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What No Free Beer?


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I swear that this is absolutely true.

Last Songkran, a young guy came into my pub (I won't metion the name - even if you ask, that would be advertising and we all know that's not allowed) and gave me a sob story about being locked out of his room and unable to get back in until the manager of the apartments got back later. In the meantime, he went out to have a few beers and by the time he made it to my place he was out of money. So, what he wanted was to have a last pint at my place (no names, remember) to kill the last hour or so and he promised he'd be back to pay. Bear in mind that he'd already had a few scoops. :o

So , I thought 'what the hel_l, he seems genuine' and told the etaff to give him a pint of draught (Heineken, not GUINNESS, I'm not that daft!!). 

As you might expect he didn't come back - too pissed to remember, I imagine. What the hel_l, he entertained us.

So, he finally came back last night. Really!! (this is too good to make up).

I'd forgotten about him and didn't recognise him but he appologised and offered to buy me a drink as a thank-you. I said "I'll 'ave 'alf" and he had a pint and a packet of cigs. Now......

Bear in mind that he'd already had a few scoops. :D

He entertained us for a short while with his drunken ramblings and then upped and left (not on his high horse like the last guy but, without so much as a bye nor leave, all the same). I asked the staff if he had paid and judging by their response to run off after him I gathered he hadn't. I thought 'What a character.'  gave a wry grin and for the second time this week thought 'You've go to like these guys!!'. He was a nice lad but he had a different idea about paying than most of us. I think he was too pissed to even know whether he had paid or not, God bless him!

   All funny so far, right? Well the problem was he tried to run away when the staff caught up with him, and he apparently pushed the waiter away when he was asked to pay his bill. The waiter was a bit annoyed, but somehow, when another waiter had helped, the bill was sorted - he did have money but was a little 'confused' maybe.

   So then after about ten minutes , he came back and wanted to re-join our group and have another pint!! What a character!!  You've got to like him.

   I decided that enough was enough and politely explained that maybe it would be best if he went home, and made it clear that he wouldn't be getting another. He, was quite insistent and very surprised by my attitude? I then went on to explain that with a 100% rate of doing a runner I'd rather not take the risk again and although he hadn't upset me, I realised that the staff were quite upset about his behaviour so I eventually got it through that he wasn't going to be served now or in the future. He actually, insisted that he was coming back to pay (even though by this time he already had paid)  and so had done nothing wrong!!

  Anyway, he finally left, muttering that he won't be back. A customer outside told him, on the way out, to 'piss off' and he took his words quite  literally by going over to the wall of the restaurant next door and relieving himself.!! :D

  So when the dust settled down and peace and calm finally reigned we had a chance to reflect about the incident. 

  I thought that he seemd a nice enough young lad, quite entertaining and was harmless (although I didn't like the fact that he had shoved the staff - hence the ban). He was well pissed and probably can't remeber all this. We finally all had a little laugh about it and concluded that when all said and done, it was a good bit of entertainment on what would otherwise have been an uneventful evening. 

  Since it is another unevenful day on Thai Visa (after all that fuss about water!?) I'd thought you might want to run with this one? 

  His timing was absolutely brilliant and I am loathe to add that he was .....

  I shouldn't say this because some of you will say - 'oh yeah I get it now , they're allthe same...... blah blah blah..'

  He was an English teacher!!!!! :D

 My neice is teaching here (fully qualified, I might add) so be careful what you say about teachers. That's only the third red card in 20 years so I don't want to be flashing it again, so soon.

  So, just to be clear, just like last time - I thought 'you've got to like these guys' (they brighten a dull day - he was harmless) what do you think? I won't offer options because you"ll all think that that's what I think, like last time, remember?  I do.

Since I didn't mention my pub by name (and I'm not telling you if you ask) there is no target for this one. Rough guess? 1000 tops.

Edited by KevinHUNT
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i'd like to see said charming young man try that in a pub in england. he'd a] be on the receiving end of a slapping or b] probably have the old bill called on him. or in many pubs, possibly both. particularly for the self-relief over the neighbouring restaurant's wall.

does amuse me the way people think that because they're overseas they can get away with behaviour they wouldn't contemplate back home.

Edited by StevieH
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like I said in another post, if you open your doors to the public, expect some idiots to wonder in!

3 days ago a guy came in my place and drank 4 pints tiger and only had enough to pay for 3! some low life..... I just took payment for 3 and told him that I could not be arsed to mess around today with someone like you so dont come back.

