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Abhisit Calls For House Dissolution (back On December 3)


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Abhisit calls for House dissolution

BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva on Wednesday urged for House dissolution on the ground that a snap election will allow a fresh start to form a viable government to tackle the political and economic woes.

Abhisit said he wanted the transition to the next government to take place under prescribed rules sanctioned by the Constitution.

Any ideas to bring about changes by non-constitutional means are not appropriate, he said in reference to the push to form a national unity government.

-- The Nation 2008-12-03

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Coming to the fore is something a Statesman or serious politician does during or BEFORE a crisis.

This is too late for the fence sitter.

Only sure thing from an election would be they would have even fewer seats as the percentage of poor in Thailand is set to rise, starting from around the time of the PAD Phuket protest.

Do you know they had such serious threats at Phuket airport that they baaaa'ed and went away. The Governors weekly address to the good Burgers :o of Phuket in the local edition of The Phuket - mostly clips from other provinces (Round the South, Thai news round up, Phang Nga and Krabi, Koh Lak) patched together with adverts for unsold houses and luxury products aiming at wealthy people that don't live here and most certailny not recognisng that is it probably Thailands second Biggest sex tourist resort - Gazette alluded to it.

Sorry Abhisit but its too big a leap for you from head sheep to Bo Peep :D Dye the wool yellow and stay put.

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Coming to the fore is something a Statesman or serious politician does during or BEFORE a crisis.

This is too late for the fence sitter.

Only sure thing from an election would be they would have even fewer seats as the percentage of poor in Thailand is set to rise, starting from around the time of the PAD Phuket protest.

Do you know they had such serious threats at Phuket airport that they baaaa'ed and went away. The Governors weekly address to the good Burgers :o of Phuket in the local edition of The Phuket - mostly clips from other provinces (Round the South, Thai news round up, Phang Nga and Krabi, Koh Lak) patched together with adverts for unsold houses and luxury products aiming at wealthy people that don't live here and most certailny not recognisng that is it probably Thailands second Biggest sex tourist resort - Gazette alluded to it.

Sorry Abhisit but its too big a leap for you from head sheep to Bo Peep :D Dye the wool yellow and stay put.

I certainly haven't agreed with many of your posts grandpops, but I have to admit that you are absolutely right on this one.

This guy certainly doesn't seem to have what it takes to "drive the train", he's always running" to catch the caboose".

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Before calling for fresh elections shouldn't he or someone carry out steps to ensure the electoral fraud mentioned by the high court does not occur again? and if necessary have united nations electoral officers present to ensure one man one vote and no monetary advantage occurs regards vote buying?

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.


Not accurate :o

A snap election now prevents the PPP folks from contesting the elctions at all. Have to be a member of a party for a set amount of time before an election.

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.

Is my memory bad- or didn't Abhsit boycott that election, at least in part, because there was not enough time for the Dem's to prepare- and now he is demanding a snap election?

Edited by blaze
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An election timed so everyone currently an MP can run may be to the PTP's advantage. they are good at elections. They could renew or improve their mandate and most importantly they could avoid the legal questions that are going to start to be put about party list MPs etc.

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.

Is my memory bad- or didn't Abhsit boycott that election, at least in part, because there was not enough time for the Dem's to prepare- and now he is demanding a snap election?

Is my memory bad or did ALL other parties boycott that election because many things were wrong, as well the time-frame was wrong with the 1997 constitution?

And if I remember right even without other parties the TRT couldn't get 20 % of the votes in several areas.

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A senior Democrat was on Alquazeera defending the PAD and ALL its actions, also claimed the Dems had been a brilliant opposition party and only wanted to abide by the law. :o

With the Dems out of the closet anybody could see they were in, what possible credibility can they now elicit. Presumably their connivance won't be lost on the electorate either. They need the so-called judicial coup to get their hungry snouts back in the government trough. But this is still far from over and that may yet be the outcome.

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Well to finally kill off Thai tourism once and for all let him have his elections over Xmas and New Year closing all entertainment venues for weeks as they did last year.

The final kill was already: reducing the time you are allowed to stay from 30 to 15 days if you come from a neighbor country.

See the visa section.

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.

Is my memory bad- or didn't Abhsit boycott that election, at least in part, because there was not enough time for the Dem's to prepare- and now he is demanding a snap election?

Apr 2006 election were snap elections called (3 yrs) early in a response to demands for Thaksins resignation after Shin Corp sale.

The Democrats and a couple of other parties boycotted the Apr. 2006 elections basically because they wanted more time to prepare and thought they couldn't win. Election was sort of won although people abstained in South and it was invalidated and a new one scheduled in Oct and of course military stepped in before.

