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Police Asked To Press Terrorism Charges Against Pad Leaders


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The PAD has likely broken laws - trespass for one, and given its complaints about Thaksin's cavalier approach towards his fugitive status and convictions, I hope they will set a good example if the time comes for them to face the consequences.

They can't have their cake and eat it

Two wrongs don't make a right.

et cetera

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"In the next few weeks we (foreign operators) are going to be getting together and making a stand," one industry insider said. "Things absolutely have to change."

"This situation cannot go on. If a major event takes place now, we will never be able to say we didn't see it coming, that we couldn't prepare."

Can the the foreigners group together and tell the Thai what to do? I don't think so. It Farang don't like how things is done in Thailand, Farang are welcome to leave. Don't try to be a master in other's home. Farang is just a guest here.

Well, while "Farang may only be guest here" they do happen to play a somewhat important role the the economy of Thailand, especially with regard to tourism. The passage you quote is part of a bigger article relating to the worries and fears of foreign airlines who have serious concerns for their staffs welfare and safety.

It may be worth your while to actually read and absorb what is being expressed in the article before you start throwing your toys from your pram!


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I still can't see why Khun Thaksin is a criminal. I see one case so far that he has 2 years in cell because his wife bought a land. And that is criminal?

Yes, it is. So is subverting the judicial system.

And the other cases will be handled as soon as he makes his appearance in court.

Which are "the other cases?"

I don't see any case is serious offense.

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"In the next few weeks we (foreign operators) are going to be getting together and making a stand," one industry insider said. "Things absolutely have to change."

"This situation cannot go on. If a major event takes place now, we will never be able to say we didn't see it coming, that we couldn't prepare."

Can the the foreigners group together and tell the Thai what to do? I don't think so. It Farang don't like how things is done in Thailand, Farang are welcome to leave. Don't try to be a master in other's home. Farang is just a guest here.

I think you will find that the farangs they are talking about work for and with various international airlines. They as much as the Thais have to use the airport facilities. The airport can only exist as an international entity in so much as you have all airlines using it, in which case they have to be happy that it is up to international standards. I am sure they would love to bypass it but Thailand would be left looking a little silly if only Thai Airways was using the facility!

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As mentioned previously Khun Anand Panyarachun in my earshot praised Jonathan as the most intelligent/astute reporter on the ground in Bangkok.It's really a question of personal preference whether one pays more respect to the views of a universally respected ex-Prime Minister, a real Thai statesman, or the semi coherent prejudices of a few deadbeat foreigners.I know what I think.

Oh, so he was kind of annointed into never slipping into spin writing? Does he have a special tatoo or something? Can you see his halo when he steps out of sunlight? How does his shit smell? You seems to be pretty close and unusually protective of him.

And, btw, being intellegent and astute doesn't make one an honest journalist.

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Good to see that the PAD newspeak is alive and well.

If by "Politicizing the police" you mean forcing the police into action to enforce the "rule of law" on a violent rabble who have illegally seized government buildings (and later key transprt hubs) then yes, you are spot on.

If "GOVT was told no more violence" you mean the police are castrated and violence now becomes the sole right of a violent private mob then once again spot on.

Love the illogical spin. It is quite entertaining. Why not just photoshop yourself up a nice placard to blanket reply in all situations

"PAD do NO wrong-- Government/Police Do NO Right"

It would make as much sense at the apologist gibber you are spewing now.


Yeah that's it! Ignore that a border patrol unit was brought in and fired military ordinance into a crowd while at the same time cutting off escape routes. Ignore that it was decided to do this over the objections of the police. Ignore that this brutal crackdown left 2 dead and almost 500 injured and did NOT need to happen. Ignore that no warning was given before this attack. Ignore that it was civil disobedience and not a militia that was marching on Parliament that day. Ignore that the crowd could have been re-routed. Ignore that the PAD telegraphed its plans via mass meetings that were infiltrated by the police.

Why didn't the Gov't use the police to prevent access to parliament instead of attacking them? Why didn't they prevent access to the airports? My only answer to the first is they wanted a brutal crackdown on Oct 7th. to the 2nd, it would have to be gross incompetence.

