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Taxi Scam!


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Taxi drivers will not hesitate to murder farang in a variety of ways and dismember your body and dispose of you in landfill sites or else your cut your head and hands off to hinder identification and dump you in Pattaya Bay.

No they don't.

I'm not making this up, it happens every day.

Yes you are and no it doesn't.

The rich fear the poor. This is a seriously bad country unless you have your wits about you 100% and stay out of trouble.

They do? Do you go out much syd?

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D


First of all my response was in regards to you stating to TUKY that of course he had no brain because he was Australian Bully. Having said that since I am addressing the educated I will just set the record straight on a few things:-

Since you have two degree's and suggest that you are above others here, I just want you to know the plural for Aboriginal is either Aboriginal's. Having said that you would be a fool to assume that you are the only poster on TV that has university qualifications, most people that need to justify their level of education probably just qualified by default. A couple of Associate degree's are nothing to write home about - have a look at what you have acheived in life since obtaining them. I have normally found that people that brag about their educational acheivements have spent the first 30 something years of their life as a full time student, normally mummy & daddy pay their way & they hardly ever set the world on fire.

Clearly you have an understanding of the Tatoo to tooth ratio & how its relative to life, I won't pass judgement on that, BUT for an educated man you assume many things; I have missing teeth? I consume Alcohol, worse still that I am a drunk? Finally you also assume that I am not an Aboriginal & that I don't treat other Aboringinals well, or is it that you are assuming that all white people in Australia treat Aborigines badly?

Anyway, as I move slightly further onto topic, I have been fortunate enough in my life to travel to various parts of this wonderful globe & naturally I have travelled in taxis in various countries. I have experienced good and bad taxi drivers, I have absolutely no doubt you were ripped off by a Brisbane taxi driver...they seem to target wingeing pomes, a cateogry that you would appear to belong (Please note that only a small portion of you're countrymen fall into this cateogry).

Anyway before you launch an all out attack on someone, you should look at what you said first because. As for TUKY he obviously had a shot at you & then apologised for doing so, at which time young Don, you chose to ride the high horse-like only how your type know how to.

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Get real, I have posted on a number of occassions about Australias crappy taxation laws, its true! Having said that, in the other post, some poor fool was knocking Australians & made the comment about the UK being full of them. My simple comment to that was that Australia also has a lot of pommies & given that its much cheaper for a pome to goto Aust & theres a s#itload more of em then at a guestimate theres probably more pomes in Australia than visa versa. No doubt, someone will look up the stats....perhaps they could do it under the guise of what nationality visits thailand the most since this is a thai thred & maybe theres a chart full of info for posting...i can't be jacked - no pun intened (sounds like a job for you jacky).

As Mr DDRB, stated, lesser of two evils perhaps.

In any such case, I can see that you are still reading & learning from my posts.....perhaps you might be 'stalking' me, theres laws about that you know? You don't want me to organise for you to go back into one of those two 'systems' you got out of do you? Remember buddy, you're not my type - don't flatter yourself & no means No! :o

Mr MJP esq, please accept my sincere apology for my attack on the motherland, naturally most of the prisoners of mother england are great people, its just you s#ck so much @ cricket! :D You are a gentleman and a scholar, pity I cant say the same about JACKYVOMIT!

Well thank you good sir.

It's a funny thing. I've worked with many Aussie's in the UK. When they first come over they are filled with life and energy, enthusiasm and fun . . . within six months they are ready to top themselves.

No wonder at all so many Brits want to get out of Blighty.

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Taxi drivers will not hesitate to murder farang in a variety of ways and dismember your body and dispose of you in landfill sites or else your cut your head and hands off to hinder identification and dump you in Pattaya Bay.

No they don't.

I'm not making this up, it happens every day.

Yes you are and no it doesn't.

The rich fear the poor. This is a seriously bad country unless you have your wits about you 100% and stay out of trouble.

They do? Do you go out much syd?

:o Great post NanLaew :D , my initial point as well....I have never heard of so much rubbish in all my life-taxi drivers cutting people up in thailand everyday, absolutely absurd!

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Taxi drivers will not hesitate to murder farang in a variety of ways and dismember your body and dispose of you in landfill sites or else your cut your head and hands off to hinder identification and dump you in Pattaya Bay.

No they don't.

I'm not making this up, it happens every day.

Yes you are and no it doesn't.

The rich fear the poor. This is a seriously bad country unless you have your wits about you 100% and stay out of trouble.

