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This FAQ contains;

- Posting guidelines

- Thai ISP/TOT support phone numbers

- Frequently asked questions

- Buying Advice

Posting guidelines:

If you are looking for advice on a problem, people in this forum are more than happy to help you. However, not everyone posts questions that are easily answered, because all the needed info isn't posted. So, before posting technical questions here please make sure you have the following info:

Type of operating system (OS). (windows98/me/linux/mac/xp/etc)

Connection type/provider: dialup/adsl | true/loxinfo/tot/etc

Specific site and address: If its a website problem.

Browser type and version: If its a general web/browser problem

If you are having display, sound, or similar problem with the computer itself, post the relevent hardware info (sound/video card type), as well as general hardware info. (processor/ram)

Modem and/or router type and configuration.

Tell us how experienced you are with computers so that replies can be geared to your skill level.

Explain your problem as completely as possible. Assume we know nothing because until you tell us, we dont.

The better you explain the problem, the better we can help you. :D


Thai ISP support phone numbers:

TOT mail server name / SMTP for Gold Cyber is now,

Super Cyber = totadsl.th.com.

I will check this info next week (1st April)

A ping on the name gives an ip address of

Start with the general TOT call centre - 1100

If you do not get satisfaction then try

02 500 8083

02 500 8003

possible 1477

[Above supplied by Astral]

Pacific Internet: www.pacific.net.th

Hotline: 1142 or 0-2299-0299 or 0-2351-8855 [From RDN]


24-Hr. Call Center 0-2979-7000


Where can I find good reliable free SMS to Thailand?

Check out the SMS forum near the bottom of the main forum page.

Will my mobile phone from overseas work in Thailand?

If it's from Canada/US/Mex it will need to be a tri-band phone. Also, you will need a voltage converter before you plug it into 220v and fry the charging circuit. Rather than roaming, suggest buying a local sim card and installing it in your phone. You can pick up a basic used cell phone for as little as 1200baht.

I have spyware on my computer, how do I get rid of it?

Go to download.com and get several of the free anti-spyware programs, and run them all, preferably in "safe mode". There are other commercial programs you may want to look at as well. Recommended by our contributors are, Spybot Search & Destroy, Microsoft Anti-spyware, AD-awareSE (Free) and Spysweeper (Free trial).

How do I go into "safe-mode"?

When you reboot and see "Loading windows" appear, hit your F8 key. Windows will then load with only the basic drivers needed to allow Windows to run. This leaves the spyware programs inactive so that they can be deleted. After you scan just reboot normally.

I have a Mac, or a UNIX based system, what should I do about spyware?

Relax (For now :o )

My shareware expired, does anyone have a serial number for me?

Possibly, but due to our advertising and hosting terms of service, we cannot allow trading of serials, keygens, cracks, or warez here.

I'm having trouble using this forum, what should I do?

Ask in the Forum Support Desk subforum.

Buying Advice

Most desktop computers here are made up by the shop to your order.

Make sure you get all the installation disks that came with all the parts.

Also the guarantee cards for all the parts.

Then go on the web and visit the site for each component and Register yourself

as the owner, and the date purchased. This will make it easier to go to the

Main Service Centre for the component, eg LG for the monitor, if you need repair

whilst still under guarantee.

Edited by cdnvic
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Just to let you all know.

The forum rules have been updated today, adding the following clause...

Due to current censorship by Thai Authorities, we do not allow discussions of proxies or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.

So we are now required to close/remove threads of that nature.

Thanks for your understanding in this


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