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I Was Robbed Near Wat Yan


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Happy new year,but not for me.On 1 jan I did a bicycle tour and got a flat tyre,it was on the road from wat Yan to the main road 331(near Khao chichan).When I had finished the replacement and cleaned my hands a bit,two young men came to me on their motobike>They looked to my bicycle for a few seconds and then quickly one took me and the other held a gun on my forehead,they pushed me into the lower field and took my wallet and mobile,al the time pointing the gun to me.It was a very scary experience,it happened in the afternoon.....

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Happy new year,but not for me.On 1 jan I did a bicycle tour and got a flat tyre,it was on the road from wat Yan to the main road 331(near Khao chichan).When I had finished the replacement and cleaned my hands a bit,two young men came to me on their motobike>They looked to my bicycle for a few seconds and then quickly one took me and the other held a gun on my forehead,they pushed me into the lower field and took my wallet and mobile,al the time pointing the gun to me.It was a very scary experience,it happened in the afternoon.....

:o ..what a scum and indeed a very scary experience. I suppose you're happy to be alive.... :D

Wish you well !


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thanks,yes I`m glad I didn`t got shot,but I`m not happy because I dont feel save anymore during my cyclingtrips in the countryside.

I want to say too that I did not defend myself,I let them do their `job`,I only thought to see back my 15 months old babygirl!

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So pleased you are OK and not physically hurt. Your daughter having a father is so much more important than the contents of your wallet. Have you reported this to the police yet, it may help save someone elses life.

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some of the crazier stuff happens outside city limits. bunch of yaba junkies that want money quickly and don't

care how they get it (threatening you with the gun for example) yeah, definitely go make a report at the police

station, they're remarkable sometimes when they want to catch someone. i guess noting details of motorbike

or identifying characteristics of suspects would help. i also often don't feel comfortable travelling alone here.

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In 1982, a workmate of mine rented a motorbike and took a late afternoon drive down to the end of Jomtien beach which was a dirt road way back then. He was with his girl and they were accosted by some guys who demanded the motorbike. He refused and they shot him point blank. They didn't harm the girl but she reported it.

Random acts of violence against lone farangs in the outer areas are nothing new. There's opportunists everywhere. I would hope that you don't change your routine of quiet country bicycle rides because of this one-off incident. Just be more aware of your surroundings and maybe carry some form of protection or deterrent. These low-lifes had a gun so you did right by being non-confrontational. The next mugger may only need a knife, stick or pipe to threaten you so pepper spray or mace may be usable? Keep it in the same pocket as the cellphone or wallet? Hard to say where you draw the line and resist though when your adrenaline is up just as much as theirs. May I suggest that you enroll on some basic self-defence training? There's several martial arts schools around town.

Anyway, I hope you did report this to the police. Despite their legendary careless attitude, sometimes they do something positive and get it right and catch the bad ones.

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for every 1 they catch there's 2 more getting addicted or running out of cash and doing stupid shit to get the next score.

gotta remember, as soon as you defend yourself it's no longer a general threat, it's a fight. he'll defend himself, and if there's 2, its now 2v1.

travel in a group, stick to populated areas.

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In 1982, a workmate of mine rented a motorbike and took a late afternoon drive down to the end of Jomtien beach which was a dirt road way back then. He was with his girl and they were accosted by some guys who demanded the motorbike. He refused and they shot him point blank. They didn't harm the girl but she reported it.

Did they kill him?

To the OP - That must have been very scary. Especially in a foreign country, you're options are very limited. What are the chances of you running into these two again? I'd even have to think about reporting it to the police. Is there someone local you can talk to first? Not sure if you live in this area or not.

Edited by Shotime
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In 1982, a workmate of mine rented a motorbike and took a late afternoon drive down to the end of Jomtien beach which was a dirt road way back then. He was with his girl and they were accosted by some guys who demanded the motorbike. He refused and they shot him point blank. They didn't harm the girl but she reported it.

Did they kill him?

Yes. Point blank shot to the head. Dead. He was only 23 and on his first trip to Thailand on my recommendation (we worked together in China).

RIP Andy

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They looked to my bicycle for a few seconds and then quickly one took me and the other held a gun on my forehead,they pushed me into the lower field and took my wallet and mobile,al the time pointing the gun to me.