Then AFTER the Gov't caused that massive punishment (it can't be called anything else, if you want a crowd to disperse you do not cut off their ability to retreat) they were told "no more violence". What did that statement give the PAD? Safety? No, Sae Daeng's violent talk starts up as does the grenade/bombing attack (against sleeping people at Gov't house! Yeah that is useful if you are attempting to terrorize (word used advisedly) and break the will of a group of mostly unarmed civilians staging a peaceful protest!

Does the PAD do wrong? --- well there certainly appears to be elements associated with that group that has! Do i agree with the rallies moving to the airports? No. They were trying to pin the PM down ... and that paragon of civic duty just kept running and hiding while trying to get the constitution changed at the 23rd hour to protect his party and to excuse Thaksin. I understand the choices but they are not actions I would have chosen Then again I would think that the PAD bosses are better informed than I am and worked with more complete information.

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As mentioned previously Khun Anand Panyarachun in my earshot praised Jonathan as the most intelligent/astute reporter on the ground in Bangkok.It's really a question of personal preference whether one pays more respect to the views of a universally respected ex-Prime Minister, a real Thai statesman, or the semi coherent prejudices of a few deadbeat foreigners.I know what I think.

Oh, so he was kind of annointed into never slipping into spin writing? Does he have a special tatoo or something? Can you see his halo when he steps out of sunlight? How does his shit smell? You seems to be pretty close and unusually protective of him.

And, btw, being intellegent and astute doesn't make one an honest journalist.

Strange and revealing how enraged you have become.What is it about honest reporting that drives the PAD ideologues into bluster and incoherence."Kind of annointed into never slipping into spin"...really!!

Actually I have never met Jonathan Head but there's no doubt he is a first class reporter, and actually with some courage since there was an attempt to intimidate him a few months ago on baseless and trumped up lese majeste charges.

Being intelligent and astute may not make someone a good journalist but it's a good start.Again I have more respect for Khun Anand's views than some of creepy fascist sympathisers - fortunately a minority though a vocal one - that crawl over this forum like cockroaches.In most cases they don't seem to have the wherewithal to understand what they are supporting.You appear to actually believe a lot of this crap.

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Pad folks can talk about reasons, justifications all they want, but they will still have deal with Article 135. It's explicit and if the prosecutors have the surpport of the people to pursue the charges and a judge a has the courage and resolve to adjucate fairly, PAD will have a tough case to defend.

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It IS common practice for judges to be occasional lecturers at university level.

Samak on the other hand was cooking AND talking politics asnd being paid

by A MEDIA PRODUCTION COMPANY. This company gets it's money,

but selling it's shows on mostly government sponsered TV stations.

Samack as HEAD OF THE GOVERNMENT could order their shows be run more often or not at all.

So it was seen as 'confilct of interest' that he was being paid by a company to DO ANYTHING AT ALL.

since he COULD potentially control how much money that company could make.

I don't know why you wrote too long.

Khun Samak was accused of being a look chang. He was not. He was a cook who was invited to the show and got money for the show, job by job. He was not an employee for that company. But the Judge based on Thai dictionary which says an employee is someone taking payment for giving services. They actually should have based on the labor code. So according to the dictionary, the lady who waxes my hairs is my employee.

The judge taught in universities. Those universities are not organizations (UNESCO etc). They are companies. The judge took the payments and paid income taxes. He should be disqualified also according to the law they used to judge Khun Samak.

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If the "Keystone" cops could arrest the PAD when they left the airport or Govt house, or stop them taking over GOVT HOuse for the past 4 months, then how in the hel_l will they be able to press charges....

The inacyion by the police sends a very strong message that its ok to do this and there is NO accountability, nor recrimination... its ok to be a terorist and nbothing will happen.

The world is watching with a stunned look on its face ... What the @#$%!!!! is wrong with Thailand... THIS ISNT A DEMOCRACY !!!!!

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You missed a few. One I can remember now is the PAD guards beat a PAD who wanted to go home. The dead body has been found without the head, and as I remember, the victim is from Phitsanulok.

