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Two Energy-generating Alternatives For Thailand


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>>>> Air New Zealand’s Jatropha-Powered Test Flight:

A 50-50 blend of biofuel made from the oily nut of the jatropha tree mixed with standard jet A-1 fuel powered one of the engines of an Air New Zealand Boeing 747’s two-hour test flight conducted earlier this week.

Air New Zealand announced that it expects to use biofuels in place of approximately 10% of its total fuel consumption of 9 million barrels a year by 2013. That would reduce the airline’s carbon footprint by 400,000 tons per year. Air New Zealand is the first major airline to set such a specific target. The airline announced plans to eventually power its entire fleet of jet aircraft on 100% biofuel.

The most recent test by Air New Zealand follows a test flight by Virgin Atlantic Airways using a lower concentration of biofuel made from palm oil. Jatropha is considered by many to be a preferable feedstock for producing biofuels in commercial quantities because of its high oil content of 30% to 40% and ability to grow readily on non-arable land, so that it does not compete with food crops. Jatropha is pest- and drought-resistant and could be grown in desolate areas, such as Haiti, to provide economic boost to populations unable to pursue other forms of commercial agriculture.

op's note: Thailand produces palm oil in quantity.

>>>> Converting Ocean Energy Into Electricity:

Grays Harbor Ocean Energy Company, a non-public company based in Seattle, Washington, has applied for federal preliminary permits for the development of seven off-shore sites in waters off of six states to harness energy from waves. Each of the sites will comprise approximately 100 square miles and be capable of generating 1,000 MW of power each. These sites are off the coasts of California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and New Jersey.

Grays Harbor plans to install Pelamis Wave Power’s “sea snakes” facilities on each of its offshore sites capturing wave power to generate electricity. The company claims that waves have the highest energy density of any renewable resource, and waves are more constant than wind, sunlight, or other forms of clean energy. The projects will create many construction and manufacturing jobs, and provide clean energy for approximately 2 million homes. The Renewable Energy Fund fully supports development of projects such as Grays Harbor’s to harness the power of the oceans.

excerpted from wassonandassociates.com Jan.4, '09

Does Thailand have coastlines with waves? Yes.

Instead of always being behind the curve, Thailand could find some 'outside the box' entrepreneurs to develop such ideas. There is also a wealth of opportunity for other relatively low cost alternatives to conventional (and polluting and expensive) power production. Thailand has the physical resources for such things, does it have the innovative-thinking resources, plus support (and funding) from forward-thinking organizations and gov't?


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They started wave production and river flow production of electricity several years ago in England , I have not read any news of how that has worked out , so cannot give any results , just know it is a new and alternative method . :o

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Equitech is developing commercial scale biodiesel from jatropha in Asia but it hasn't really been tested at commercial scale (viability / cost etc I mean). However its a great development fuel. Grows in marginal land and farmers can run their basic tractors off it.

Wave power - no way does Thailand have enough isolated regular tidal wave motion to develop this to commercial scale. It is being done of the southern coast of West Aus though.

Thailand- always behind the curve (democracy, safety to name a few pertinent ones). Do they even know what that means???

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