One presumes that Abhisit has been preparing for the last 2 yrs and doesn't give a hoot about anyone else.

Word association - Abhisit/election/PM ---> Blondie song "One way or another..."

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.

Is my memory bad- or didn't Abhsit boycott that election, at least in part, because there was not enough time for the Dem's to prepare- and now he is demanding a snap election?

Apr 2006 election were snap elections called (3 yrs) early in a response to demands for Thaksins resignation after Shin Corp sale.

The Democrats and a couple of other parties boycotted the Apr. 2006 elections basically because they wanted more time to prepare and thought they couldn't win. Election was sort of won although people abstained in South and it was invalidated and a new one scheduled in Oct and of course military stepped in before.

One presumes that Abhisit has been preparing for the last 2 yrs and doesn't give a hoot about anyone else.

Word association - Abhisit/election/PM ---> Blondie song "One way or another..."

Yes I thought I recalled Abhsist's outrage about snap elections... You had an image of Blondie= I had an image of Little Lord Faunteroy wailing- but I WANT to be PM. Let ME be PM...

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Apr 2006 election were snap elections called (3 yrs) early in a response to demands for Thaksins resignation after Shin Corp sale.

Not at all.

Thaksin legal problems didn't warrant House dissolution at that time in the least. No one argued against TRT's right to rule then. Thaksin tried to use electoral legitimacy to counter his own legal problems. That's not how democracy should work - crimes are crimes, courts are courts, elections are elections. One does not substitute the other.

PAD, Dems and others saw this cunning plan and refused to participate.

In 2007 elections Democrats recieved highest vote and seat count EVER, in all their sixty year history.

So yes, they are looking to a new round of ass-whopping. Question is - whose ass? PPP hasn't exactly shone as a government.

If coalition partners were so confident of another win they would have dissolved the parliament long time ago, when they lost the govt house and later Samak.


There will be no elections until ex PPP memebers pass the minimum requirement to run again, and who will sponsor them? What can they do for Thaksin to ask for money? What have they ever done to him when there were in power? Poor fellow reportedly lost a bunch of money when he sold Man City and invested in oil instead. A new round of elections is just what he needs...

PPP will try to push the amendments during the current session, then they will be challenged in courts - over parly list membership. Eventually it will be a perfect stalemate with dissolution being the only option, short of judiciary setting up an interim body to rule the country.

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The man is a toady of Sondhi.

Absolutely , a total wuss :post-61826-1228302177_thumb.jpg

"Abhisit Calls For House Dissolution, and a snap election"

better still, let's call for Abhisit immediate resignation followed by a snap Dem party leadership election

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.

Is my memory bad- or didn't Abhsit boycott that election, at least in part, because there was not enough time for the Dem's to prepare- and now he is demanding a snap election?

Wrong. Please read here.


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if necessary have united nations electoral officers present to ensure one man one vote and no monetary advantage occurs regards vote buying?

I can't see how any organization can make sure politicians won't buy votes.

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if necessary have united nations electoral officers present to ensure one man one vote and no monetary advantage occurs regards vote buying?

I can't see how any organization can make sure politicians won't buy votes.

Koo that's one attitude that makes it so.

Can't stop it, so don't bother trying.

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.

Is my memory bad- or didn't Abhsit boycott that election, at least in part, because there was not enough time for the Dem's to prepare- and now he is demanding a snap election?

Wrong. Please read here.


Opposition groups are boycotting the elections, claiming they are unfair and come too soon after the 2005 poll


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if necessary have united nations electoral officers present to ensure one man one vote and no monetary advantage occurs regards vote buying?

I can't see how any organization can make sure politicians won't buy votes.

Agreed, but at least the E.C. is now trying, and having some success, in naming & shaming & punishing the more-obvious electoral cheats. Forcing some to re-run & pay for their by-elections, and banning more-blatant others for 5 years. We now have three more parties punished for their mis-deeds.

For some reason, not everybody welcomes this, indeed some posters claim it is an attempt to fix the overall results, rather than a small step in the direction of probity. But then, traditional politicians would object to a change in the familiar old-established ground-rules, wouldn't they ?

I also agree that some sort of international-monitoring would be positive, but Thais do seem very sensitive, to the need for this.

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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

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Last time there was a snap election the TRT (PPP) won another outright majority, and so began the slide into the abyss Thailand finds itself in today.


Not accurate :D

A snap election now prevents the PPP folks from contesting the elctions at all. Have to be a member of a party for a set amount of time before an election.

How convenient...!!!!!!


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Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

If someone can please add 10 % Chuvit into his genetic?

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