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Video Cards


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How low or high is a video card on your list of "must get" computer components? And how important is a top-of-the-line enthusiast card in oppose to the regular entry-level ones?

I have a Geforce 2 and in need of an upgrade, but prices range anywhere from $3,000 for a Geforce FX to $36,000 for a Geforce 6800...

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I dont know where your getting those prices from, they seem somewhat unrealistic.

You cna pick up a fairly decent 128mg GFX card for anything between 3,000baht to 15,000baht.

A decent GFX card is a must if you intend on playing games on the PC, otherwise dont bother... if your just surfing/sending emails/word processing etc dont bother with an expensive card.

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Yep, it's just a matter of what you're going to use the computer for. If not 3d games, then there's really no need. You can get a 1,500-3,000 baht card that would perform adequately.

If you're into 3d games, a GF5600 or radeon 9600 card would be the minimum for decent performance. These start at around 4,000-5,000. The high end cards are like high end CPUs. You pay a lot more for marginally better performance.

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I've been doing a little research and the most talked-about chip set on the gamer forums is currently the Geforce 6800 Ultra - with prices that start at 24,000 baht.  :o

That's the cost of my entire computer (monitor included).

What do you want to use the computer for, Surfing/Email OR games (3d) OR Graphics/Video editing.

My desktop, when I can be bothered turning it on is mostly for home movies, and editing movies, so I selected the one at the time with the most memory (64m), didn't worrt about thr accellerator and Z-buffer stuff, don't need it.

The tuner card is different, for me a must.

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I don't bother much with emails, but I do use my computer for a lot of eye candy. I'm a 20-something girl so the more eye candy here, the better (no offence to other girls). :D

I draw, paint, cad, and game all on one machine. Even when my graphic card (Geforce 4 MX was new, it was jerky). But for some reason, I never considered video cards a major purchasing decision... should I opt for an enthusiast card? I will be playing Doom3, Half Life 2, and plenty of UT 2004. :o

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I don't bother much with emails, but I do use my computer for a lot of eye candy.  I'm a 20-something girl so the more eye candy here, the better (no offence to other girls).  :D

I draw, paint, cad, and game all on one machine.  Even when my graphic card (Geforce 4 MX was new, it was jerky).  But for some reason, I never considered video cards a major purchasing decision... should I opt for an enthusiast card?  I will be playing Doom3, Half Life 2, and plenty of UT 2004.  :o

Thats interesting I just had a look it's a Trident Cyber-blade (Possibly an OEM Version), Does really large 2-d graphics very well and Video. I do the Draw, Edit, VCD stuff.

Can you test a few in the shop, what you are talking about is alot of money, and I remember mine was really cheap.

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I've played both Doom3 and HL2 and can tell you what you can expect. I have a P42.4c overclocked to 3.2, 1GB of ram and a radeon 9600pro. I can play HL2 with good frame rates at my desktop resolution (1152x864x32bit) with all eye-candy options turned on (except for anti-aliasing). I can do the same with Doom3, but at 1024x768. I haven't played UT2004.

Remember that it's also a matter of balancing the system. If you've got a celeron, getting a good video card won't be enough. On the other hand, even if you had a P4 3.4, you won't get anywhere with a GF MX on HL2.

The newer games are also memory hogs. 512MB is the minimum for smooth gameplay.

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I have a P4 3.0 and 1G DDR Ram, the only thing that seems to be out-dated at the moment is my geforce 4 MX... that's me trying to get a bargain for ya! Now it's backfired.

Firefoxx, do you also get good FPS on Far Cry? Any problems on a Radeon?

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Spending 10K on just a graphics card = about half of what you can buy a computer for = too much.

I just bought a Geforce FX 5700LE which cost me just over 3,000 baht and it is fine for things like HL2, Doom3 and similar current videogames. The next step up would have almost doubled the price and I just don't think it's worth that. Of course, if you're a teenager with a gaming problem and daddy pays things are very different....

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Sounds to me, Chailen, thatyou need to get yourself a kick ass GFX card... you certainly sound like you'd be utalizing it enough and on the spec's youve stated its the component in your PC thats letting you down.

The radeon 9600pro or radeon 9700pro are inexpensive high end GFX cards, but you might as well go the extra mile and head straight for the radeon 9800 series.

Check out http://www.tomshardware.com/ for some good, impartial advice on GFX cards (or anything in fact)

be warned though, the chipset of the GFX card is very important if your looking at games, head over to Toms and see what they say...

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Sounds to me, Chailen, thatyou need to get yourself a kick ass GFX card... you certainly sound like you'd be utalizing it enough and on the spec's youve stated its the component in your PC thats letting you down.

The radeon 9600pro or radeon 9700pro are inexpensive high end GFX cards, but you might as well go the extra mile and head straight for the radeon 9800 series.

Check out http://www.tomshardware.com/ for some good, impartial advice on GFX cards (or anything in fact)

be warned though, the chipset of the GFX card is very important if your looking at games, head over to Toms and see what they say...

I love Tom's Hardware! That's what got me all crazy about the Geforce 6800 in the first place. :o

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Just thought I'd add a follow up, I got the ASUS V9999 Geforce 6800 Ultra.