They saw they had the upper hand and capitalized on it. Unfortunate, but very Thai!

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thank guys for the nice reactions,yes we went to the police,the same evening to Sattahip,they told it was the territory of the Plutaluang police,they told us wa had to go to the Hua Yai station,that was the right one,luckily I have a car!

Where can I by pepperspray,pharmacy?

I surely wont stop cyling in the countryside,I do this for 30 years,2 years in Thailand,go everywhere and with mountainbike sometimes off-road,never had a problem.this road was pretty busy that day,because many people were visiting Wat Yan and turned back by this road to the main 331-road,but they took me into the lower field which is overgrown above manhight.

Yes probably yaba-yunkies,needing money quickly,the policeman said`bad boys`

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thank guys for the nice reactions,yes we went to the police,the same evening to Sattahip,they told it was the territory of the Plutaluang police,they told us wa had to go to the Hua Yai station,that was the right one,luckily I have a car!

Where can I by pepperspray,pharmacy?

I surely wont stop cyling in the countryside,I do this for 30 years,2 years in Thailand,go everywhere and with mountainbike sometimes off-road,never had a problem.this road was pretty busy that day,because many people were visiting Wat Yan and turned back by this road to the main 331-road,but they took me into the lower field which is overgrown above manhight.

Yes probably yaba-yunkies,needing money quickly,the policeman said`bad boys`

It's sold all over, but not in pharmacies.

I bought a couple of canisters in Royal Garden, from one of those carts/stands, 2nd or 3rd floor.

Apart from being a pretty potent self-defence tool against two legged dogs it is unrivalled as a pacifier of the four legged "I want to take a chunk out of your thigh"-kind.

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for every 1 they catch there's 2 more getting addicted or running out of cash and doing stupid shit to get the next score.

gotta remember, as soon as you defend yourself it's no longer a general threat, it's a fight. he'll defend himself, and if there's 2, its now 2v1.

travel in a group, stick to populated areas.

What a sad reflection on what Pattaya/Thailand has become over the past few years. I can remember times gone by when you could walk down the darkest streets in complete safety. Very sad. I was accosted on Beach Road the other afternoon by some crackhead, first problem like this I've ever experienced. Scary.

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Happy new year,but not for me.On 1 jan I did a bicycle tour and got a flat tyre,it was on the road from wat Yan to the main road 331(near Khao chichan).When I had finished the replacement and cleaned my hands a bit,two young men came to me on their motobike>They looked to my bicycle for a few seconds and then quickly one took me and the other held a gun on my forehead,they pushed me into the lower field and took my wallet and mobile,al the time pointing the gun to me.It was a very scary experience,it happened in the afternoon.....

Very scary, but glad that you are not hurt and that you can enjoy your life with your little daughter.

Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...
GEE what a bummer, I've been cycling around that area for years, and soon to retire was looking forward to even more... now ? I just dont know. anyone interested in group cycling?

Today I passed the spot with my bicycle for the second time since the attack,the surroundings look so peaceful,a relief from the hustle and bustle of Pattaya,difficult to believe it happened here.But I wont wait until I find a cycling partner to ride my bike along these nice roads,if cycling alone becomes too dangerous over here then I will move,nobody takes this pleasure away from me.

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sorry for your problem. i wouldn't recommend pepper spray against a gun, they might not be able to see but can still pull the trigger many times,not good odds for you.

i would recommend keeping the minimum in your wallet, maybe 200 baht and a simple ID, to keep them satisfied, along with a big picture of your wife and child [might get a little sympathy not to shoot. keep you important docs and larger money in you socks.

Unfortunately once they know your routine and the fact that they were successful they will likely try it again, maybe you can change your routes and times a bit. safe than sorry

Edited by Lost in LOS
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I have many years (over 40) experience in Martial Arts & Weapon & Tactics Teaching , including OC (Pepper Spray) , there is an old but true adage "Don't take a knife to a Gunfight" .

You survived because of passive resistance , that isn't always the way it goes. But it usually save lives.

So , lets say , you have a guy pull a knife on you & you whip out your spray & then his partner whips out a gun ??? NEXT ????............

