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Ok Stupid Question But Plse Help: In Love And Want To Marry Thai Lady..


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OK This is bad i know. But im married and have a wife and children in Australia. My ex wife is in a relationship and has children to her neww love. I awaiot a lengthy divorce. I want to marry my long time Thai girl friend asap. Can I marry? Without my pending divorce in Australia. If I marry in Thailand that is...

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OK This is bad i know. But im married and have a wife and children in Australia. My ex wife is in a relationship and has children to her neww love. I awaiot a lengthy divorce. I want to marry my long time Thai girl friend asap. Can I marry? Without my pending divorce in Australia. If I marry in Thailand that is...

Sorry. I wouldnt think so. You need to show government papers that you are not married in your country of origin.

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I know that I will get shot down for this but !!

As I am sure you know to marry now would make you a bigamist if you were not divorced, but I don’t think that a local Thai wedding without the visit to the town hall to register the marriage would count.

But why not wait until your divorce is final. If she is good she will hang on for sure and it will give you time to see if you are sure.

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Thank you all. I know the question is a hard one. We are both very much in love and have been for quite some time. The problem is my ex wife or still wife is a piece of work. She has her new life and newborn child and refuses the divorce purely to dispise me. She has the power to end this all but knows that I wo0nt move on wanting a child with my new lo0ve without being married first. My new fiance is the same. I can try to force this but with the little funds i have or should i say we have saved it will be wasted on fighting my ex in court. The australiuan laws are tough if the other side opposes the divorce. Please note it was my ex wife that decided to end our 17 year marriage due to her infedilitys not mine. Hope this sheds somer light im not a total asshol_e just in love wanting to move on. Ta!!!

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I dont want to be a bigamist just happy and be able to move on with my life. Everything just feels distant living here so long and finally we want to start our own family as has my wife. Not possible for my new lady and best friend until we marry just thought maybe there was a way. holding onto false hope thankyou for your kinfd responses. Dane

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As said, you cannot get married without being divorced first. You can however hold a thai wedding ceremony, it is not a legal wedding and not recognized by law, but accepted by Thai culture. many Thais only have a wedding ceremoiny and consider themselves married, without having a legal marriage in the form of registering the marriage at the amphur.

Regarding children, if you recognise a child it will have the same status a child born during your marriage.

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I think, from memory, you can get divorced if you have lived separately from the spouse for more than 1 year, even if that spouse opposes it. Check out the Family Court website.

Possible, if it is an amicable separation, most often when no kids are involved.

To marry in Thailand, Free to Marry Certificate is mandatory, Oz embassy issues it.

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  • 1 year later...

oz divorce should be a cakewalk after separation period finalised, but if kids involved, prepare to be shafted. Would strongly recommend Buddhist wedding only, should keep Thai lady happy. Legal Marriage to a Thai can be a financial disaster - she can rob you blind, forge your signature, cancel any debts from her family and there is bugger all you can do about it as under Thai law you are the same legal entity. BE WARNED AND BE VERY, VERY WARY.

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Why dont YOU divorce your wife for desertion and adultery, seems she has no leg to stand on

Has NO part in Australian divorce proceeding these days, they really don't care regarding adultery and desertion, they will just sight reconcilable differences.

You need to be seperated and living apart for at least 1 year and the entire process will take a couple of months to process.

Rush from one marriage to the next for WHAT? :)

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I smell some distinct TROLL droppings on this trail...(skills learnt from aboriginal tracker)

Why the heck would anyone want to marry a thai ASOP??..Ting tong and bah muk muk if you ask me

I would think the best advice would be to wait and learn, for as long as possible, and you might well discover the best thing would be to run like hel_l..

Especially if this girl is the one putting on the pressure to get married... have you not read the thousands of pages of regrets on this site?

Have you not heard of sinsod and all the many scams? :):D

Actually go ahead, we are a bit short of sad sack stories and sorry regrets with all this Thaksin business taking up the news :D

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