People! :o I would like to see what hapens in the UK when someone does that.

and very lucky for me, I am still busy. meaning I dont have time to be writing on here..


Kevin, I do enjoy reading your posts by the way.

Lets start a new topic thread. something along the lines of what is the biggest idiot or freak that has ever come into your place of business?

I bet there are some funny ones.

Edited by onnut
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Why do you keep saying "You've got to like him"??? :D

The guy is a thieif...drunk or not.

On the odd occassion I have a little too much to drink...I never forget to pay my bar bill...and let's be frank...this guy did not forget to pay his bill...he took off purposely without paying it IMO :o

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People! :o I would like to see what hapens in the UK when someone does that.

landlord of my local back home would have had the guy's watch or mobile phone off him on the promise that he get it back when he returns next day with the balance of his bill. place was like a bloody pawn shop.

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Got a free meal, and a free beer form my local last night. ciggies on a tab though...

but i do go there every night...

Thai landlords are great!

now the question is.. do i go to the karabow concert tonight at the 700 yr stadium (100 baht) ...or not?!

Edited by SomNamNah
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Why do you keep saying "You've got to like him"??? :D

The guy is a thieif...drunk or not.

On the odd occassion I have a little too much to drink...I never forget to pay my bar bill...and let's be frank...this guy did not forget to pay his bill...he took off purposely without paying it IMO :o

After a good night out you will never remember if you paid, or what you final bar was! How you get home is also usually a mystery.

Kevin was it me???


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Why do you keep saying "You've got to like him"??? :D

The guy is a thieif...drunk or not.

On the odd occassion I have a little too much to drink...I never forget to pay my bar bill...and let's be frank...this guy did not forget to pay his bill...he took off purposely without paying it IMO :o

After a good night out you will never remember if you paid, or what you final bar was! How you get home is also usually a mystery.

Kevin was it me???


I can see why you thought it was you. A likeable rogue that really, really likes his beer. :D

I'm glad to ease your conscience - it wasn't you.

 You are much too slow by that stage and so you're not going to have even finished trying to get off the stool (that takes about ten minutes) or to have packed up the remains of the curry that you didn't finish (not counting the bits in your hair). No, we will have rifled you pockets by then and taken the full amount due  - as well as the generous tip that you would have left for the staff, if you were in a state to do so.

   By the way, your username thingy. I can understand how you typed your name in twice when you were setting up your account after a night on the sauce, but I can't believe that you were the 101st person to have done that!!!

  I can see it now 'IainIanin' ....... not allowed.

  okay 'IaiIain1' ....... not allowed - I can't believe this!!



 'Iainiain100' .... not alowed 

 Bugger!!  if this one doesn't work I'm giving up. 

 Iainiain101  .....welcome ... thank Christ for that!!! :D

How are you swinging?


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like I said in another post, if you open your doors to the public, expect some idiots to wonder in!

3 days ago a guy came in my place and drank 4 pints tiger and only had enough to pay for 3! some low life..... I just took payment for 3 and told him that I could not be arsed to mess around today with someone like you so dont come back.

People! :D I would like to see what hapens in the UK when someone does that.

and very lucky for me, I am still busy. meaning I dont have time to be writing on here..


Kevin, I do enjoy reading your posts by the way.

Lets start a new topic thread. something along the lines of what is the biggest idiot or freak that has ever come into your place of business?

I bet there are some funny ones.

I could write a book. I liked the strange customer that came out with 2 classics in one night.

Her : Why do you keep looking at me?

Me : Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude (for once) but you look a bit like my sister.

Her : No I don't!!!!  :o

Later the same evening......

Her: Why are you sitting there like you own the place? !!!!!! :D

The annoying thing about that one is that every now and then I have to think to myself 'Am I doing it again? Am I sitting here like I own the place?'. It makes me very defensive if someone comes over and asks 'Are you the owner?'.

I think , 'Oh shit I'm doing it again aren't I, here we go.' . 

I sometimes practice, in front of a mirror, not looking like I own the place.I still haven't got it right. :D

Edited by KevinHUNT
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Khun Hunt,

Talking of freebies

That reminds me,did I return the plates and cutlery,I borrowed last time my friend decided to

entertain guests at his apartment next door?

