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I remember this t-girl working the cosmetic dept. at Robinson's. She had tourquoise eye shadow. I picked up a perfume swatch and sniffed. It got me all dreamy... I saw myself wading out into a tourquoise sea. Love is a drug. ©

This dream copyrighted by aughie. :D:o:D:D

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Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?

Can I be really wholsome and just take my wife ?

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?

Can I be really wholsome and just take my wife ?


Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?

Can I be really wholsome and just take my wife ?


or even some hole :D

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?


Glad to see the forum is keeping up its high standards of wit,intellect and information.Seriously don't you guys have anything better to do? Its not that there is any objection at all to talking about girls or even graphic sex.But the discussion,for example this silly little thread, too often takes place in a grindingly puerile schoolyard manner.Take a look at salon.com at the way adults talk about these issues.

Lighten up Boris. It is Christmas :o

Not sure what middle aged men unattractively drooling about unattainable actresses has to do with Christmas, Doctor P.But in any case this kind of dumb dialogue can be seen on this forum all the year round.Probably inevitable on a forum where participants are drawn together because of an interest in one subject,i.e Thailand, rather than having anything in common through intellect,education,culture,income or life achievement where there will be huge variations.By the way didn't you notice I did lighten up by my dour standards.

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?


Glad to see the forum is keeping up its high standards of wit,intellect and information.Seriously don't you guys have anything better to do? Its not that there is any objection at all to talking about girls or even graphic sex.But the discussion,for example this silly little thread, too often takes place in a grindingly puerile schoolyard manner.Take a look at salon.com at the way adults talk about these issues.

Lighten up Boris. It is Christmas :o

Not sure what middle aged men unattractively drooling about unattainable actresses has to do with Christmas, Doctor P.But in any case this kind of dumb dialogue can be seen on this forum all the year round.Probably inevitable on a forum where participants are drawn together because of an interest in one subject,i.e Thailand, rather than having anything in common through intellect,education,culture,income or life achievement where there will be huge variations.By the way didn't you notice I did lighten up by my dour standards.

Drooling? - just looking and having some mindless banter. The intellect, education, culture, income and life achievement stories are saved for face to face - it is only a forum remember.

Have a great Christmas anyway Boris! :D

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?


Glad to see the forum is keeping up its high standards of wit,intellect and information.Seriously don't you guys have anything better to do? Its not that there is any objection at all to talking about girls or even graphic sex.But the discussion,for example this silly little thread, too often takes place in a grindingly puerile schoolyard manner.Take a look at salon.com at the way adults talk about these issues.

Lighten up Boris. It is Christmas :D

Not sure what middle aged men unattractively drooling about unattainable actresses has to do with Christmas, Doctor P.But in any case this kind of dumb dialogue can be seen on this forum all the year round.Probably inevitable on a forum where participants are drawn together because of an interest in one subject,i.e Thailand, rather than having anything in common through intellect,education,culture,income or life achievement where there will be huge variations.By the way didn't you notice I did lighten up by my dour standards.

I bet you are a great laugh at any party. :D:D:o

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?


Glad to see the forum is keeping up its high standards of wit,intellect and information.Seriously don't you guys have anything better to do? Its not that there is any objection at all to talking about girls or even graphic sex.But the discussion,for example this silly little thread, too often takes place in a grindingly puerile schoolyard manner.Take a look at salon.com at the way adults talk about these issues.

Lighten up Boris. It is Christmas :D

Not sure what middle aged men unattractively drooling about unattainable actresses has to do with Christmas, Doctor P.But in any case this kind of dumb dialogue can be seen on this forum all the year round.Probably inevitable on a forum where participants are drawn together because of an interest in one subject,i.e Thailand, rather than having anything in common through intellect,education,culture,income or life achievement where there will be huge variations.By the way didn't you notice I did lighten up by my dour standards.