Call me crazy, but it is so worth it! :o I am playing Doom 3 at 8x Anti Aliasing without a hitch, I had no idea what the hype around "cinematic computing" was until today. I am so over-whelmed, lighting, shadows... the awesome frame rate..., it's like watching a Computer-Animated movie.

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I actually think that HL2 is more realistic.  It has more mundane settings (at least in the beginning) and there is a lot more light to see by.  With HL2 and 8x AA, you'll be in eye-candy heaven.

Firefoxx, How can anyone say no to IGN's game of the year? I'm getting it tomorrow... along with MOH: PA... Maybe ROME: Total War too. :o

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I couldn't stand dom 3. Far too creepy. Quite dark too. :o  I didn't like it even with all the cheats enabled.

I loved the original doom series, so doom 3 was a natural next step. It's only dark until about the time you find Alpha Team... then the game gets "brighter". :D

I got Prince of Persia: Warrior Within for Christmas from my sister, and took me about 3 days to finish it's a nicely-paced relatively easy game to play with excellent visual affects if you have time to kill.

I have yet to get Half Life 2. But I have not known any one who was disappointed. I get everything published by Sierra/Vivendi Universal. Just for old time's sake, I also wanted Leisure Suit Larry: Magnum Cum Laude, but it's banned here in Thailand.

I play indiscriminately, but I don't have a lot of time recently...

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An interesting point to note is that there is no such thing as overkill... can one have too much memory (not brain cells) or CPU horse power? - it will come down to how deep into your wallet wish to go and how serious about gaming.

GPU is only part of the picture and there are alot of other factors to be considered. Sarting with the case - airflow, internal storage

PSU - is 500 Watt really enough?

MOBO - chipset and CPU socket

CPU - AMD or Intel


GPU - SLi support

Drives - Qty, size, speed, SATA

Sound - Can you drive it through your AC-3 system?

Display - Size and Resolution to be able to show that GPU quality

Does anyone know why you can purchase Thermaltake cases and PSUs? As I am looking at upgrading my system :o

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Does anyone know why you can purchase Thermaltake cases and PSUs?  As I am looking at upgrading my system  :o

Ooh, there was a place somewhere in a corner of Seacon Square that used to have really nice stuff... they even had a water cooling system that really rocked. Then they went out of business... I think mainly because there are very few enthusiasts the knew the shop existed. I've yet to see a good one at Phantip.

My ASUS V9999 Ultra Deluxe has blue LED and so does my power supply... real sweet. I have very few other drives so a 500W was more than adequate (I used to have a 350W before the VGA card upgrade). I have 2 unconnected power lines going directly into the Geforce 6800 Ultra. Everything else uses shared power lines. I think you can tell which hardware I love most! :D

My next PC will be an AMD 64+ with SLI capabilities and a NForce4 mother board.... I know, I know, I am SO hallucinating. Not that I have that much time to play.

This is why it's so hard to be a girl, you know I can't game all night because I still have to wake up pretty every morning (figuratively speaking). :D

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My next PC will be an AMD 64+ with SLI capabilities and a NForce4 mother board.... I know, I know, I am SO hallucinating.  Not that I have that much time to play.

Well I'll let you know what I find at Pantip... I have yet to fully search this place and maybe wll need to import (hand carry) some bits in to get the right build and quality. It would appear that ur looking at the same spec machine as I wish to build.. will be good at the LAN parties :o

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Chailen, you must be the dream girlfriend for a hardware enthusiast... usually the GF/wifey will be all against getting hardware like this. But once you get the good stuff, you'll probably be fighting to decide who gets to use it, hehe.

As for places that cater to modders, I know of a few. There is www.busitek.com which is in Pantip. There is another modding shop a couple of floors up, near the elevator. In IT Mall, there is a shop on the third floor, but you have to walk a bit from the computer zone towards the hotel.

I personally don't have a deep pocket, so I need to buy stuff that's middle of the line and milk all the performance I can get.

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When you buy your graphics card and intend to play 3d games for long stretches don't forget to buy a fan card and install it next to the graphics card

3d intensive games make the card run hot and can cause heat-related crashes. Used to happen all the time in HL2 till I got a fan

I have heard that Nvidea cards are more prone to this as they run hotter than ATI

My personal pick for video card is the X700 pro PCIE card - 256mb for a pretty good price (can't remember exactly what i paid but I think around 10k'ish)

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Wow Wolfie, you sure know how to make a girl blush! :o

Pocket wise, Firefoxx, I don't have a very deep one either, but I upgrade at different intervals. By the time I get a new VGA card, it would be time to get a new Mother board in about 6 months. My 15" monitor is 6 years old!

I keep the casing on my computer always open - it does get hot - but I am an Nvidia Gal so in addition to keeping my "skirt" up, I have 6 fans blowing mad... which reminds me, I think one is broken... Ian_B, Is PCI-e much better than AGP? You're the first guy I know with a PCI-e card.

AND speaking of LAN parties... do those exist in Thailand? Where? Where??

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