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Hi Everyone ,

I have just moved to Bangkok from Melbourne , to be with my partner. Together we have started a business here ... So i need to meet some new friends to keep my sanity ..... As i am sure most of you will understand ... I am wondering what i am doing at the moment leaving behind my kids ( 20 & 21 ) , family and friends ..

Can anyone suggest some groups for me to join to meet some other people here ....

while i am at it can anyone suggest where i can buy a nice outdoor setting and of course i NEED vegemite !!

We have booked to go to the Thai visa New Years Eve party so if you see a 41 year old blonde looking lost ,, please say hi

I look forward to meeting you

Al the best


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Hi Michelle,

I think you might be able to get Vegimite in the food hall/market in the basement level of Paragon. You can get Coopers beer there (at certain hours).

It isn't quite Djs, but kind of similar.

Let me know when you do find it, as might be wanting some myself sometime.

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Hi Michelle,

I think you might be able to get Vegimite in the food hall/market in the basement level of Paragon. You can get Coopers beer there (at certain hours).

It isn't quite Djs, but kind of similar.

Let me know when you do find it, as might be wanting some myself sometime.

You can get Veg but it's over priced. Villa and Tops.

What sort of things are you interested in. What business have you started?

There is planty to do in bangkok. Bike tours, klong trip, health and fitness, good bars and great food.

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welcome to thailand mfd. being a melbourne girl myself, i know just what you are missing!

head to Villa where you can find Veg, BBQ shapes etc. sign up on the BNOW (bangkok network of women) newsletter as you will find a lot of things going on there. some interesting, some not so.

bangkok takes some getting used to, but there are some great places to go. despite what you hear, you can get some good wine and coffee there too.

enjoy! and give yourself time to settle in.

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hi, well,im over 41 with one kid aged like yours, and two younger, and have always asked myself if i could get up and leave them... financial problems like buying plane tickets being the main thought behind not moving to thailand at the moment...

just curious how u managed to overcome that sort of 'barrier'... though here its not as simple (kids do mandatory army) but still.... how do your parents (if still around) take it? how do your kids? your 'ex' or father of the kids or whatever, if he is still involved with the kids (my ex would consider it abandoning my kids even if they are majority age...).

dont have to answer, just knd of curious, u cna always pm me..

sorry, no help for other stuff, not in thailand but here in the miserable middle east



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Hi mbf

Welcome to Thailand, I must admit I am a little jealous as you are just arriving and I am relunctantly returning back to Aus, so I wish you all the best in settling in to your new life in the City of Angels. 

Now, for your table setting, check the classifieds section on Thaivisa homepage site, maybe something for sale there.  A good information site is www.AngloINFO.com. Chutuchak weekend market has heaps of wooden settings. For something in Rattan, try the many shops on the odd numbered side of Sukhumvit Rd from Sois 23 to 63. Interesting range of teak, try Shunthai, 5th floor Centralworld and 3rd floor The Mall Bangkhae. Habitat 4th floor, Siam Discovery Centre for modern furniture, expensive but good quality. CG Furniture, modern designer furniture with Jim Thompson fabrics, they will also custom make pieces. Home Pro a bit less pricy and basic designs. MBK top floors have various furniture outlets as well.

You might be interested in contacting ANZWG - Australian and New Zealand Womens Group, and if not already familiar, Austcham Thailand business events. 

I went along to one of the Farang Women in Bangkok (Facebook) functions. Although the crowd a bit younger than me, they were a very friendly group and I was made to feel very welcome.

I have attended a couple of the Thaivisa nights, one in Bangkok and one in Changmai and met some nice members and their partners, so you and hubby should have a great time tonight.  I wont be there as I am stuck at home with the dreaded flu and dont want to spread my germs!  have fun and enjoy your stay in Thailand.

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Hi mbf

Welcome to Thailand, I must admit I am a little jealous as you are just arriving and I am relunctantly returning back to Aus, so I wish you all the best in settling in to your new life in the City of Angels. 

Now, for your table setting, check the classifieds section on Thaivisa homepage site, maybe something for sale there.  A good information site is www.AngloINFO.com. Chutuchak weekend market has heaps of wooden settings. For something in Rattan, try the many shops on the odd numbered side of Sukhumvit Rd from Sois 23 to 63. Interesting range of teak, try Shunthai, 5th floor Centralworld and 3rd floor The Mall Bangkhae. Habitat 4th floor, Siam Discovery Centre for modern furniture, expensive but good quality. CG Furniture, modern designer furniture with Jim Thompson fabrics, they will also custom make pieces. Home Pro a bit less pricy and basic designs. MBK top floors have various furniture outlets as well.