I bet you are a great laugh at any party. :D:D:o

50 satang he ain't


Sandra Bullock and Michelle Pfifer had their day, but Julia Roberts was NEVER, I repeat, NEVER hot. I have never met a male who drooled over Julia Roberts.

Ms. Roberts was always one of these people promoted by the fashion and film industries as someone incredibly beautiful. But I always wondered in whose eyes?? If you place heterosexual men completely in charge of the fashion and film industries, Julia Roberts would have never emerged.


mmmmmmmmm, Bea Arthur and Estelle Getty playing bingo would be my xmas date.

Failing that, Miko Lee Kylie Minogue or Rose Mcgowan(hubba hubba) .

Just kidding, my old lady will suffice , or maybe Mrs Clause....hoe hoe hoe


Id like to see Elsie ( LC ) under my tree , Christmas tree , Christmas tree ! But alas , she's taken :o

Soooo , I will have to settle for Raquel Welsh when she did the movie 1 million

years B.C.

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?

Can I be really wholsome and just take my wife ?

Yes, you can take my wife. :o

There's a check out girl at Nana Foodland that melts my heart everytime I buy something from her. I'd choose her but she seems totally uninterested in me :o .

All purely hypothetical, right?

Any Pics ? :D

Sorry mate, but you can see her there for real, she's the best looking one on the ckeckout lines.


its all an illusion , once you saw her naked without any clothes on you might lose interest



HI Chon

you work at vodafone,can you get the settings for the vodafone 3g so that i can reset my crap 3 network nec 616 and lg 8120 to work with all the features on vodafone,picture messaging,video calls etc




I can just picture Boris at a party this Christmas when things are getting rowdy, standing in the corner on his own muttering how it wasn't like this in his rooms at Cambridge.

Come on Boz! Let your hair down!!

My choice would always be my missus!!

Ok its xmas night and Santa has granted you a choice of girl > A free choice and on offer is :

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

Sandra Bullock

or a Thai girl from the cosmetics dept at Central Chidlom or a choice of girl off the street

who would you choose ?


Glad to see the forum is keeping up its high standards of wit,intellect and information.Seriously don't you guys have anything better to do? Its not that there is any objection at all to talking about girls or even graphic sex.But the discussion,for example this silly little thread, too often takes place in a grindingly puerile schoolyard manner.Take a look at salon.com at the way adults talk about these issues.

Lighten up Boris. It is Christmas :o

Not sure what middle aged men unattractively drooling about unattainable actresses has to do with Christmas, Doctor P.But in any case this kind of dumb dialogue can be seen on this forum all the year round.Probably inevitable on a forum where participants are drawn together because of an interest in one subject,i.e Thailand, rather than having anything in common through intellect,education,culture,income or life achievement where there will be huge variations.By the way didn't you notice I did lighten up by my dour standards.

Good for you Boris. Lighter is Brighter :D Happy Christmas

I can just picture Boris at a party this Christmas when things are getting rowdy, standing in the corner on his own muttering how it wasn't like this in his rooms at Cambridge.

Come on Boz! Let your hair down!!

My choice would always be my missus!!

But Professor Fart old bean, the parties at my Cambridge rooms were a hoot.After a pre prandial snack of plovers eggs we ordered our many aged retainers to bring the best claret and champagne from the college's fine cellars.After the 12 course meal was finished all the chums ventured forth in search of earnest working class students (fortunately not many of them!!) to debag and immerse in the college fountains.How we laughed to hear their protests in their ugly regional accents.A firm boot to their posteriors soon silenced their protests!! Therafter we emptied the contents into the college qudrangle of any students room who hadn't attended a decent public school.And you think I don't know how to let my hair down.Ah, happy days.

I can just picture Boris at a party this Christmas when things are getting rowdy, standing in the corner on his own muttering how it wasn't like this in his rooms at Cambridge.

Come on Boz! Let your hair down!!

My choice would always be my missus!!