Sorry. I had the wrong info. They only used a knife to "theang" his neck, not to cut.

How about you link us ANY info regarding this?

Or we could all start to post crap like this:

"I heard a rumor that the real reason Thaksin was divorcing was that his piggly wife had found him in the bed with the male gardener and a you boy from a Chaing Mai orphanage. Anyone have more information or can confirm?"

(Have already seen 5 posts like this over the past 2 days, people 'asking for more info' about outlandish rumors. That is how one starts them...)

It was on the tv. Bad I didn't record that because I thought everybody watched it.


Posted by MiG16:

first para of news read as follows:

PAD victim shot, thrown in water

man in white shirt resurfaces again...in critical (almost dead) condition

the man who was dragged away by PAD guards and later in the night shot through his neck was stripped and thrown into a canal (? or some similar sort of water) near the cargo area of the airport.

rescue team found him (doesnt say what rescue team) and sent him to hospital. It was revealed before being beaten he was trying to run to a reporter to seek help, as he wanted to leave. He had come from Phitsanulok to support the protest, but wanted to leave when he started to feel it was unsafe, but the guards wouldnt let him, and later beat him.

(statements above are not directly from the victim, but from reporters in the van that he tried to run and seek help from)

police are yet to get statement from him as hes still unconscious. it is believed he is the same person as the guy in white shirt seen on footage being beaten by PAD guard, but it can only be confirm once the victim is able to give statement

lots of other details, but above is the essence

Koo82: Thanks everybody for posting this. My posts can be seen as naive, stupid, blind etc but I don't tell lies.

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YH, no matter how much praise you hype on Head, the simple fact that he grossly and purposefully understated police violence on Oct 7 makes him a turd of a journalist in vein with some of our posters here. Even our local "journalist" is a lot more honest in his assessments.

Head no doubt saw the videos, photos, and even the VCD with all the gore, severed limbs, someone's guts hanging of the tree branches, blood and mayhem and police indiscriminately firing rounds into the crowd, lasting for hours and hours, and all he could say was "several serious injuries".

What a prick of a human being!

And the same goes for those who defend this shameless practice masquerading as reporting.

Oh, and don't forget his choice of an accompanying image - not the grandmas resting on the mats, not the cooking woks, not concerts, but a single, armed PAD guard. Fits his spin better.

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If the "Keystone" cops could arrest the PAD when they left the airport or Govt house, or stop them taking over GOVT HOuse for the past 4 months, then how in the hel_l will they be able to press charges....

The inacyion by the police sends a very strong message that its ok to do this and there is NO accountability, nor recrimination... its ok to be a terorist and nbothing will happen.

The world is watching with a stunned look on its face ... What the @#$%!!!! is wrong with Thailand... THIS ISNT A DEMOCRACY !!!!!

No *^&king Army was at the 2 airports to stop PAD but as soon as they heard the red shirted people would protest in front of the Court on 2 Dec (3 parties were dissolved), a whole bunch Army in metal clothes & hats with guns were seen in no time.

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The inacyion by the police sends a very strong message that its ok to do this and there is NO accountability, nor recrimination... its ok to be a terorist and nbothing will happen.

Indeed, whatever happened about the bombings of 2006?

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Police: Not easy to prove PAD wrong

The Royal Thai Police deputy commissioner-general, Pol Gen Jongrak Chuthanont, on Friday admitted it would be difficult to prove that key members of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) were guilty of destroying and stolen properties at Government House.

Many properties, including cars, motorcycles, large television sets, personal computers and royal decorations and awards, disappeared from Government House since the PAD laid siege to the compound in August, according to Pol Gen Jongrak.

He said the PAD leaders were not responsible for the stolen items since they were individual crimes, but they would be guilty if they conspired with the wrongdoers.

Continued: http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=135176

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He said the PAD leaders were not responsible for the stolen items since they were individual crimes, but they would be guilty if they conspired with the wrongdoers.

keep that argument, that you highlight in bold, and if you spot some moralist blaming thaksin for the unjustified death in the war on drugs, or in the south, tak bai or if someone speaks of the Killer government and so on, than copy&paste it below.

focus on the individual and the individual crime. don't blame people the hierarchy or commond structure up for crimes many individuals under the wings or umbrella organsisation have done. all individual crimes.