I was a little mao at the cessation of celebrations for Loy Kratong and really cant recall

After reading the above posts I will certainly drop by for a beer sometime

Apologies for the lack of full stops ending sentences,com on the blink again !!

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Khun Hunt,

Talking of freebies

That reminds me,did I return the plates and cutlery,I borrowed last time my friend decided to

entertain guests at his apartment next door?

I was a little mao at the cessation of celebrations for Loy Kratong and really cant recall

This is for real - he isn't joking, you know?!! :o

No you didn't!!

I gave you the fine china plates and the silver cutlery, too. That's 3000 baht there. And I lent you 5000 baht!!

Where've you been you Aussie B@st-rd?

See what I have to put up with?

I could write a book, honestly.

Edited by KevinHUNT
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This is for real - he isn't joking, you know?!! :o

No you didn't!!

I gave you the fine china plates and the silver cutlery, too. That's 3000 baht there. And I lent you 5000 baht!!

Where've you been you Aussie B@st-rd?

See what I have to put up with?

I could write a book, honestly.

K,hunt,my apologies,

Just a small problem,my friend flew back to Aus yesterday,his apartment is locked and with no forwarding address(true!)

Presently I am also out of the country now for a short time(and a good time),

Hopefully I will be back next year sometime

I will endevour to get the fine china back to you at my earliest convienence

You can always trust an Aussie to return your money :D ,see you upon my return

Once again,my humble apologies

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Well it looks like the Red Lion is the place to be in Chiang Mai at the moment...... what will happen next at that crazy place?

Fill your boots Kev because we've only got another couple of months before the death and gloom merchants start a hundred topics on pollution in Chiang Mai and then you won't get a look in. :o

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Whats the next advert thread going to be about? A man walks into a bar and says... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Please mr Hunt, if you are going to advertise your establishment, at least make the story sexier. Throw in some bar girls, some blood, brawls, bribery, extortion.. anything, but the mental image i have now of your pub is that it must be the most boring pub in CM! Maybe thats what you want, a gentle quiet pub, thats very very boring.

Now if you said, that you beat up the thief, nicked his wallet, and made him do the dishes.. now thats a story. work on it for the next one.

Why am i not at the karabow concert enjoying 50 baht beers !?

oh well another concert tomorrow at Tawan Dang. 1000 baht for 4 people, inc whisky, etc.

Edited by SomNamNah
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Why do you keep saying "You've got to like him"??? :D

The guy is a thieif...drunk or not.

On the odd occassion I have a little too much to drink...I never forget to pay my bar bill...and let's be frank...this guy did not forget to pay his bill...he took off purposely without paying it IMO :o

After a good night out you will never remember if you paid, or what you final bar was! How you get home is also usually a mystery.

Kevin was it me???


I can see why you thought it was you. A likeable rogue that really, really likes his beer. :D

I'm glad to ease your conscience - it wasn't you.

You are much too slow by that stage and so you're not going to have even finished trying to get off the stool (that takes about ten minutes) or to have packed up the remains of the curry that you didn't finish (not counting the bits in your hair). No, we will have rifled you pockets by then and taken the full amount due - as well as the generous tip that you would have left for the staff, if you were in a state to do so.

By the way, your username thingy. I can understand how you typed your name in twice when you were setting up your account after a night on the sauce, but I can't believe that you were the 101st person to have done that!!!

I can see it now 'IainIanin' ....... not allowed.

okay 'IaiIain1' ....... not allowed - I can't believe this!!



'Iainiain100' .... not alowed

Bugger!! if this one doesn't work I'm giving up.

Iainiain101 .....welcome ... thank Christ for that!!! :D

How are you swinging?

Easy to guess that Lian was joshing. He's much louder and much more profane in his cups than indicated in the original post.

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Bear in mind that he'd already had a few scoops. :o

Referring back to the laws in O'Blighty, in a pub it is illegal to serve someone who is intoxicated. If you were a responsible owner, you would serve him free water, not free beer.

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I swear that this is absolutely true.

Last Songkran, a young guy came into my pub (I won't metion the name - even if you ask, that would be advertising and we all know that's not allowed) and gave me a sob story about being locked out of his room and unable to get back in until the manager of the apartments got back later. In the meantime, he went out to have a few beers and by the time he made it to my place he was out of money. So, what he wanted was to have a last pint at my place (no names, remember) to kill the last hour or so and he promised he'd be back to pay. Bear in mind that he'd already had a few scoops. :D

So , I thought 'what the hel_l, he seems genuine' and told the etaff to give him a pint of draught (Heineken, not GUINNESS, I'm not that daft!!). 

