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2 Thai Girlfriends....


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I think this was a very successful relationship. And one reason for that is because they didn't lie to each other. They were upfront and honest, where most others do the same exact thing but lie and keep it from their partners.

totally agree. we have discussed on this board a couple of times the fact that it is the dishonesty inherent in plural relationships that feels like such a betrayal. if you are upfront about your terms, the woman is free to accept it or not, but she isn't made a fool of in the end. most women will understand that different people fill different missing pieces of you and that you might need to experiment a bit with dating before settling with a companion whom you are most compatible with to stay faithful to. but lying to and playing more than one girl at the same time is not likely to ever end well- it hurts everyone involved and makes you look like an ass. (this goes both ways, women need to be honest too).

Edit: is there no emoticon for stepping down from your soapbox? :o

Edited by girlx
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Bonobo you inspired me to watch 'Frida' again (have had the dvd sitting here for weeks now unwatched) and I just heard a quote that sums it all up-

Diego: "Is fidelity so important to you?"

Frida: "Loyalty is important to me".

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Bonobo you inspired me to watch 'Frida' again (have had the dvd sitting here for weeks now unwatched) and I just heard a quote that sums it all up-

Diego: "Is fidelity so important to you?"

Frida: "Loyalty is important to me".

Yes, what a great quote!

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never bring a girlfriend to your home, better go to her condo or apartment or go hotel.

Don't tell your real name,

Never go to places like restaurants, clubs, coffee shops and hotels where they know you

not even give your address. Put your mobile on discreet or silent or even better switch it off.

are you sure thats a girl friend you are talking about? :o

no name, no address, no number, no restuarants, clubs coffee shop.


maybe you misunderstood, it was not meaning don't take her out to restaurants and so on. I was meaning don't take her to places where they know you.

About mobile on discreet or switch off, was meaning that you do that when you are together with her.

And YES I was talking about having Hi-So girlfriends.

As a rule of thumb, the more Hiso the girl, the more Hiso your maintenance payments wil be to keep things running smoothly. If you think just because a Hiso Thai earns more than you that she will not be high maintenance in a proper relationship, I suspect you might not have been around them much!

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are you still living in the dark ages to ask such idiotic question.

In some Asian cultures its even so that a woman has 3 or 4 husbands under the same roof.

in some American religions sects a man has still 4 or 5 wives.

Ok! :o I just finished packing ,

Quickly ,Now ,speak at it and tell me where is this Asian country with such an amazing fulfilling culture? :D:D

you just Google a litle bit and you can start to pack :D



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well you date any thai woman,number one rule make sure she's single,otherwise you might see abullet come your way,if you've got 2 on the go then i guess 2 bullets.quite honestly i think this is a stupid question.

I worked with a guy who was dating / sleeping with his ex-girlfriend who has since gone on to marry a rich Thai guy.

The girl was damned stupid to be doing this as she married the Thai guy whilst still liking this farang friend of mine.

Anyway, after repeated and very serious warnings from me and other friends to him about the probable outcome ( i.e a bullet in the head ) he still continues to see this woman even though she's not way going to divorce her wealthy Thai husband in favour of a semi well paid farang guy.

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