They do? Do you go out much syd?

:o Great post NanLaew :D , my initial point as well....I have never heard of so much rubbish in all my life-taxi drivers cutting people up in thailand everyday, absolutely absurd!

I have a British driver over there. Jeeves also does the cooking.

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I forgot to mention that I was one of those Aussie tourists in the UK a few years ago & when I was there it was beautiful, hot and sunny....actually there was a heatwave and heaps of your countrymen were 'pulling the pin' on life because of the heat, I think it was year 2000, Anyway I was in London thinking I've gotta get the hel_l out of this hot hel_l, at the time I was working in the middle east & couldnt wait to get back there to cool off. :o

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D


The POMS enslaved the Aboriginals, the POMS culled the Aboriginals and left us Aussies to clean up the mess. Go toss it off elsewhere idiot.

I apologised for a post i made earlier, due to the fact that H2ODunc didn't deserve my reply, you can be sure there will be no such retraction for this post as this one is on the mark.

Pack your bag and <deleted> off <deleted>. You and your ilk have caused too many problems around the world, we can do without you lot.

Goodbye and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Apologies to Admin and the Mods. But this guy has it coming.

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Anyway before you launch an all out attack on someone, you should look at what you said first because. As for TUKY he obviously had a shot at you & then apologised for doing so, at which time young Don, you chose to ride the high horse-like only how your type know how to.

Actually matey, I had never heard of Khundon, nor would have bothered replying to him/her if I had. My original post was to H2ODunc and it was a mistake, which I apologised for. This Khundon fella/cook then jumped on the bandwagon and had a go at me.

If I read it all correctly, Khundon was looking for a fight and he/she chose me to do it with. He/she had no reason to and now has to pay the price for sticking it's neck in where it had no place being.

otherwise, thanks for hangin around mate. Merry Xmas and a happynew year to you neverdie.

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That about sums it up Tuky. Easy to point the finger at us, 220 years after the crime.

How did a taxi scam post get so way off topic, i think we've covered it all in here, perhaps a mod might come and close PLEASE!

In summary....Bangkok taxi drivers do not cut up and kill farangs on a daily basis, yet there are plenty of other scams they run.


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That about sums it up Tuky. Easy to point the finger at us, 220 years after the crime.

How did a taxi scam post get so way off topic, i think we've covered it all in here, perhaps a mod might come and close PLEASE!

In summary....Bangkok taxi drivers do not cut up and kill farangs on a daily basis, yet there are plenty of other scams they run.


HEHE, yep, amazing how these things go way off track mate.

All I wanted to say originally was that is it all relative. If it happened in the UK I am sure the OP would be kicking up a much bigger stink.

Anyway, I re-iterate have a great new year mate.

Cheers. :D

I agree. :D

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Anyway before you launch an all out attack on someone, you should look at what you said first because. As for TUKY he obviously had a shot at you & then apologised for doing so, at which time young Don, you chose to ride the high horse-like only how your type know how to.

Actually matey, I had never heard of Khundon, nor would have bothered replying to him/her if I had. My original post was to H2ODunc and it was a mistake, which I apologised for. This Khundon fella/cook then jumped on the bandwagon and had a go at me.

If I read it all correctly, Khundon was looking for a fight and he/she chose me to do it with. He/she had no reason to and now has to pay the price for sticking it's neck in where it had no place being.

otherwise, thanks for hangin around mate. Merry Xmas and a happynew year to you neverdie.

YEAH SAME TO YOU BLOKE....Happy New Year & I hope you have plenty of safe taxi rides in the coming years. You are spot on with your comments. CHEERS.

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Taxi drivers will not hesitate to murder farang in a variety of ways and dismember your body and dispose of you in landfill sites or else your cut your head and hands off to hinder identification and dump you in Pattaya Bay.

No they don't.

I'm not making this up, it happens every day.

Yes you are and no it doesn't.

The rich fear the poor. This is a seriously bad country unless you have your wits about you 100% and stay out of trouble.

They do? Do you go out much syd?

:o Great post NanLaew :D , my initial point as well....I have never heard of so much rubbish in all my life-taxi drivers cutting people up in thailand everyday, absolutely absurd!

OK, you go your own way and I'll go mine.

Stick with Bell End Bus service at Pattaya North Road. 200 baht. Airport-Pattaya-Airport seven times a day.

