on TV, "we don't like corruption, so corrupt governemnt must be kicked out". They also say the rural Thais in the provinces (65% of the population) are uneducated and can't see this. I have never heard such arrogant, hypocritical, racist and uneducated comments in my life. If these represent the genuine thought processes of the majority of the PAD - who believe they are better people - then there is not much hope for Thailand, sadly.

It should not be a question of individual people's corruption, or a party's corruption, but a question of the corruption inherent throughout the entire governemnt and civil service system. It is the system that is corrupt. By ousting the governemnt, all that will happen is that one corrupt party is replaced by another corrupt party. It is corruption in society and the system that should be tackled. One of the PAD ring leaders (who I won't mentioned by name) but he is about seventy and a ex primeminsiter many years ago. He was involved in corrupt dealings involving China and supplying the Thai airforce with deals worth milllions of baht under the table. It was corruption on a masssive scale, yet here is the same man now stirring up hatred and instilling thoughts in the PAD members. No mention of his own corruption when he was in power. And the absurdity is that these very people in the PAD claim the majority of the Thai population are uneducated, and can't see corruption.

I have lived in the provinces and the population are not just a bunch of rice farmers. Far from it, there are a whole mixture of people and some are very educated and informed. There are some excellent universities in many of the provincial areas. The reality is that Bangkok Thais look down on rural Thais (the majority of teh population) from where many of the mass of workers are brought to be exploited as cheap lablour in factories. Many of the Bnagkok fat cats are spoilt, lazy, uneducated, and just sit back to collect in the money. Of course they don't want that to change that. When things are going well they are fine and happy, but as soon as they sense a threat to the status quo that suits them, they result to immature and nasty tactics, without any regard whatsoever for anybody else but themselves.

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Did you make that up yourself or copy from the TRT/PPP/PP public relations department? You have established your poor rural credentials, but to truly understand both sides (and you do want to do that, don’t you?) can I ask how many grass root PAD supporters you know? Have you ever asked them what they think this is about? Or are you too busy spouting other peoples propaganda to do your own investigation?

Do you are did you ever have a subscription the Telegraph?


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Thaihome has offered no constructive argument whatsoever; All he/she has come up with is a few snide personal comments such as trying to suggest what British paper I subscribe to. In doing so he has exposed the fact that he is not well-read (explained later), and we can assume that if he is not well-read then he is not well inforfmed about what is going on, and thus unable or incapable of adding a contribution to this thread. For you knowledge, Thaihome, almost all of the British papers, though they recognise that the Thaksin regime was corrupt, they too understand that there is no evidence to suggest the next regime won't also be corrrupt. This is because it is the Thai system that is inherently corrupt and needs to be changed - and its not a case of simply swapping one corrupt party for another. With regards to the papers: The Guardian tends to be more left wing, while the Telegraph is more right wing. In sticking up for the rural Thais, as I was doing in my post, and by attacking the Bangkok elite and PAD (yes I am generalising terribly I know), most people would assume that I am more likely to be a Guardian reader. Yet Thaihome has suggested I read the Telegraph?? Very odd!! Yes, I do have many friends in Bangkok (our Head office is there (though I am more acquainted with the provinces). Most of my Bangkok frends are not particulalrly bothered about what's going on, but those who are PAD supporters are only able to say Thaksin was corrupt and not good. They are not able to elaborate on that, yet absurdly they admit that corrupton is part of the system in general, and some are dear friends of mine. I invite Thaihome to explain what he means by "grass roots PAD", and also to explain what he thinks will change for the benefit of the majority of the population if they get their way?

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