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Warning For People Thinking To Go Watch Or See The Protest Of Pad


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Yes, be careful. I walked once through a PAD crowd/camp. They were actually quite friendly to me. Then again, a fellow Westerner told me, that they beat up two Filipinos. :o

I was there 3 or 4 times to make pictures. They were friendly and helpful. Only they insisted to feed me a southern fish-soup, to show their friendliness and I hate sour fish soup. A lot people love to explain the situation to foreigner, as they know that many news are wrong or semi-true.

There is absolute no danger from the PAD, but maybe from the police, or when the police is getting violent again a bullet does not know the difference between a peaceful protestor and a bystander.

So maybe modify the original warning to:

Fish soup - and fishes - with Hundred of chillis . - in Protestor Cars .

I suggest this act as a warning for people who intent to go Join the protest or go have fun ,

This food is believe to be a small part that had been discover . --

I like your posts. <snip>, but you always raise a chuckle.

Edited by soundman
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I rode my bicycle a couple of weeks ago through the PAD demonstrators near gov't house and they were friendly towards me, and let me through without any incidents.

It was probably the yellow shirt, yellow neckerchief and yellow cap that kept them happy. :D

Next time, wear red and see what happens! :D


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