As you might expect he didn't come back - too pissed to remember, I imagine. What the hel_l, he entertained us.

So, he finally came back last night. Really!! (this is too good to make up).

I'd forgotten about him and didn't recognise him but he appologised and offered to buy me a drink as a thank-you. I said "I'll 'ave 'alf" and he had a pint and a packet of cigs. Now......

Bear in mind that he'd already had a few scoops. :D

He entertained us for a short while with his drunken ramblings and then upped and left (not on his high horse like the last guy but, without so much as a bye nor leave, all the same). I asked the staff if he had paid and judging by their response to run off after him I gathered he hadn't. I thought 'What a character.'  gave a wry grin and for the second time this week thought 'You've go to like these guys!!'. He was a nice lad but he had a different idea about paying than most of us. I think he was too pissed to even know whether he had paid or not, God bless him!

   All funny so far, right? Well the problem was he tried to run away when the staff caught up with him, and he apparently pushed the waiter away when he was asked to pay his bill. The waiter was a bit annoyed, but somehow, when another waiter had helped, the bill was sorted - he did have money but was a little 'confused' maybe.

   So then after about ten minutes , he came back and wanted to re-join our group and have another pint!! What a character!!  You've got to like him.

   I decided that enough was enough and politely explained that maybe it would be best if he went home, and made it clear that he wouldn't be getting another. He, was quite insistent and very surprised by my attitude? I then went on to explain that with a 100% rate of doing a runner I'd rather not take the risk again and although he hadn't upset me, I realised that the staff were quite upset about his behaviour so I eventually got it through that he wasn't going to be served now or in the future. He actually, insisted that he was coming back to pay (even though by this time he already had paid)  and so had done nothing wrong!!

  Anyway, he finally left, muttering that he won't be back. A customer outside told him, on the way out, to 'piss off' and he took his words quite  literally by going over to the wall of the restaurant next door and relieving himself.!! :D

  So when the dust settled down and peace and calm finally reigned we had a chance to reflect about the incident. 

  I thought that he seemd a nice enough young lad, quite entertaining and was harmless (although I didn't like the fact that he had shoved the staff - hence the ban). He was well pissed and probably can't remeber all this. We finally all had a little laugh about it and concluded that when all said and done, it was a good bit of entertainment on what would otherwise have been an uneventful evening. 

  Since it is another unevenful day on Thai Visa (after all that fuss about water!?) I'd thought you might want to run with this one? 

  His timing was absolutely brilliant and I am loathe to add that he was .....

  I shouldn't say this because some of you will say - 'oh yeah I get it now , they're allthe same...... blah blah blah..'

  He was an English teacher!!!!! :D

 My neice is teaching here (fully qualified, I might add) so be careful what you say about teachers. That's only the third red card in 20 years so I don't want to be flashing it again, so soon.

  So, just to be clear, just like last time - I thought 'you've got to like these guys' (they brighten a dull day - he was harmless) what do you think? I won't offer options because you"ll all think that that's what I think, like last time, remember?  I do.

Since I didn't mention my pub by name (and I'm not telling you if you ask) there is no target for this one. Rough guess? 1000 tops.

"English teacher" that probably explains it.

But really Kev you should quit while you're ahead. I mean I would have thrown that penny pinching piece of shyt (the one wanting free water) out on his neck and I would have expected (you coming from around the Mersey and all) would have tackled the latest one and put him in the river in a Chicago Overcoat. :o

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 "English teacher" that probably explains it.

But really Kev you should quit while you're ahead. I mean I would have thrown that penny pinching piece of shyt (the one wanting free water) out on his neck and I would have expected (you coming from around the Mersey and all) would have tackled the latest one and put him in the river in a Chicago Overcoat. :o

Yo're dead right, as always(?).

My new code from now is .....

No more Mr Nice Guy

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My usual problem is the exact opposite. Instead of forgetting to pay I wake up the next morning, survey the wreckage of my wallet, and forget where I could possibly have spent so much

A free-spender and not a free-loader? What are you doing in Chiang Mai? :o

You're definitely, welcome at my place (no names remember).

Talking of names - theyreallrubbish? - you're not an Everton supporter are you?

In which case, I take it back.

Edited by KevinHUNT
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