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He said the PAD leaders were not responsible for the stolen items since they were individual crimes, but they would be guilty if they conspired with the wrongdoers.

keep that argument, that you highlight in bold, and if you spot some moralist blaming thaksin for the unjustified death in the war on drugs, or in the south, tak bai or if someone speaks of the Killer government and so on, than copy&paste it below.

focus on the individual and the individual crime. don't blame people the hierarchy or commond structure up for crimes many individuals under the wings or umbrella organsisation have done. all individual crimes.

The analogy fails because the PAD leadership did not say, "Help yourselves to the stuff.".

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He said the PAD leaders were not responsible for the stolen items since they were individual crimes, but they would be guilty if they conspired with the wrongdoers.

keep that argument, that you highlight in bold, and if you spot some moralist blaming thaksin for the unjustified death in the war on drugs, or in the south, tak bai or if someone speaks of the Killer government and so on, than copy&paste it below.

focus on the individual and the individual crime. don't blame people the hierarchy or commond structure up for crimes many individuals under the wings or umbrella organsisation have done. all individual crimes.

The analogy fails because the PAD leadership did not say, "Help yourselves to the stuff.".

Don't bother with that one, he will just ignore your post if it seems to hard to counter.

I'm still waiting for any reply to a large number of responded posts the he writes and then ignore all hard replies to. It's his way. Drive-by ranting while proclaiming to be above everyone else.

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YH, no matter how much praise you hype on Head, the simple fact that he grossly and purposefully understated police violence on Oct 7 makes him a turd of a journalist in vein with some of our posters here. Even our local "journalist" is a lot more honest in his assessments.

Head no doubt saw the videos, photos, and even the VCD with all the gore, severed limbs, someone's guts hanging of the tree branches, blood and mayhem and police indiscriminately firing rounds into the crowd, lasting for hours and hours, and all he could say was "several serious injuries".

What a prick of a human being!

And the same goes for those who defend this shameless practice masquerading as reporting.

Oh, and don't forget his choice of an accompanying image - not the grandmas resting on the mats, not the cooking woks, not concerts, but a single, armed PAD guard. Fits his spin better.

I don't mean to belittle those injured or disrespect the dead (even that PAD guy carrying bombs in his car who blew himself up accidentally).However what you say about JH is sheer drivel.He has done a first class job and if he doesn't describe gore for you in enough detail, you can always try "Cheewit Ching."This kind of intemperate rant simply devalues what you have to say on other subjects.

It's not really relevant but I couldn't help think of 2001, A Space Odyssey

HAL: Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. ...

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He said the PAD leaders were not responsible for the stolen items since they were individual crimes, but they would be guilty if they conspired with the wrongdoers.

keep that argument, that you highlight in bold, and if you spot some moralist blaming thaksin for the unjustified death in the war on drugs, or in the south, tak bai or if someone speaks of the Killer government and so on, than copy&paste it below.

focus on the individual and the individual crime. don't blame people the hierarchy or commond structure up for crimes many individuals under the wings or umbrella organsisation have done. all individual crimes.

The analogy fails because the PAD leadership did not say, "Help yourselves to the stuff.".

Don't bother with that one, he will just ignore your post if it seems to hard to counter.

I'm still waiting for any reply to a large number of responded posts the he writes and then ignore all hard replies to. It's his way. Drive-by ranting while proclaiming to be above everyone else.

Which is exactly why they created the ignore button.

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More revisionist history ... now someone blew himself up in his car accidentally. Amazing. So much for any credibility.

Revisionist? There has to be a credible history before it's revised.It's my assumption the stupid sod accidentally detonated his own explosive device but I could be wrong.Some time ago I asked anyone to provide a credible explanation.Nobody responded and I have seen nothing in the press or blogs.I know Anand, Abhisit together with others from the great and the good attended the funeral.