But Professor Fart old bean, the parties at my Cambridge rooms were a hoot.After a pre prandial snack of plovers eggs we ordered our many aged retainers to bring the best claret and champagne from the college's fine cellars.After the 12 course meal was finished all the chums ventured forth in search of earnest working class students (fortunately not many of them!!) to debag and immerse in the college fountains.How we laughed to hear their protests in their ugly regional accents.A firm boot to their posteriors soon silenced their protests!! Therafter we emptied the contents into the college qudrangle of any students room who hadn't attended a decent public school.And you think I don't know how to let my hair down.Ah, happy days.

:o Beat thet one prof' :D


But Professor Fart old bean, the parties at my Cambridge rooms were a hoot.After a pre prandial snack of plovers eggs we ordered our many aged retainers to bring the best claret and champagne from the college's fine cellars.After the 12 course meal was finished all the chums ventured forth in search of earnest working class students (fortunately not many of them!!) to debag and immerse in the college fountains.How we laughed to hear their protests in their ugly regional accents.A firm boot to their posteriors soon silenced their protests!! Therafter we emptied the contents into the college qudrangle of any students room who hadn't attended a decent public school.And you think I don't know how to let my hair down.Ah, happy days.

boris, you spout that crap with a certain manic pride... It paints an awful picture to me, of a bunch of snotty nosed, bully boys beating on underpriviledged kids. Pity some of you did not attend my secondary modern school, on the old council estate... See how hard you would have been then. Highly educated, low life scum.

Disgusted. :o

I think Boris is taking the piss, Rav. He's ok, for a soapy with no sense of humour :D

I can just picture Boris at a party this Christmas when things are getting rowdy, standing in the corner on his own muttering how it wasn't like this in his rooms at Cambridge.

Come on Boz! Let your hair down!!

My choice would always be my missus!!

But Professor Fart old bean, the parties at my Cambridge rooms were a hoot.After a pre prandial snack of plovers eggs we ordered our many aged retainers to bring the best claret and champagne from the college's fine cellars.After the 12 course meal was finished all the chums ventured forth in search of earnest working class students (fortunately not many of them!!) to debag and immerse in the college fountains.How we laughed to hear their protests in their ugly regional accents.A firm boot to their posteriors soon silenced their protests!! Therafter we emptied the contents into the college qudrangle of any students room who hadn't attended a decent public school.And you think I don't know how to let my hair down.Ah, happy days.

Ahh..reminds me of my ol' school days. Drinking loads of dead good beer till we got rat-arsed. Didn't have plovers eggs but had chucky egg butties, the posher twatstards had HP sauce on theirs. Then we'd walk the streets shouting "Here We Go! Here We Go! Here We Go! etc." even though we didn't have the foggiest where the fock we were going.

A visit to big busty Brenda from Birkenhead on the dock road for a knee trembler down a dirty jigger. Then off to the high street to nick some 45 singles before going back for the afternoon lessons.

Those primary school day memories are priceless. :o

HI Chon

you work at vodafone,can you get the settings for the vodafone 3g so that i can reset my crap 3 network nec 616 and lg 8120 to work with all the features on vodafone,picture messaging,video calls etc



I just clean the toilets Alan... :D

3g is crap but the phones don't help, Nokia are still the best tools , Sony Ericsson are the worst. :o


Dentists!!!!?? Only an industrial drilling co would help in her case......

But Professor Fart old bean, the parties at my Cambridge rooms were a hoot.After a pre prandial snack of plovers eggs we ordered our many aged retainers to bring the best claret and champagne from the college's fine cellars.After the 12 course meal was finished all the chums ventured forth in search of earnest working class students (fortunately not many of them!!) to debag and immerse in the college fountains.How we laughed to hear their protests in their ugly regional accents.A firm boot to their posteriors soon silenced their protests!! Therafter we emptied the contents into the college qudrangle of any students room who hadn't attended a decent public school.And you think I don't know how to let my hair down.Ah, happy days.


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