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It Ain't Half Cold, Mum !


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After yet another freezing night in Mae-Jo, I got up at 6am, and looked at the thermometer outside our back-door. It read 58*F (14*C) but feels much colder to me ! Bbbrrrrrr !!!

So who of us, living in the Chiang Mai area, has the lowest temperature, excluding anyone resident up at Doi Inthanon, which would be cheating IMO ?

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After yet another freezing night in Mae-Jo, I got up at 6am, and looked at the thermometer outside our back-door. It read 58*F (14*C) but feels much colder to me ! Bbbrrrrrr !!!

So who of us, living in the Chiang Mai area, has the lowest temperature, excluding anyone resident up at Doi Inthanon, which would be cheating IMO ?

9C at my house just outside Chiang Rai. It must be very cold in the mountains, so if you have any centres collecting warm clothes or blankets for the hill tribe folk, then go for it. A lot of churches and temples will be collecting warm things.

As for us we could do with central heating, as sitting here in coat and wooly hat!

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It's Brass Monkey weather For sure

I am in Lamphun It's now 9.30am and still can't face the Shower

Yes It's cold Feels Like 4 Deg not 14 Thought it was me not feeling well

My First winter here so will it get colder. Wife says it will

All I know is it will be Hot in march and that's not too far away.

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must be very cold in the mountains, so if you have any centres collecting warm clothes or blankets for the hill tribe folk, then go for it. A lot of churches and temples will be collecting warm things.

I wonder what they do with those after the winter. I mean they get blankets and things every single year, they must have a huge pile of them now. :o

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must be very cold in the mountains, so if you have any centres collecting warm clothes or blankets for the hill tribe folk, then go for it. A lot of churches and temples will be collecting warm things.

I wonder what they do with those after the winter. I mean they get blankets and things every single year, they must have a huge pile of them now. :o

I was just wondering the same. It is a repeat story every year. Do they give them instructions how to use them? They are supposed to wrap them self in'em, not use them as fuel for fire :D


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After yet another freezing night in Mae-Jo, I got up at 6am, and looked at the thermometer outside our back-door. It read 58*F (14*C) but feels much colder to me ! Bbbrrrrrr !!!

So who of us, living in the Chiang Mai area, has the lowest temperature, excluding anyone resident up at Doi Inthanon, which would be cheating IMO ?

Never thought I would be doing this in Thailand......sat down..sipping a steaming hot mug of Bovril !!

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must be very cold in the mountains, so if you have any centres collecting warm clothes or blankets for the hill tribe folk, then go for it. A lot of churches and temples will be collecting warm things.

I wonder what they do with those after the winter. I mean they get blankets and things every single year, they must have a huge pile of them now. :o

My memory is none too good but I'm sure you said the same thing on a previous thread? Apologies if it was another TV member.

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It was 10 degrees here in Mae Rim on Tuesday morning. A little colder than normal for this date. For TV members who are interested and have no heat in their homes, you may want to consider buying an electric space heater at places like HomePro--albeit expensive at about THB 6,500 but they work very well and can be easily moved from room-to-room. We bought one for my wife's family living in northern Nan Province and for the first time in decades they are comfortable at night. We first had to spell out explicitly the safety precautions when using the heater around draperies, bedding etc., but at least there is no danger from carbon monoxide poisoning as with kerosene or charcoal-fired devices.

Our home in Mae Rim has no fireplace but we seem to be OK at night by adding a summer weight cotton blanket under our bedspread...and wearing a sweater in the mornings until things warm up. But to those less fortunate Thai folks living out in the hills of northern Thailand, they can't afford to buy heaters or blankets, and it can easily fall below zero degrees Centigrade during cold spells. What bothers me is that every year there is a hue and cry to donate warm clothing and blankets for distribution to the poor; this continual annual demand makes me wonder if corrupt practices are present in this process as well? I can't believe the birth rate is accelerating so fast that we never seem to get well on provisions to these people. Perhaps they themselves are selling these donations after the cold snap ends?

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For TV members who are interested and have no heat in their homes, you may want to consider buying an electric space heater at places like HomePro--albeit expensive at about THB 6,500 but they work very well and can be easily moved from room-to-room.

Fortunately I bought two heaters for 1200 Baht each last year and already using them and work very well. Unfortunately you can't buy them from the same place this year - Global House. :o

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After yet another freezing night in Mae-Jo, I got up at 6am, and looked at the thermometer outside our back-door. It read 58*F (14*C) but feels much colder to me ! Bbbrrrrrr !!!

So who of us, living in the Chiang Mai area, has the lowest temperature, excluding anyone resident up at Doi Inthanon, which would be cheating IMO ?

