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Scammers At Pantip


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So many jerks...

GirlX, we live in Thailand, pirated movies are the norm, there are more pirated movie stalls than legit shops (which mostly sell DVDs that can only be played in this country so why would you buy legit when it wont even work anywhere else?) The entire country is buying pirated dvds.... but somehow we are bad if we do it? Most movies SUCK, I'll be damned if Im going to pay full price for crap. 10% are good, and when I find a good movie I usualy buy a legit copy back home as I want a nice copy for my collection of GOOD movies. Not to mention you cannot even FIND tons of movie titles in this country at legit shops.

This has nothing to do with pirated movies, the mistake you made (and you should know this! but seem to be ruled by your fear of crying....) was giving in to his scam at the beginning, the second he tried you REFUSE, walk away, shop somewere else if he wont back down from his scam attempt.

A kindly vendor told me the secret to the coding they have on not quite right yet copies. Apparently, the 9 on the front of the cover is blue if the copy is not good yet, changing to yellow (gold) when the copy has been fixed. It still may be a camera job from the back row, but at least it will play all the way through and has sound, not that I buy them mind you....

girlx... you got sold a sick buffalo story, I'm shocked this is your first. Old story, new twist is all. But a valid warning, if more farang start to swallow this crap, it will be coming out everywhere for a few weeks/months. Somchai tells his buddies this con works, use the airport one, that gets a few extra Baht.


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p.s. i don't have any idea where i could by legal software in thailand if i were so inclined.... never seen it available!

Many of the "permanent" shops in Pantip, i.e. not just the small stalls, sell legal software and games; in fact they usually have only legal merchandise and none of the illegal stuff. E.g. Data IT, IT City, etc. They'll still sell you a computer with pirated Windows installed on it, though, unless you specify otherwise.

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I believe Panthip is Sanskrit for "thieves steal everything". The last time I was at Panthip I handed in my laptop to reinstall vista + the "must have stuff". When I got home my laptop had only 512 MB RAM instead on the 2 MB RAM I had when i bought it...

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