Carry the least amount in your wallet & a cheap phone. I am sure your child & family would rather have you than a corpse to ID!!

Free Advice from a Professional Consultant.................up to you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with LtCol. It's been said many times but needs to be repeated: If you don't know very, very well how to defend yourself, meaning that you are very familiar with fighting, with being beaten, taking a serious hit or using weapons with high skill - then don't. Starting a fight or pulling out a weapon will most likely get you into a whole lot more trouble and put you in a very dangerous position. It takes a lot of skill to disarm or fight with an attacker, especially if that someone does not have much to lose and has been in numerous confrontations before. Risking your life is not worth your wallet, watch, bike or whatever. In the sad event that it happens, just give it to them, show no threat and be humble about it. We lose things all the time in life. Losing items and money to a robbery is nothing. Losing your life is everything. It is not right to let an attacker get away with it, but there is no shame in knowing your limits. I have been attacked many times and been in numerous fights in my life, trained martial arts and I do know how to defend myself. Still in the event of a robbery - especially here in Thailand - I would just give them what they want and not make a fuzz about it.

The only exception I would say, is in the event of a man sexually assaulting/attacking a woman. This is a different scenario where the attacker is mostly not that tough, mostly only confident because of his percieved upper hand as being a male. A very violent response with pepper spray or a weapon to such an attacker can be very successful, and many times also life saving as the attacker will otherwise only get more violent at the presence of only normal resistance. Remember that sexual assault/rape is not about sex for the attacker, it's an act of power and control. A very powerful, loud and violent response can therefore be very effective. However, if the attacker has a gun, I would not suggest this approach.

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sorry for your problem. i wouldn't recommend pepper spray against a gun, they might not be able to see but can still pull the trigger many times,not good odds for you.

i would recommend keeping the minimum in your wallet, maybe 200 baht and a simple ID, to keep them satisfied, along with a big picture of your wife and child [might get a little sympathy not to shoot. keep you important docs and larger money in you socks.

Unfortunately once they know your routine and the fact that they were successful they will likely try it again, maybe you can change your routes and times a bit. safe than sorry

Do not put Thai money in your socks. Yopu are inadvertantly defacing, insulting the king, anyone seeing you pull Thai Money from your socks has the right to report you to the police..............There is an American in Thai Prison for doing just that ........It is considered an Insult and is against the law.

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I accidentally posted in the wrong thread - my post above was intended for this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/almost-Robbed-t241063.html where there is a discussion about arming oneself to prevent robberies. I had this thread up while reading the other one, and thought that I (and LtCol) was answering in the other thread.

My deepest apologies.

janalisa: I'm very sorry to read about what happened to you and hope that you are recovering ok.

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I am glad taht you are ok.

If I was in Pattaya we could ride together.

I will retire in one year 3 and a half months time in Thailand.

well,you can mail me in juli next year,to have a ride,make you are in good shape,I know a few steep hills :o <snip>

Edited by soundman
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  • 2 weeks later...

"Anyway, I hope you did report this to the police. Despite their legendary careless attitude, sometimes they do something positive and get it right and catch the bad ones."

I gave Baht1000 to a policeman, he tooled up like a SWAT guy, and went with me to chastise a dog owner (9 dogs) which always chased me.

He did not know what I was complaining about until we got there, but he seemed ready to take on whoever and whatever .

I think he was disappointed, as his job was just manning a box at an intersection on 36.

I now have his cell number

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I can't say I've ever been threatened in Thailand, but I certainly have in the Philippines. On one occasion I had to defend myself with a knife... successfully I might add. However, you NEVER bring a knife to a gun fight and expect to come out ahead. I have had 4 acquaintances murdered in Angeles City in the Philippines and finally stopped going there.

However, there were a few things I always did in the Philippines and have carried on while here in Thailand. I carried money in separate pockets I carry a "dummy" wallet with a limited amount of cash and no credit cards. It's to give to thieves if I'm ever in a dicey situation. And, during a confrontation I keep stalling while assessing every situation thoroughly. I want to know who the perps might be and how to identify them later... If for no other reason that informing friends of the potential danger. I don't bother with Philippines police because most often they are in on the scam anyway... whatever it might be. At least in Thailand we have tourist police.

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