As Bangkok Pundit as noted there is a strange silence from the authorities (eg Khunying Pornthip) as to the precise cause of Pol Col Methee's (PAD Buriram branch) fate

If you can enlighten me go ahead but in the meantime,

"Fair is foul and foul is fair

Hover through the fog and filthy air"

I should have noted that what Plus is no doubt really foaming over is Jonathan Head's recent masterful analysis of PAD.Of course JH is not alone and most correspondents have recently stressed the appalling violence and thuggery of the PAD movement.One can expect the hard core to lash out as the evidence becomes overwhelming as to the nature of the movement they so uncritically follow.

Dam I've broken my own rule on commenting on street thuggery.It's a mug's game.

Edited by younghusband
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The guy could indeed had blown himself up, he was comletely charred by the time of the second explosion that was caught on video.

Nevertheless it was an extremely poor "journalism" to describe Oct 7 mayhem as "several serious injuries". One would do that only to distort the facts to suit his own spin.

Equally telling is his claim "never more than a few thousand" attendance for PAD rallies.

This is not journalism, it's propaganda.

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Only problem with the 'blowing up part' is that the vehicle was burning in a fairly small normal fire to begin with, that grew and eventually the gas-tank also let out a bigger cloud..and then it slowly died down...no explosion of a powerful bomb. And it's all on tape. And it has been reported here before. So YHs claim he couldn't have heard anything about it not being a bomb..well...take it with a shovel of salt.

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Only problem with the 'blowing up part' is that the vehicle was burning in a fairly small normal fire to begin with, that grew and eventually the gas-tank also let out a bigger cloud..and then it slowly died down...no explosion of a powerful bomb. And it's all on tape. And it has been reported here before. So YHs claim he couldn't have heard anything about it not being a bomb..well...take it with a shovel of salt.

Not very convincing.Let's see what the authorities have to say although there is report from early October below confirming the explosion was caused by a bomb.

Apparently PAD website has or had a video mysteriously purporting to show it was a government caused event.No explanation however, but what do you expect from that gang?

Actually if evidence was presented that this fellow was in fact killled by government action, I would definitely accept it.But nothing yet has been shown except ignorant and defensive blather.Honesty really is a casualty with you people.

I have news for you chum.I don't scrutinise every post on this forum.I try to answer points put to me but even then I may miss some.

BANGKOK, Oct 9 (TNA) - Forensic experts at Bangkok's Ramathibodi Hospital announced Thursday that DNA test results on the remains of the body found in Tuesday's car bombing confirmed that the victim died from the bombing and not before.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charnyut Suppachartwong, deputy director of Ramathibodi Hospital and Air Vice Marshal Dr. Wicharn Piewnim, head of the hospital's forensic department disclosed that the DNA investigation results of the body of the man, indicated that he died in the explosion near the Chart Thai party office on Tuesday during the clash between the police and anti-government protesters.

According the DNA test, the victim was identified as Pol. Lt-Col. Methee Chartmontri and that he died of the muscle injuries and burns from the bomb explosion. Shrapnel wounds were found all over his body.

The force of the explosion tore the victim's body into pieces and the remains were blown away from a Jeep Cherokee.

The Scientific Crime Detection Division will determine what kind of bomb it is, said Dr. Charnyut.

Meanwhile, the conditions of 16 persons injured in Tuesday's clash and being treated at Ramathibodi, have improved. (TNA)


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Only problem with the 'blowing up part' is that the vehicle was burning in a fairly small normal fire to begin with, that grew and eventually the gas-tank also let out a bigger cloud..and then it slowly died down...no explosion of a powerful bomb. And it's all on tape. And it has been reported here before. So YHs claim he couldn't have heard anything about it not being a bomb..well...take it with a shovel of salt.

Not very convincing.Let's see what the authorities have to say........oh they're not saying anything.Wonder why?

I have news for you chum.I don't scrutinise every post on TV.I try to answer points addressed to me but even here I may miss some.

Nothing will ever convince you unless you have already decided it is your viewpoint.

And I'm not your chum. Save it will you, 'pal'.

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