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :D

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D


First of all my response was in regards to you stating to TUKY that of course he had no brain because he was Australian Bully. Having said that since I am addressing the educated I will just set the record straight on a few things:-

Since you have two degree's and suggest that you are above others here, I just want you to know the plural for Aboriginal is either Aboriginal's. Having said that you would be a fool to assume that you are the only poster on TV that has university qualifications, most people that need to justify their level of education probably just qualified by default. A couple of Associate degree's are nothing to write home about - have a look at what you have acheived in life since obtaining them. I have normally found that people that brag about their educational acheivements have spent the first 30 something years of their life as a full time student, normally mummy & daddy pay their way & they hardly ever set the world on fire.

Clearly you have an understanding of the Tatoo to tooth ratio & how its relative to life, I won't pass judgement on that, BUT for an educated man you assume many things; I have missing teeth? I consume Alcohol, worse still that I am a drunk? Finally you also assume that I am not an Aboriginal & that I don't treat other Aboringinals well, or is it that you are assuming that all white people in Australia treat Aborigines badly?

Anyway, as I move slightly further onto topic, I have been fortunate enough in my life to travel to various parts of this wonderful globe & naturally I have travelled in taxis in various countries. I have experienced good and bad taxi drivers, I have absolutely no doubt you were ripped off by a Brisbane taxi driver...they seem to target wingeing pomes, a cateogry that you would appear to belong (Please note that only a small portion of you're countrymen fall into this cateogry).

Anyway before you launch an all out attack on someone, you should look at what you said first because. As for TUKY he obviously had a shot at you & then apologised for doing so, at which time young Don, you chose to ride the high horse-like only how your type know how to.

:D The plural for the Noun "Aboriginal" is Aborigines not Aboriginal's. Using an apostrophe in this instance is incorrect, as is most of your post. If you must try to correct me on spelling and grammer, then please get it right.

For your information an apostrophe has two uses. These indicate both possessive case and contractions.

Try buying a dictionary. :o

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :D

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D


First of all my response was in regards to you stating to TUKY that of course he had no brain because he was Australian Bully. Having said that since I am addressing the educated I will just set the record straight on a few things:-

Since you have two degree's and suggest that you are above others here, I just want you to know the plural for Aboriginal is either Aboriginal's. Having said that you would be a fool to assume that you are the only poster on TV that has university qualifications, most people that need to justify their level of education probably just qualified by default. A couple of Associate degree's are nothing to write home about - have a look at what you have acheived in life since obtaining them. I have normally found that people that brag about their educational acheivements have spent the first 30 something years of their life as a full time student, normally mummy & daddy pay their way & they hardly ever set the world on fire.

Clearly you have an understanding of the Tatoo to tooth ratio & how its relative to life, I won't pass judgement on that, BUT for an educated man you assume many things; I have missing teeth? I consume Alcohol, worse still that I am a drunk? Finally you also assume that I am not an Aboriginal & that I don't treat other Aboringinals well, or is it that you are assuming that all white people in Australia treat Aborigines badly?

Anyway, as I move slightly further onto topic, I have been fortunate enough in my life to travel to various parts of this wonderful globe & naturally I have travelled in taxis in various countries. I have experienced good and bad taxi drivers, I have absolutely no doubt you were ripped off by a Brisbane taxi driver...they seem to target wingeing pomes, a cateogry that you would appear to belong (Please note that only a small portion of you're countrymen fall into this cateogry).

Anyway before you launch an all out attack on someone, you should look at what you said first because. As for TUKY he obviously had a shot at you & then apologised for doing so, at which time young Don, you chose to ride the high horse-like only how your type know how to.

:D The plural for the Noun "Aboriginal" is Aborigines not Aboriginal's. Using an apostrophe in this instance is incorrect, as is most of your post. If you must try to correct me on spelling and grammer, then please get it right.

For your information an apostrophe has two uses. These indicate both possessive case and contractions.

Try buying a dictionary. :D

Hey Syd-barrett, no worries old son, I think you will find the buses in thailand alot safer than Sydneys ones :P Next time you want a taxi gimme a call, I will line up a non murderous one :wai: Happy New Year to you.


All this coming from a man that originally called them 'Aborigese'....who has probably never met one & as others have clearly pointed out to you this is way off topic because this post is about taxi scams....perhaps you would like to take you're knowledge to a new post. I think TUKY's latest comments about sum everything khundon, so how bout you take a double dose of maturity today & go play in the traffic. Also I hope you have a Happy New Year (somewhere else).


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