Never thought I would be doing this in Thailand......sat down..sipping a steaming hot mug of Bovril !!

Ohhhh! BOVRIL -- you lucky chap, wish I had some, vegemite definately not the same.

This cold weather is very early this year, usually the cold is at it's coldest (nearly wrote peaks) around the turn of the year, so prepare for worse folks.

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I think I'm going to have to buy a hot water bottle, definitely never thought I'd say that living in Thailand!!

Do they reall sell hot water bottles here? That sounds like an excellent way to keep warm as I'm riding my motorbike into Chiang Mai from Mae Rim at 8.30 on a cold winter's morning having no jacket or other windproof clothing,just an old, worn, wooly pullover.

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I am curious why everyone seems to think it is cold... Perhaps my body has yet to acclimate to weather here in LOS.... I find the cooler weather very pleasant as I am still in T-shirt and shorts..... The best thing about this weather is I save energy at night by not having to turn the fan or AC on at night to get to sleep........... I guess too many years spent living in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains!!!!


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I am curious why everyone seems to think it is cold... Perhaps my body has yet to acclimate to weather here in LOS.... I find the cooler weather very pleasant as I am still in T-shirt and shorts..... The best thing about this weather is I save energy at night by not having to turn the fan or AC on at night to get to sleep........... I guess too many years spent living in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains!!!!

It's the damp - I can happily go skiing at -20 degrees C in the French Alps, but find the damp cold at this time of year very unpleasant.

Of course there may be other factors ... some farangs are, how can I put it, pretty well 'enveloped' as the French would say :o ...

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Of course there may be other factors ... some farangs are, how can I put it, pretty well 'enveloped' as the French would say :o ...

Would you mind disambiguating your innuendo ; unless you're implying that " les invites sont emmitoufles dans les couettes" ,I cannot imagine the meaning of your double entendre?

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After yet another freezing night in Mae-Jo, I got up at 6am, and looked at the thermometer outside our back-door. It read 58*F (14*C) but feels much colder to me ! Bbbrrrrrr !!!

So who of us, living in the Chiang Mai area, has the lowest temperature, excluding anyone resident up at Doi Inthanon, which would be cheating IMO ?

Never thought I would be doing this in Thailand......sat down..sipping a steaming hot mug of Bovril !!

Ohhhh! BOVRIL -- you lucky chap, wish I had some, vegemite definately not the same.

This cold weather is very early this year, usually the cold is at it's coldest (nearly wrote peaks) around the turn of the year, so prepare for worse folks.

Ungrateful sod. :o

2*C predicted for the 'Rai tonight. It'll be colder than that up where we are.

I knew we should have stayed in Samui.

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must be very cold in the mountains, so if you have any centres collecting warm clothes or blankets for the hill tribe folk, then go for it. A lot of churches and temples will be collecting warm things.

I wonder what they do with those after the winter. I mean they get blankets and things every single year, they must have a huge pile of them now. :o

What did you think the mountains were made out of ? Piles of charity-blankets, thousands of feet high ! :D

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Yeah, you know, I don't begrudge the hilltribes n mountain folk at all, but I've wondered too what happens after all these clothing and blanket drives. They are native to higher elevations and mountain living year round, shouldn't we be learning from them how to cope with the cold ? Shouldn't they know all kinds of tricks or strategies for preparing for each year's coming winter ? The drives are always coupled with notions of poverty (ok, help them out), and then a complete surprise that cold weather has hit (this should be foreseen, no ?).

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After yet another freezing night in Mae-Jo, I got up at 6am, and looked at the thermometer outside our back-door. It read 58*F (14*C) but feels much colder to me ! Bbbrrrrrr !!!

So who of us, living in the Chiang Mai area, has the lowest temperature, excluding anyone resident up at Doi Inthanon, which would be cheating IMO ?

Never thought I would be doing this in Thailand......sat down..sipping a steaming hot mug of Bovril !!

Ohhhh! BOVRIL -- you lucky chap, wish I had some, vegemite definately not the same.

This cold weather is very early this year, usually the cold is at it's coldest (nearly wrote peaks) around the turn of the year, so prepare for worse folks.

Ungrateful sod. :o

2*C predicted for the 'Rai tonight. It'll be colder than that up where we are.

I knew we should have stayed in Samui.

Ever grateful with every mouthful of hot veggied toast, actually blended with butter it's pretty good, but drink it - yukk!

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Of course there may be other factors ... some farangs are, how can I put it, pretty well 'enveloped' as the French would say :o ...

Would you mind disambiguating your innuendo ; unless you're implying that " les invites sont emmitoufles dans les couettes" ,I cannot imagine the meaning of your double entendre?

we're in thailand. not france.

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