You might be interested in contacting ANZWG - Australian and New Zealand Womens Group, and if not already familiar, Austcham Thailand business events. 

I went along to one of the Farang Women in Bangkok (Facebook) functions. Although the crowd a bit younger than me, they were a very friendly group and I was made to feel very welcome.

I have attended a couple of the Thaivisa nights, one in Bangkok and one in Changmai and met some nice members and their partners, so you and hubby should have a great time tonight.  I wont be there as I am stuck at home with the dreaded flu and dont want to spread my germs!  have fun and enjoy your stay in Thailand./quote] 

Ooops, my mistake, the function is of course is tomorrow night. Have fun and Happy New Year to all on the ladies forum.

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Gee thanks everyone , this is the first time i have used a forum , so it is great to have so many replies , i will get Robert ( my partner ) to show me how to get on a few of the sites recommended .

As to leaving my daughter behind .mmmmm this is why i say i think i am moving to Bangkok !! Cause i just don't know that i can do it ,

My daughter is about to turn 20 and Roberts daughter is 21 and they are still in our house at home ... I talk to them both a lot everyday through msn and facebook but it is nothing like being there ..... Though we can still fight on here ....

The only reason i can think about being here is that i know i can say you know what this is not for me and be on a plane home ... And if i do manage to stick it out a while and the business works i can fly the girls over for the school holidays ( my daughter is still studying and Roberts is hoping to go back this year ) and if i can fly back in between it would only be about 4 weeks in between seeing them , well that is the grand plan anyway ... Our girls have lots of family and friends around them for support but it still isn't the same as mum so we will see ..

For this to all work we need to sell some machines ( offset printing machines ) exciting stuff !!

But right now i m sitting here bored stiff again Robert sleeps in and i don't seem to be able to so i sit for hours thinking i need to meet some people so i can go out, i forget the name of the market he said to go to to get stuff for the house so cant catch a taxi anywhere who knows where i would end up ... I am so used to have lots of friends around and being totally independant it is very stange to find myself not just being able to jump in the car and visit someone or go and get what i need ... No doubt i will get used to it all in time .. We live in sukanvit now i know thats not how you spell it but figure you all know what i mean soi 16 so if you know some good markets around here i would love to know the names ...

ANyway hope i have replied properly once again thanks for all the suggestions


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Buy yourself the nancy Chandler map of Bangkok, it lists all the makrets, shopping malls & sights as well as places of geenral interest.

Do some searches through the bangkok sub forum here too, there has been loads of threads on what to do, where to go to buy XYZ etc all for BKK.

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Hi Everyone ,

I have just moved to Bangkok from Melbourne , to be with my partner. Together we have started a business here ... So i need to meet some new friends to keep my sanity ..... As i am sure most of you will understand ... I am wondering what i am doing at the moment leaving behind my kids ( 20 & 21 ) , family and friends ..

Can anyone suggest some groups for me to join to meet some other people here ....

while i am at it can anyone suggest where i can buy a nice outdoor setting and of course i NEED vegemite !!

We have booked to go to the Thai visa New Years Eve party so if you see a 41 year old blonde looking lost ,, please say hi

I look forward to meeting you

Al the best


Hi Michelle..

Was nice to hear your story and I wish you the best for the future.I often wonder if well-wishers back in Australia secret brand me a crazy lunatic for wanting to moove over here,so hearing your story is a welcome testament to the people who actually get out and have a go instead of sitting back home in Australia knocking everyone and everything that is different to their own insular world....So good on ya!

I see quite a few Aussies on here from time to time and ive got to say that we are not all the beerguzzling,womanising loudmouth middleaged slobs that some would give us credit for.

Im suprised that somone on here hasnt started a thread for aussies to meet somewhere at some stage,or maybe they have?

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Hi Michelle, I'm a misplaced Melbournite too. Gotta say one of the biggest lifesavers here for me has been Monday night NETBALL! Honestly, I hadn't played in 20 years and I was sooo sore, but it's so much fun. A great way to meet mostly Aussie women with a smattering of Kiwis and others. Not all of them snobby expats, many really normal people. I know a couple of christian missionaries play, quite a few teachers and lots of stay-at-home mums. If you're interested just let me know.

To be honest the closest thing to DJs or Myer that I found is Central Chidlom - get on the skytrain near your house and get off at the Chidlom station. It just has the same kind of layout, strikes me as quite like the Melbourne Myer store (before the fire!) and isn't too extravagently priced.

If your kids will come here for holidays there's plenty to do, and quite cheaply. Our eldest is 18 and comes over from boarding school for vacation. They won't be bored. Hope you won't be either.

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